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Looking for 'Denny Tai' recipe idea's

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Ahola All,

Under the Gecko "Exotica" mug thread in Collecting Tiki, Kon-Hemsby suggested:

"Without being too muck of a geek, is there a first drink we should all christen Gecko's work of art with? Or does it matter as long as there's rum involved?"

I e-mailed Gecko in hopes that he might find our what Mr. Denny's drink of choice was and be said:

"I just got off the phone with him (Denny Martin) and unfortunatly his favorite drink
is the martini w/vodka and a olive. He said he didn't drink during his
sessions. I asked him when he would play at Don the Beachcombers if he
had anythin else besides the martini and he said 'Mai tai' so, looks
like the mai tai if you go with his choice. maybe call it the Denny Mai
Tai or something and make it real good instead of a watered down cheap
version. So if I stop by or your friends come over and say they want a
Denny Tai you know the difference between a regular mai tai and the
special one. Or what ever you guys come up with is cool. Just run with what
I told you that he said to me".

So, I'm looking for some help from everyone here. I know that the question of the "Perfect" Mai Tai is as old a topic as possible, but what do you think should be the recipe for the new "Denny Tai"?

Should it be based on Don the Beachcomber's - only with more rum?

I'd love to hear everyone's suggestions.


Here's the Don the Beachcomber recipe:

Don the Beachcomber Secret Recipe for the Original Mai Tai (Circa 1932)

Source: Phoebe Beach - Don the Beachcomber, Honolulu, Hawaii

1 1/2 ounces Myer's Plantation Rum*
1 ounce Cuban Rum*
3/4 ounce fresh lime juice
1 ounce fresh grapefruit juice
1/4 ounce Flaernum
1/2 ounce Cointreau
2 dashes Angostura Bitters
1 dash Pernod shell of squeezed lime
1 cup cracked ice (size of a dime)

Shake for one minute on medium speed. Serve in double old fashion glass. Garnish with four sprigs mint. Add a spear of pineapple. Sip slowly through mint sprigs until desired effect results.

  • Recommended Rum Substitutes:
    1 1/2 ounces Appleton Estate
    1 ounce British Navy-style rum, such as Pusser's or Lamb's

Shake for one minute on medium speed.

hehe...I can only shake at one speed


That damn book has that mistake all over the place "Shake vigorously at high speed until smooth." Urgh. Editor! Editor!

Kick the Reverb...come out of hiding and give us your wisdom.
What's the twist we can add the the Mai Tai for Denny? An ingredient that begins with the letter 'D'?
Or a special 'syrup' that cannot be bought in the shops but must be made at home by


Okay all you mixologists out there... I'll start with the first ingredients for the "Denny Tai" then it's someone else's turn.

I'm startin' out big like Gecko suggested.

2 oz. Myer's Plantation Rum and the juice of one fresh lime.

Who's next?

1oz homemade passion fruit syrup



Now you're talking Feelin' Zombified. Thanks!


1/2 ounce Cointreau (to keep with the Don the Beachcomber version)


1 dash li hing powder.


Don the Beachcomber version??

Trader Vic created the Mai Tai!!

(and anyone who says he didn't is a dirty stinker!) :wink:

1/4 oz. orgeat
1/4 oz. rock candy

Doctor Z
Mix-maestro of the Castaway Lounge,
Redondo Beach, CA

[ Edited by: Doctor Z on 2004-04-20 16:59 ]


On 2004-04-20 16:57, Doctor Z wrote:
Don the Beachcomber version??

Trader Vic created the Mai Tai!!

(and anyone who says he didn't is a dirty stinker!) :wink:

Never said he didn't. We chose the Don the Beachcomber version because that's what Denny used to have when he played there.

[ Edited by: MachTiki on 2004-04-20 17:02 ]

How 'bout a salt rim....to capture the taste of the sea


On 2004-04-20 16:59, MachTiki wrote:

On 2004-04-20 16:57, Doctor Z wrote:
Don the Beachcomber version??

Trader Vic created the Mai Tai!!

(and anyone who says he didn't is a dirty stinker!) :wink:

Never said he didn't. We chose the Don the Beachcomber version because that's what Denny used to have when he played there.

No worries! I just rarely get a chance to use Vic's 'dirty stinker' quote...


It is quite the great quote isn't it?!

On 2004-04-21 01:22, Kon-Hemsby wrote:
How 'bout a salt rim....to capture the taste of the sea

Salted Mai-Tais? What will those crazy kids come up with next?

Did we ever get to a consensus on the Denny-Tai?

And what is Li-Hing powder? Am I showing my age or my geographical ignorace by asking?


"A reply to your topic has been posted."?! Hmmmmm, what topic, I think?

Ooooh, the "Denny Tai" thread from 2 years ago. Hahahahahaha

We really do need a final consensus on the Denny-Tai don't we?!

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