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!!!!!!!Bay Are Home Bar Tour #3: September 21!!!!!!!!!

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Here is the new thread for my party. I hope folks can make it. It's called #3 now as TikiDaddy/aquarj's party is now #2 chronologically. The tour is growing!

***Added bonus: I'm planning on having a "mini-auction" at the party with a few vintage goodies. Imagine the exictement of live bidding, and no competition from ebay! So bring a few extra bucks, and let me know if there's anything folks would like to add to this.

From the previous post:

This is a tradition that I really want to see get off the ground. Everyone on this list in the Bay Area and anyone who will be here (or is willing to drive!) is cordially invited. Please post to this thread if you will be joining us. I'll be happy if it's 10 people for relaxed cocktails, or if it's 30 people for a full-on hukilau. (Though my little apartment can't hold much more than that!) We'll have snacks and there's plenty of great restaurants in our neighborhood for dinner. (I'll post a list later). So come and join the fun! I also want to use CafePress to make tour shirts at the end of the home bar tour for our members to wear with pride.

Saturday, September 21 at 8:00 PM

Martin & Rebecca's Tiki Bar ("The Foggy Grotto")
447 Seventh Avenue, Apt. 2 (between Geary and Anza)
San Francisco
H: 415-387-0145


Groovy! I'll be there, and will bring some rum to appease the libation god!! And maybe a thing or two to add to the auction....


Sweet! Count me in, possibly +1 (is that ok??) What can I bring??


barring any unforseen circumstances, I am there!
look forward to it!
Can you make it to mine on the 24th?
I will be posting more details...


Right on! Keep those RSVPs coming!

Mel: Of course you can bring someone, as long as they are tiki-inclined!
As to what to bring, rum is always good, or bring some snacks. And thanks!

Daddy: Glad you can make it. Sorry I won't be able to be at yours, but I will be at the Hala Kahiki and will raise a glass to your luau. Seeing where you live, are you calling your party FleaTiki? You've gotta incorporate fleas somehow!


Seeing where you live, are you calling your party FleaTiki? You've gotta incorporate fleas somehow!
you may be onto something...

your post made me laugh since most people dont pick up on that.
quick translation for our non-bilingual friends:
'alameda de las pulgas' is spanish for "avenue of the fleas"


Martin, count in me and Naomi for the 21st. Please remind us again that week or something, and let us know if we should bring anything (bongo board? Kon-tiki board game? booze?).

Wow, that's great. My girlfriend & I will be in town on the 21st & would love to come over & check out the foggy grotto, if that's ok. Should we bring anything?

Hey, Martin! Would love to try to make it. Our flight back from Kauai lands at 9:15 that night! I'm guessing we'll have to wait and see how we feel, though I can't imagine a more fitting end to an Island trip.


Unfortunately, I can't make it because I'll be in Portland that weekend. I couldn't go to Portland the week after because of Teaseorama and I have other engagements the week before.


Hmm...Geary Blvd, eh? Well that is not much of a trek for me. Going to Boston right after this, hence my Tiki mug auction (need the travel cash!), but I will do my best to get to this event.

I will peruse the "events" section now...seing my inattention to this section made caused me to miss the BBTD event.

An "auction" too..ohh, sounds pretty good!



Robert and I have just returned to SF from our year of exile in northern Europe. We embraced all things Tiki during the cold Dutch winter and tropical cocktails (and central heating) were the only things that sustained us. We don't know anyone in your group other than Otto, but we would love to attend your party and meet everyone, if you'll have us. We're hoping to reciprocate with a Halloween pre-Castro walk cocktail party. We'll keep you posted.



OK, gang: the countdown is on! This Saturday, all of your dreams will come true as you're transported to an island paradise where scantily clad waiters/waitresses pour exotic tropical drinks down your throats. Marvel at the 30 foot tikis bellowing smoke and fire as a working volcano sends molten lava hundreds of feet in the air. The warm breezes of the Pacific will wash over you as special musical guest Martin Denny, flown in from Hawaii, entertains you with his band and their exotic birdcalls, broadcast in quadraphonic sound.

Or...it will just be me and the wife in or tiny little apartment in the Richmond District pouring drinks from our modest tiki bar. And nobody wants to see me scantily-clad. The breezes off the Pacific will likely be damp and bone-chilling, BUT Martin Denny will be...on the CD player. :)

We're really looking forward to everyone coming! For those of you who haven't replied yet, I hope you can make it. We're going to have a great time with good people and good drinks, and I think the little auction thing will be fun. If anyone has anything they'd like to auction off to fellow centralites, please bring it by- you can set the opening price, or even a reserve if you really want, and there is NO COMMISSION from your hosts.

As for food, we're suggesting that folks go out for dinner first, as we plan to serve only snacks and munchies. We'll be making rum balls, and probably putting out chips/nuts, so if anyone would like to bring anything else, that's great (Randy/Naomi: Those salmon stuffed tomatoes sure looked good. hint. hint. :)) Otherwise, we always appreciate that stuff...made from sugar cane...in the carribean...about 80 proof...oh, what's it called? :) Or anything else.

Our neighborhood has loads of great restaurants, so why not come to our neck of the woods early and enjoy dinner out?

Clement street between Arguello and Park Presidio is full of great Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, Burmese, and is an easy walk. We also like:

Thai Time on 8th Ave near Clement
Bella Italian (not Bella Pizza) at 3rd or 4th and Geary.
Nagano Sushi at Geary and Arguello
Brother's Korean Barbeque at 6th and Geary

A little futher out, (across from Trad'r Sam's in fact) are Khan Toke Thai house, which is incredibly decorated inside like a Thai Palace (so dark...it's almost Tiki) and Tommy's Mexican next door is pretty good as well, with great margaritas, but you'll get plenty of fresh lime juice at our place. Ask me for others if there's something else you're looking for.

Any other questions? Let me know....

Post here, or:

[email protected]
H: 415-387-0145
C; 415-999-7929

See you there!


mig posted on Fri, Sep 20, 2002 12:04 PM

I do believe that miss Frenchy and I will be there!!! Although ixnay on the othersbray estaurantray... I did not have a pleasant experience there before. :)



Right on Mig!

Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!

For everyone who has not yet replied, fer god's sake, it's free drinks! Come on down!



mrs smiley and I will try our best to be there!! (too much stuff going on that weekend for us)

Big thanks to the Martikis for a great party on Saturday! What a fine tiki social. The cocktails were A-#1, the mini-auction/swapmeet, was brilliant, the decor was fab, and all the folks were in the mood(Pictures of Mr. Smiley's special dance are forthcoming!). I'm glad I was in town in order to partake in the fun.

-Weird Uncle Tiki

I missed this gig!
The oldest(but MOST annoying) excuse in the book:
I ran my damn car dry while hunting all day in the San Mateo citywide garage sale & never even friggin noticed!
On 280 near woodside rd, no less....SEVERAL MILES from a phone!

Even after hiking miles down the hill to find a payphone, I realized I didnt have any $ on me for a phone call. I tried to call my buddy collect but he had a block on collect calls!
(what the hell? he must have a relative in jail?)
I had to "bum" some change from a reluctant/dubious bystander to make a call.
By the time I got a hold of my friend & he turned up with a gas can AND took me to my car to fill it up....AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!

It was well after midnite by the time I got home to find a note on my door, from Mig, telling me to "get your ass over to Martin's you punkass!".
I was really tired & annoyed at this point, but that note actually made me laugh my ass off, shedding a little humor on an otherwise shitty evening!
(I love ya mig! You're a good egg!)
Anyway, sorry I missed the fun.
end of pathetic story


On 2002-08-14 10:12, bigbadtikidaddy wrote:
barring any unforseen circumstances, I am there!

BBTD: Check out your original post! Pretty damn unforseen, eh? That's crappy! Very sorry to hear why you couldn't make it. We'll catch you next time.

Thanks to everyone who came for making it a great night. It did have this cocktail party meets bazaar quality with all of Bruce's clothes hanging in my hallway and Judd's necklaces for sale in the living room. The auction worked out well, with some little goodies trading hands at low low prices. Ebay be damned!

We've got to get some pictures online, so as soon as we're developed and scanned, you'll see them here. Bruce's Special Dance makes it all worthwhile.

Gotta give a shout out to: Mike, Bruce, Enid, Mig, Cathy, Heather, Craig, Randy, Naomi, Judd & Cindy (I am so going to see Vic in Oakland).

TikiMel, Rich, DrPhonic, Midnite, Robert, Kelly: You were all missed. Where were you guys?! :)


martiki6 wrote:

I can e-mail my pictures from that evening to anyone willing to host them. I'll throw in a photo of Trader Vic's grave, too.


Yes, it was an excellent party! Top notch drinks mixed by Martiki in the very impressive Foggy Grotto!! Mahalo to you both!I hope to have a few pics up Thursday night after I get my camera back...

Cindy, if you want me to host some pics just email them to me, my ISP is switching my web site and email over to a new server and hopefully they'll be done tomorrow sometime. Try emailing them and they should get through to me sooner or later.

tikihula wrote:

Hay Martin, Gretchen and I really wanted to make it, and we would have if we weren't on the Airporter! I printed out directions and brought them along, not realizing that I would not be in my own car on the drive home from the airport. D'oh! Island paralysis strikes again!

Glad you all had fun and truly sorry we missed it.

BBTD: Check out your original post! Pretty damn unforseen, eh?


On 2002-08-14 10:12, bigbadtikidaddy wrote:
barring any unforseen circumstances, I am there!

And my excuse is pretty lame, but not totally unforeseen. Hal 9000 got me again, crashing on friday evening, go it to work again sunday afternoon. Without my emails I had very little idea where the party was, and calling up 411 and asking for "martiki" was not in the cards.


I was looking forward to meeting a bunch of you, and the little auction. It was a frustrating weekend.




BBTD: Man, that statue sounds a hell of a lot like the one that pestered those Brady kids. Have you seen any spiders, anything fall off a wall? For god's sake, don't surf! When you look at it, can you a faint and ominous musical "Doodlie-Doo!" in the background? Get that thing back to Vincent Price ASAP!

Midnite: Sorry you missed the shindig! HAL sounds like evil as well. You probably shouldn't surf either.

If I hadn't seen you in the flesh, I'd be suspecting that you were in the evil mountain lair with Hanford!



Hiya Martin,
Yep..still fuming about this lousy two year old, $2k pc, that has a bug somewhere which causes me much frustration. Kept thinking I could get it booted up before the party, but Noooooo! Should have just went downtown to my office and got your address there.

I even had a mug or two ready to go for the auction.


I'd have a reciprocal party here to make up for my absence, but I would have to limit it to 3 guests. beynd that...people are standing in the hallway.



We are very sorry to have missed it, but sometimes the princess dictates our journeys.. Hopefully the next one!


Here's a few pics from the party. There were a few group pics taken, but not with my camera, so someone please post one when you get your film back!

Martin & Rebecca's Foggy Grotto...with a lot more light than usual :)

The host of the party modeling the latest in awesome aloha shirts!

MrSmiley doing his "special dance" :lol:

The Tiki Volcano Bowl a-fire -excellent Scorpion libation!

Mahalo again!

mahalo and 135 to you all!

[ Edited by: TikiHula on 2002-09-26 21:35 ]


Running with the usual 2-3 week lag time, here are some photos from Martin and Rebecca's place! Sorry about the occasional blur - "natural" light is always nicer than a flash.

Heather, Martin, Mig, Cathy, Enid, Bruce, Rebecca, Mike, Judd, Craig, Cindy, Randy

Naomi and I were enamored with this Seagrams light

The hosts

Thanks Martin and Rebecca!


Thanks for the great pix Randy! You're right about the lighting- I gotta get me a digital camera. We've just got ours back and will hopefully be able to scan them this weekend.

Also got back some ALnShely pix, Bash, & Disney. Some great stuff in there.

Can I post my picture of Atomic tossing Ben around or are things still..."sensitive"?


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