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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki

Let's kill the machine!

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Okay. American Idol is awful. Don't you hate every girl that got Kelly's streaked hair? It's absolutely the wrong direction. I know most everyone on this board feels the same way. We need the attention, not the teens and pre-teens. That's the point of this forum. Adult fun.

So I call you all to join me in f$%^ing up the system! So far it's happened already. American Idol John what's his name is the worst, but keeps staying. He is a crooner, which makes it better. But regardless, we must vote for the WORST POSSIBLE CANDIDATE! The vote is in our hands. We can subvert the system! C'mon people! Now is our chance to show our power! I just voted for the dude like 40 times. Next week, I expext all of you to vote for him and make him the winner! Send this to all your friends! Let's start a movement. We have the nations attention! We can make it our issue!

Well now, Swanky, this implies that we would have to actually WATCH the show.


I have been boycotting as my way of screwing up their system.

On 2004-04-28 09:48, Formikahini wrote:
Well now, Swanky, this implies that we would have to actually WATCH the show.


I choose to be happily ignorant of the show myself - not ever having watched it.



If you watch the last couple of minutes you get the right number. They are all the same except the last 2 digits. I can, and will, post it, but it's only good for one hour.

Power to the people!

*On 2004-04-28 09:48, Formikahini wrote:*Well now, Swanky, this implies that we would have to actually WATCH the show. shudder

But how can a Tikiphile not watch a show with "idol" in the title?

Swanky, last year some computer users wrote a "war dialer" that programmed a computer modem to just call the number over and over. They estimated that is did 15000 votes, but in the end it was still statistically insignificant compared to the total number of votes and the differences between them. So I don't think Tiki Central has a chance in changing the results at all, esp not just for an hour. With millions of people voting, I just don't think it could happen.


You are right Hanford, that's why we must all get everyone we know on board with this! We out number the actual fans. Plus, as you point out, we are technically crafty and if we all used our modems to do this, it would make a difference.

Fight the power!

*On 2004-04-28 14:43, hanford_lemoore wrote:*So I don't think Tiki Central has a chance in changing the results at all, esp not just for an hour. With millions of people voting, I just don't think it could happen.
But we sure did a helluva job on Tiki Punch :wink:

On 2004-04-28 15:18, Formikahini wrote:

But we sure did a helluva job on Tiki Punch :wink:

Ya, I bet we could kick they’re ass in a drinking contest.
Who’s with me?!

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