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Dollar Tree Tiks!!!!!!

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thanks alot for the info on the dollar tree tikis, i live in the ft lauderdale area and my local store had all 8 avalible. great buy for a buck, ya can't beat that with a stick!

Tiki-Kate posted on 03/27/2004

Thanks for the heads up on this one, Rustbeltcat. I never knew that Dollar Tree existed, let alone that there were three within a thirty mile radius of my house. Unfortunately, only one store in my area had them, and I only got 6 out of the 8. Hence, my tiki quest continues. It'll be a good excuse to pop over to Palm Springs this weekend.

Kenike posted on 03/27/2004

So I was back in Dollar Tree YET AGAIN to even out my collection(s) when I dropped one of these guys and broke his head off. These definitely need to be handled with CARE.

ikitnrev posted on 03/27/2004

I returned to my local Dollar Tree store, and found a few more exotic themed accesories (sconces, candle holders, picture frames) that will help me in displaying my tiki items - perhaps these items might help some of you too.

  1. Sconces - $1 These are probably meant to hold candles, but this was just what I was looking for to display my Squid tiki mug from the first Hukilau on the wall. Although constructed of plastic, it does have a nice rattan look. I will have to do further taping/securing to make sure nothing falls and breaks

They also had some plastic sconces which had a variety of palm tree patterns on them. I used these to display my Dollar store tikis.

And finally, they had some candle holders, which were just what I needed to raise some tiki mugs a few inches for display purposes. These had the rattan look to them also.

I'm starting to feel like a Dollar Tree Tiki Martha Stewart!!



thanks for the tips on that cool 1$ stuff tikivern. my store didn't have the nice palm sconces, but i'll keep looking...

Biotron2000 posted on 03/27/2004

I found two of them here in Bakersfield yesterday. I asked if they had more anywhere, and was told all the tropical items are their promotion for April. She said they will be getting more in.
Hopefully, Dollar Tree will see the huge demand and really stock up on them. I'll take as many as I can!

TikiBud posted on 03/28/2004

Scored 6 of these guys at an Atlanta area Doller Tree today.

TikiGardener posted on 03/28/2004

Crap! I can't find any! The Dollar tree that I went to said they didn't get the Tikis, AND weren't expecting to get them...

Somebody got some extras?


Kenike posted on 03/28/2004

Somebody got some extras?

I'll trade you the complete set (8 tikis) for a mug or something. Let me know if you're interested.

[ Edited by: Juno on 2004-03-27 22:33 ]

Unkle John posted on 03/28/2004

juno, I don't need to be bribed with... hmm

btw I scored all 8 of this little guys today.. check the tiki finds thread for my other finds.

TikiGardener posted on 03/28/2004

On 2004-03-27 22:32, Juno wrote:

Somebody got some extras?

I'll trade you the complete set (8 tikis) for a mug or something. Let me know if you're interested.

[ Edited by: Juno on 2004-03-27 22:33 ]

Sounds like a deal. Depending on how big your mug collection is, I might have something in duplicate.

Pm me with a mugs want list.


Formikahini posted on 03/29/2004

Ha! And again, as with the Marshall's decanters, I was too fast on the draw: NOW my Dollar Tree has in the tikis! Got 'em all (that is, one of each). Not a whole heckuva lot there, though. Hurry up, Kilikopela! It's in the River Oaks Shopping Center (where TJ Maxx is).

No sconces, but they had the candle holder/tiki stands - great idea, ikitnrev Stewart! It's a good thing!

Feelin Zombified posted on 03/29/2004

I finally got mine today. It was my 2nd attempt at buying them because when I went 2 days ago, I didn't realize the place is cash/check only. Well, as luck would have it, I got 'em home and as I was placing them on their shelf, one fell and broke in half. Guess what, they're hollow! For some reason, the Brady Bunch Tiki is coming to mind... with as much trouble as I'm having, I'm not sure I was meant to own these.


Cultjam posted on 03/29/2004

The stores are called Greenbacks in Phoenix. Bought my tikis today at the South Phoenix store, but haven't found the sconces yet. Great find!

velveteenlounge posted on 03/31/2004

Dollar Tree is fabulous! I discovered the tikis there last night, then searched here today to discover that others had as well. A couple of years ago I found a bunch of little plush Creatures from the Black Lagoon, from the Universal Monsters collection and bought all they had. Dollar Tree turns up some good stuff on a regular basis...

Kenike posted on 03/31/2004
ErichTroudt posted on 03/31/2004

I like the $6.50 shipping charge. They weigh nothing......are they shipping rocks with it?


Sneakytiki posted on 03/31/2004

Thank you Rustbeltcat,
I've purchased about 50 tikis along with tropical decor at the local Greenbacks and Dollartree stores over the last week.
The next luau should be a door prize affair now.

TikiBud posted on 04/01/2004

The Dollar Tree here in Hiram also has the Shasta Tiki Punch. Also, I found the last two tiki's, so I was able to get all eight.

hazmania posted on 04/01/2004

I found an untapped cahe of these at the Dollar Tree in my neck of the woods - bought 30 but they only had seven designs. Future party favors in scenic North Dallas

SilverLine posted on 04/01/2004

Their uses are seemingly endless! I velcro-ed one to my dashboard. Now he can be traded out with my hula girl whenever I want. Hope he doesn't melt in the summer sun!

TikiGardener posted on 04/01/2004

I just got my set from Juno. These guys a pleasantly bigger than I expected! And all survived their journey.
I just have to wonder how much the Chinese pay their workers to make them available to Americans for a buck each.

Juno, yer Mmugs goin out tomorrow!

Thanks again!

I wish I could find a coupla stragglers, but all of the LA area stores I've hit have been cleaned out.

But they did have all sortsa bathroom accessories. Shame I don't have a tiki room with its own bathroom....


tikigreg posted on 04/01/2004

On 2004-03-31 12:46, Juno wrote:

Whoever buys this is gonna be PISSED!


If you think THEY'LL be pissed, what would this bidder be if they found out what the tikis retail for:


Kenike posted on 04/02/2004


Whoever buys this is gonna be PISSED!

I see they removed "wood" from the description. A TC'er probably got to him.

[ Edited by: Juno on 2004-04-01 16:36 ]

[ Edited by: Juno on 2004-04-01 16:36 ]

rustbeltcat posted on 04/02/2004

DAMN 31 bucks for all eight!!! "Its a deal its a steal!! To late to late they'll say when the man with the bargins passes you by!"
GOD i shoulda kept my yap shut and just hoarded them all and sold them for that as a set!
Poor guy got screwed and didnt even get a kiss....

naugatiki posted on 04/02/2004

They remind me of a few years back when Jack Daniels had a X-mas gift set with 2 globe shot glasses and a bottle of hootch that went for $10 but on ebay I got $15 for the glasses so it was like getting paid to drink. I had trouble keeping up with the demand, heh heh.

Kenike posted on 04/02/2004

I have one complete set of these left plus duplicates of a few of them. Anyone interested in a trade for a mug?


ikitnrev posted on 04/03/2004

I posted recently with some pictures of some of the sconces with the palm tree designs, on which I had displayed my dollar tikis.

Those sconces/shelves are right next to my main front door. This morning, when leaving for work, I closed the door, and heard something falling onto the floor inside. I opened the door again, to discover that one of the sconces had suffered a malfunction. The back wall metal mounting device had separated from the main plastic body, and everything fell to the floor.

Fortunately, nothing broke. It turned out the scres used to connect the mounting device to the scone were only about 1/8 inch long.

The end moral is, do not display anything of value on these cheap $1 scones without reinforcement nmaterial. I will be taking my Hukilau mug down until I can find a more reliable means to display it.

Dollar Tree items may appear to look good at first, but don't expect much structural integrity - especially for $1.


docwoods posted on 04/03/2004

Well,I was picking up my copy of "The Book of Tiki",which I had ordered about ten days ago.I decided to try the Dollar Tree in Naperville,IL AGAIN,just to see if they had any yet.Big time score!!! Got all eight-must have been the book that led me to go there today...

Bwana Tiki posted on 04/04/2004

aw man,
A day late and a dollar short. I went out today and hit a bunch of DT stores and found el zippo nada nix zilch. I'm super bummed. anyone got an excess of the little buggers? I'm jonesing for 'em pretty bad, and will pay all, costs, shipping, profits, whatever. oh man, I'm hurting here. crumb.

Exoticat posted on 04/09/2004

Bwana...I'm not really following you around tonight, it just feels that way. :wink:

I, too, went to the Dollar Tree two days ago (I was a virgin to that store) and they DID have them, but they were ALL GONE. I feel your pain. I was going to pick some up for a friend as well, but that plan got 86'd.

Iolani posted on 04/09/2004

A word of caution about these little guys: they break really easily (cue Brady Bunch music). Had a tiki in my office. It fell off my desk and onto carpet and now he's disabled.

ikittiki posted on 04/09/2004

Anyone scored anymore tikis at the DT stores? I wonder if they had more shipped after the first shippment sold out so quickly. I have checked some stores with no luck.

Tiki Chris posted on 04/09/2004

i'll try to get to my local dt this wkend to see if any are left.

docwoods posted on 04/09/2004

Well,they're on ebay-someone is selling them for a starting bid of $4.50 AND charging $4.50 for shipping.Hmmmm-two words-kar-ma

Kenike posted on 04/10/2004

Hmmmm-two words-kar-ma

Some of these have been going for ridiculous prices on Ebay....BUT not everyone has a Dollar Tree in their neighborhood. Plenty of people want these and will pay a few extra bucks to get them.

Once again I will put my offer out there....I have an extra set of these (all eight) that I'm willing to trade for a mug. TikiGardener and I did a trade recently...he got the tiki's and I got a mug I've wanted for a while. Send me an PM if interested.


[ Edited by: Juno on 2004-04-09 18:31 ]

[ Edited by: Juno on 2004-04-09 19:05 ]

TikiGardener posted on 04/10/2004

Juno shipped fast, and packed them well. Not a broken one amongst these delicate treasures.

I'd dig a second set, but instead I'll vouch for Juno, and say if you need them, don't pay top dollar on ebay, instead do a trade with Juno. You'll be very happy.

Tiki Chris posted on 04/19/2004

there were still about 2 full sets at my local dollar tree. let me know if you want 'em.

can't promise they'll still be there, but i'll look.

Bwana Tiki posted on 04/20/2004

Tiki Chris...
aw man I want some.
help a Bwana out bra.

Tiki Chris posted on 04/20/2004

On 2004-04-19 19:32, Bwana Tiki wrote:
Tiki Chris...
aw man I want some.
help a Bwana out bra.

i should be able to get out there this afternoon or tomorrow.

Chongolio posted on 04/20/2004

Yeah, without even trying I got six of these buggahs. Chongolia's mother sent them out to me from Florida. My favorites being the ones with the little buddies hangin out with the big buddies. Very humorous!
The roundheaded one is kinda wierd but still pretty cool for a buck.
Now I have to get all eight. The two I am mising are the three amigos and Ku( first and sixth ones going left to right)

We have a dollar tree close by I will have to check it out today. If they are out of them anybody still have the two I am missing and wanting to trade/sell?

Triolgy of Terror scared the crap out of me when I was younger. Karen Black's name still runs a chill down my spine. She was in another horror movie called "Burnt Offerings" that made me have to sleep with a light on through junior high.

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... Mark Twain

Come explore http://www.lost-isle.com

[ Edited by: Chongolio on 2004-04-20 09:28 ]

Tiki Chris posted on 04/20/2004

bwana & chongo -

check yr pms.

vegastikidude posted on 04/21/2004

I know you guys are really pumped about the Tiki Figures at Dollar Tree. I too, have picked up a few of them. Here's an interesting item my fiancee picked up during her latest trip there. A very nicely detailed palm tree, ceramic mug. Neat, eh?

Trader Woody posted on 04/21/2004

Hey Tiki Chris,

If you happen to be passing a Dollar Tree, I wouldn't mind some of these little chaps myself. I realise you've just gone to get some for the others, so don't go out of your way on my behalf.

Trader Woody

Tiki Chris posted on 04/21/2004

check yr pms.

Trader Woody posted on 04/22/2004

Cheers TC.

Trader Woody

Sneakytiki posted on 04/28/2004

I picked up about 50 of those Dollar Tree tikis and was disappointed to find whitish/grey splotches on the brown faux-wood paint. I had thought these were areas the paint hadn't adhered to but when I ran a damp washcloth over these spots they came right off and browned up nicely. I hope this info. is of use to somebody. TIKI TIKI TIKI!!

[ Edited by: sneakytiki on 2004-04-28 23:27 ]

Cultjam posted on 04/28/2004

Cool, I hadn't tried for fear they would disintegrate.

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