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the jab in LA/OC 4/30-5/2

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thejab posted on 04/28/2004

I'm driving down on Friday after work with my friend Karen. Hopefully I can catch the Fisherman at Lava Lounge Friday night. I'm staying at the Miyako Inn in Little Tokyo. I don't have a cel phone because I think it's still 1959 (wait, what's this weird typewriter machine thing I'm using?).

My Saturday plan is to drive down to the Parasol coffee shop in Seal Beach for lunch (an endangered googie landmark), go to Sam's for a quick drink (I know they're open for lunch, but is the bar open in the day?), stop at some vintage clothing stores in Long Beach on the way to Java Lanes (still open I hope). Afterwards drive back to the hotel to change, cab it to the Tiki Ti by 6 or 7, eat nearby, go to Club-au-go-go in Silver Lake for the Morlocks reunion show, and maybe get up to Futura Girl's soiree in the wee hours.

Sunday I'm taking the Charles Phoenix bus tour of downtown LA from 12-6, and driving home after.

If anyone wants to meet me at the Lava Lounge or Sam's or Java Lanes or the Tiki Ti I would love to see any of you! Even tikibong!

I sure hope the weather cools off! It's pretty hot up here now (90 degrees).

tikidrummer posted on 04/28/2004

Glad to see you'll be out at The Lava Lounge to see us play! Be sure to say hi! It should be a really fun night; hopefully we'll have some surprise guests!!! See ya' in a few days... Hey, arn't ya' coming to Oasis????

The Fisherman's Vibraphonic Trio

Tiki_Bong posted on 04/28/2004


I got a family gig in Anaheim I gotta leave to at 3:30 Saturday, but give me a call at home; I'll PM you my home phone (or just get it off the stall at the 76 Station.

WAIT! I see I can't PM you. Ask Bamboo Ben or AlnShelly for my home phone #

"I'm ashamed to be here, but not too ashamed to leave..."

Celebrate 'International Tiki Day' the second Saturday in August - hau'oli la tiki!

[ Edited by: Tiki_Bong on 2004-04-28 13:46 ]

Iuka Grogg posted on 04/28/2004

Aloha, TheJab!

Friday, we're playing Tiki Taix(late show only a few miles down Sunset from Lava Lounge after a stunning Fisherman set), but perhaps we can meet up at Tiki Ti Saturday. Give me a ring or an e-mail as I'd like to meet up while you're in town. See you soon!


thejab posted on 04/28/2004

Bong - It looks like Sam's at around 2 on Saturday afternoon is a good bet for a drink - the bar is open then?

Grogg - What time do you play at Taix? I may be able to catch it after the Fishermen show. And I'll be at the Tiki Ti on Sat. starting about 6-7.

Iuka Grogg posted on 04/28/2004

On 2004-04-28 14:45, thejab wrote:
Grogg - What time do you play at Taix? I may be able to catch it after the Fishermen show. And I'll be at the Tiki Ti on Sat. starting about 6-7.

Right around 11:00ish. That would certainly make for an action packed night for TheJab!

thejab posted on 04/28/2004

On 2004-04-28 15:18, Iuka Grogg wrote:

On 2004-04-28 14:45, thejab wrote:
Grogg - What time do you play at Taix? I may be able to catch it after the Fishermen show. And I'll be at the Tiki Ti on Sat. starting about 6-7.

Right around 11:00ish. That would certainly make for an action packed night for TheJab!

I may not be able to make it by then. Perhaps I'll stop by later anyway. Wish I had time to go to Dal Rae for dinner on Saturday. Next trip for sure!

Humuhumu posted on 04/28/2004

Glad to hear that Tiki Taix is late enough that I can hit that and still catch some of Fisherman at the Lava Lounge.

Jab -- do you think you might try to come over to Tiki Taix Friday night? How are we going to coordinate a ride for you to Futura Girl's party if you don't have a cell phone??? Will you have a friend with a cell phone so at least you can call me? Let me know.

thejab posted on 05/04/2004

The whole weekend I was about 2 hours behind schedule so I missed the Fisherman, Tiki Taix, and Futura Girl's party. But I especially feel bad that I missed meeting up with many of my TC friends.

I still had a blast. I'll be back probably in June when there is less going on and I'll plan a little more in advance.

Got a late start on Friday

Pulled into Hollywood after midnight. I figured I missed the Fisherman and the Mai Kai Gents so we went to Crane's for the Club-au-go-go pre-party and saw many old friends from San Diego mod days. Slept 5 hours and went to Langer's for pastrami on rye with russian drwssing and cole slaw. Yum!

Took TikiBong up on his invite and had a delicious Mai Tai at his lovely home and tiki garage - my first visit to a tiki garage! Thank you Bong for the Aloha hospitality.

Visited Java Lanes and the Parasol Restaurant.

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The bowling alley near the Parasol may be endangered as well, as they plan to redo the whole shopping center.
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I got back at 6 and was hungry so we ate in Little Tokyo
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I finally made it to the Tiki Ti at 9 on Saturday. After a Space Pilot and 2 Painkillers (my new favorite!) I was feeling fine, so I cabbed it over to Cafe-au-go-go to see the Now Image Missing: http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b4db22b3127ccebda79f7ed0d10000001610

and the Morlocks
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I figured I should get some sleep because Sunday we had to get up at 10, check out of the hotel, and meet at Union Station for the Charles Phoenix Disneyland Downtown Bus Tour! Humu, that's why I failed to call you about the party. It looks like it was great time and I regret missing it, but getting no sleep, taking a 6-hour bus tour, and spending 5 hours driving back home just didn't seem like a very good idea. You all looked so sharp at the party!

The tour was remarkable, even in the 90-degree heat of day. Some highlights:

The old Fred Harvey Restaurant at Union Station was opened for us. Union Station was the start, as the train station is at the entrance to Disneyland.
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The North patio at Union Station
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Me, Karen, and new friend Jozanna, whom we met on the tour
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We had lunch at AMAZING Clifton's (Adventureland)
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The remains of a Dutch Chocolate Company, now housing vendors of Spongebob beach towels and glowing Jesus pictures
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We cooled off at the incredible Bob Baker Marionette Theater (Fantasyland)
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And finally, Tomorrowland!
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Goodbye Los Angeles, I love you! Until next time.
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[ Edited by: thejab on 2004-05-03 17:39 ]

Tiki_Bong posted on 05/04/2004


Great pictures of Union Station.

(I want to die there... or be killed there. I haven't decided which yet.)

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freddiefreelance posted on 05/04/2004

They opened Clifton's for you?! Cool! Do you have more pictures of Clifton's?

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Unga Bunga posted on 05/04/2004

Great photod Jab!
Let me guess, it was the line at In-n-Out burger that made you late. But a double-double does come first.

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weirduncletiki posted on 05/04/2004

Wow, what a fine trip (as always) you had. I hung at Tiki Ti 'til about twenty to nine and then headed over to Club Au-Go-Go to say hey to The Now and catch their super-charged sound check. Seems like I missed you by mere minutes at both places. Y'all come back soon, y'hear!


thejab posted on 05/04/2004

Shoot! I'm sorry I missed you weirdunkletiki. It was my fault for not sticking to my plan of being at the Tiki Ti by 7.

I'm getting a cel phone before my next visit, I promise!

I saw Shane playing in The Now but he left before I got a chance to say Hi. Please say Hello from me if you see him again soon.

freddiefreelance: As far as I know Clifton's Cafeteria is open for business every day. The tropical Clifton's Pacific Shores was torn down in 1960 but there are many pictures of it on the walls along the stairway to the bathroom at Clifton's.

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freddiefreelance posted on 05/04/2004

Jab, maybe they reopened it since I left LA, or was temporarily closed, but it was shuttered the last time I went by. Admittedly that was about 10 years ago & there'd been an earthquake recently... I thought the Greenery was the last Clifton's left.

Humuhumu posted on 05/04/2004

FABULOUS pictures, Jab! I have GOT to make it to Clifton's. Sorry it didn't work out for Futura Girl's party, but it looks like that tour was also a not-to-be-missed event. Oh well, you can't do everything!

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