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Invite to get you're ass

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I'm one of the artist from Kreepytiki.com Just wanted to have a bit of the fun. Want to invite you guys from tiki central to get your ass Jinkx Proof. Come and see our totally original art and get some magic in your tiki pants. Also you may add your URL or send us your pics. Sign guest book, show us where you are from & add your post. If you own a site let me know. We do the banner thing.

Hope to see you there.



[ Edited by: pentaclegoddess on 2002-09-19 06:31 ]


for over a week i've gone to your site to view the mugs. it allows me to click on the word 'mug' but nothing ever appears...anyone else?

On 2002-09-19 09:12, luau63 wrote:
for over a week i've gone to your site to view the mugs. it allows me to click on the word 'mug' but nothing ever appears...anyone else?

well, apparently "you're ass" just isn't worth "jinx proofing"! perhaps you don't have enough magic in your "tiki pants".

[ Edited by: Tiki Chris on 2002-09-19 09:40 ]

That is one of the worst sites I've seen in a while....

The post was a good example as to why you should never try to talk 'street jive talk' in a language other than your own - it just doesn't come off well.

A thing of tiki is a joy forever

[ Edited by: Tiki_Bong on 2002-09-19 10:41 ]

Talking about a bunch of mean people. To start with the kreepytiki site is constantly been updated.

Tiki Chris: The Kreepytiki mugs are or not posted yet. I'm sorry that it has taken longer that we had plan to. But, they will be up soon.

Los Angeles: Its funny you say that. We have never had any problems with any of our visitors and repeated customers. So tell me why its "the worst sites I've seen in a while".

Huntington: I was not trying to talk 'street jive'!! What! you didn't like that I said "Jinkx Proof". Give me a brake.
I see how it is. Didn't think I was going to get all of this negative replies for silly post. You guys should take some time a post something positive and help people. Don't forget you are not going to like everything is out there.

So tell me what is it that you don't like and I can work on making things better.
Thanks for your replies.

[ Edited by: pentaclegoddess on 2002-09-19 11:21 ]

On 2002-09-19 11:14, pentaclegoddess wrote:
So tell me what is it that you don't like and I can work on making things better.
Thanks for your replies.


I saw the Kreepy Tiki stuff at Hukilau and I was impressed with the quality of work. It really is great stuff, but the Kreepy Tiki website really is a mess. Maybe its because I am on a Mac, but images never come through, it is very hard to follow where anything is, and text is constantly jumbled up in strange areas of the page and impossible to read. It looks like it was put together by Front Page or one of those consumer web page builders, but those programs generally write very clunky code that is rarely cross platform. Also, stay away from javascript unless you REALLY know what you are doing, as java tends to slow sites down and crash browsers if even just the smallest thing is wrong.

Before Hukilau I tried to go to the site to see the art, but gave up and figured I would just see it in person instead.

You would do well to pay someone to fix up your site, someone who is well-versed in html.

I believe the talent behind Kreepy Tiki deserves a better online showroom than what you have now.



Sorry for the Smart-@$$ comments. We're just bummed because our mentor - Sven - is in Germany right now and WE WANT HIM BACK!

Thats ok guys.

So tell me where in Germany is Sven at. I'm in Bamberg right now.

Well, I didnt know that the site looked crapy with mac. I'll see if we can fix that. SOON!!

Thanks alot for the pointers.

[ Edited by: pentaclegoddess on 2002-09-19 13:06 ]

On 2002-09-19 11:14, pentaclegoddess wrote:

Tiki Chris: The Kreepytiki mugs are or not posted yet. I'm sorry that it has taken longer that we had plan to. But, they will be up soon.
pentaclegoddess on 2002-09-19 11:21 ]

Will we be able to download tiki pants magic from your website?

No there will be no downloading any magic for your tiki pants. Sorry lol

[ Edited by: pentaclegoddess on 2002-09-19 15:16 ]


"is that a magical tiki pole in you pants or are you just glad to see me?"

Sounds like some old line but it could be magical in the future. I hate jinxed britches!


Actually, Pentacle, Sven is in Hamburg also for the next week or so. If you see a silver-haired man in his 40s in a cafe or something, tell him to get his bony-white-Kraut-ass back here in time for the Big Tiki Farm Bash so we can get back to having some fun! :D

Why is it that you hate jinxed britches?

I know the man. I'll be sure to tell him to get he's butt back.lol

Have you seen the pics of the 2002 Hukilau? If you like to see go here. 2002 Hukilau

There are a bunch of pics of sven with kreepytiki.

Any ways I got to go for now.
Talk later

"he's butt?"

"you're ass?"

HEY pentaclegoddess! Pray tell, what magic doth thou hold in thine tiki pants!?!?!?

On 2002-09-19 18:10, trustar wrote:
I hate jinxed britches!

yeah, me too, but they're not as bad as trousers that are too starchy or tight around the crotch!

now jinxed shirts on the other hand, well...they are to die for!

Sven needs some magical transporter pants. Just rub your thighes together 3 times and say... "There's no place like Silverlake."

Good magic is the only magic. Great magic in pants.

Do you need any magic in your pants?

Maybe a mojo will do the trick :lol:

[ Edited by: pentaclegoddess on 2002-09-20 10:50 ]

Magic in the pants?

Maybe it should be Testiclegoddess instead of Pinnaclegoddess.

(Just a thought, no malice intended)


Hey I had a blind date with a girl magician once....

How'd ya know she was a magician?

She put her hand on my leg and I turned into a motel!

I got a million of'em! :P :roll: :P

Tiki hump I mean Tiki bong :lol:

I do think you do need some magical help. Maybe you are not doing well in the "pants" area. :lol: Just joking with.:roll:

Love the post.

A funny one tikimug keep them coming. lol


What exactly is a Pagan Crafts Store. Do pagans come in a make things like keychains and potholders and knick-knacks for pagan Mother's Day?

(As I kid, I used to love pagans, oh wait... those were pogans)

You are funny tiki bong

Go for a look and you will see. Is more than just crafts. Is more about magic. not the one in your pants.:lol:

You know you love Pagans. :roll:
Here have one on me :drink: Talk later.


I checked out your site. Sounds a bit far-fetched, BUT I tell you what! I will fully believe in this stuff, and I really mean it, if you can get me whatever it takes to come up with the winning numbers for this Saturday's lottery drawing here in the California. Based on what I read on your site this should not be a big deal. What do you say?

whats a better way of laughing than doing the stupid LOL thing?

Hey Ben, how about FH instead of LOL? (that would stand for F*cking Ha!) Is that the kind of thing you had in mind?

FF=F--king funny
NSFF= not so F--king funny
STFU= shut the (you know)
Or just don't f--king laugh
What's wrong with L O F--king L
What's it F--king called when I snicker
or giggle
It's just not funny anymore.
I'm leaving
If she had 8 legs in her happy pants would it be
That's not funny Comiclegoddess

Have no brakes
Cannot stop
Mahalo to you

[ Edited by: thebaxdog on 2002-09-20 23:10 ]

Hey tiki bong

Im not selling numbers. lol what I sell is simple magic to get proplr out of situations. Find a job, love, things like that. You can work magic to get you them numbers. It takes alot of hard work and time. Other than that you will have to do that your self. Its something that takes alot of learning.

So whats up with thebaxdog wish am I Tentaclegoddess or Comiclegoddess I think they are both cute. But, I like better kickyourbuttgoddess. I bit long but it send the message. lol

So who carves around here? What do you do to tiki bong? If you dont mind me asking.


Bong is one of our favorite soapboxers that I guess has more proplr in his pants that anything else. Hope you can help him out.


I'm melting
Oh goodbye cruel world
The light is getting dim
I think I've been hexed by


Indeed it is a dark day when we allow this godless, Pagan, abomination to join the holy list of TC. Centralites turn away from wickedness, Beware Satan and his deceitful followers. Cast out the EVIL of the horned one. FOUL WITCHCRAFT AND MAGIC STAND AWAY!!!!Be not tempted buy Liquor, idolness, lust and fornication!!!!!.

Wait a minute.

Come to think of it I'm a drunken, layabout, Idoltorer. And fornication sounds pretty good right now. Shelley!....SHELLLEY!!!
Anyway welcome to the club Pentacle Goddess, I'm sorry I called you a Godless, Pagan abomination.

just was reading up on some of the Krazy stuff going on around here .yeah our webpage has got problems we are trying to fix em ,being the DIY punks we are well, we did what came naturally .I wanna let you all know that we are gonna hook up our page soon .and hopefully it'll be easier to look around. I will be adding my newest carvings and hope you guys will like em. the mugs will be up soon too. I think they are $10.00 plus shipping.they are shrunken heads called "jivaro" .if you wanna check it out check our ebay listing for one under seller "tikikiko" oh yeah they have no reserve. available in 4 different colors,and only 200 were made .we still got about half of those left. Kreepy tiki jaksin.

Nice work Jaksin
You stuffed that spam right up our ass.
I love it
I am going to buy your tiki's
right now.

Does this mean the magic is working
Oh no reverse psychology
I wasn't ready for that

stuff up in yer ass? i dunno dude,sorry ya got the wrong guy.oh and pagan, and or witch I aint either...sorry....jaksin.


I think I have a more fitting name for your company.

Since you're into tiki stuff and witchcraft, you should call it "Witco & Wiccan".

Whadaya think?

And no, I don't need any 'magic in my pants'. I'll have you know kind madam that I make love like a crazed weasel for almost 60 seconds!

A thing of tiki is a joy forever

[ Edited by: Tiki_Bong on 2002-09-21 22:19 ]

Thanks for trying with the new name tiki bong. But, Im doing very well with the one I have now.

Im glad you dont need any magic in the pants. 60 sec. That's GREAT!!!

Make them girls happy :o

You are the BONG!!;)

Problem is it takes 45 of those 60 to get his magic pants off!
Now there are 15 glorious sexants to go.
Go Bongo Go
And now his wife Frustratedgoddess

Damn! baxdog hit tikibong way below da belt ,a devestating blow sending 'em down on the canvas.funny as hell though. keep em coming. tikijaksin "laughin' ma way into the hell......"


Cool, you have a picture of our tiki on your site!

I think baxdog hit tikibong way too hard.

Hey Swanky. We have all the pics of the Hukilau posted. It will be kool to add a pic of you with your Kreepesan. If you like. Send me the pic. ok

Any ways. Where is tikibong? :-?

What day is it? Why am I who I am?

Man Baxdog, that was a low blow (no comment).

That's OK I'll be seeing you this weekend at Al's and the Tiki Bash. I'll have to plan something!!??!!??

Now back to my favorite new subject: The Pagan Craft Store. So Pentaclegoddess, you mean that you actually have something that makes the opposite sex find another of said opposite sex irresistable (besides beer that is)?

How does it work? Do you have to slip it in their drink like that 'date rape' drug I read about? Does it work over long distance - say Germany? If I accidently spill it in Baxdog's drink do we become Gay? If someone drank it by themselves, is it off to the bathroom with a Hustler magazine?

What I think I need is something to increase my stamina from 'almost' 60 seconds to about 4 weeks.

swanky, the kreepesan tiki will forever be on our site dude,that was my first attempt at a round headed little tiki, how ya been? good I hope, tell kiliki We say hi.

O.K. I'm replying because every time I post , I end up killing the thread, let's hope it works- ve haf vays of makink yoo not taak !

Hey don't be so cheaky
Have you looked at the amount of views on this thread
So listen up Fred, this threads not dead, it's been well read.
So back off before I get in my sled and come wrap on your head with a pipe made of lead. Enough said, now go back to bed, Ted.

Hi Danny, how are you? see you this weekend.

hey Baxdog,
You got a "Cat n da Hat" Fetish??!!

Baxdog,the rhymin skills are amazing ,I say we hook up with eminem and a couple of those shag bikes I've hearing so much about, kustomize em into lowriders. shoot a video for MTV and make us a buncha dough.iz ya wit me?

On 2002-09-24 07:30, thebaxdog wrote:
Hey don't be so cheaky
Have you looked at the amount of views on this thread
So listen up Fred, this threads not dead, it's been well read.
So back off before I get in my sled and come wrap on your head with a pipe made of lead. Enough said, now go back to bed, Ted.

Get off his back, Jack,
His pack is slack!

I'm buggin' at the hip hop class we got in session up in this B!t(h. "keepin it real " the leader of the wak pak "Tikijaksin"

[ Edited by: tikijaksin on 2002-09-25 03:16 ]

Pages: 1 2 58 replies