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How about TIKI Oasis 2005 on a different weekend??

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mrsmiley posted on 04/29/2004

The last two years in a row the Oasis has been held on Mother's Day weekend. This poses an attendence problem for some and an impossibility for me to attend. I was wondering how many would prefer to have the Oasis on a different weekend. How many don't care. How many hate their mothers ans love it as it is (joking about the mother comment). I posted this in the main forum to get the maximum exposure. Thanks for your input--Mr Frowny says I hope you all have bad hangovers on Mother's Day!!! :) just kidding....I think... :)

Tiki Bird posted on 04/29/2004

I wouldnt mind it being on other weekend. But whatever easiest for Otto.

Humuhumu posted on 04/29/2004

This definitely has come up before, as it's certainly not the most ideal weekend for a lot of folks. If I recall correctly (and please correct me if I'm wrong), the reason it's Mother's Day weekends is precisely because it's an unpopular weekend -- the hotel is not super-busy that weekend, allowing Otto & Baby Doe to cut a deal with the Caliente Tropics that lets them keep the Oasis ticket prices & vendor fees as low as possible and still break even. If it weren't that weekend, it would have to happen during the blisteringly hot off-season, and no one would want to come out of their rooms.

Formikahini posted on 04/29/2004

PLEEEEEEEEEEEZE go back to having it in the summer!!!

I know about the off-season Mother's Day weekend rates blah blah, but just the fact alone that it's too cool at night in early May to dive in the pool for the Dive-In Movie should be reason enough!!

There are NO Tiki events in the summer, gang! NONE! Hukilau last year was the only one, and there are none this year. Lots of us are students, teachers (moi), or parents of students, and mid-school-year weekends are NOT easy. I would love to go back to Oasis this year, but the last month of school is almost impossible to miss. I can't even go to the Grand opening of Hale Tiki because it's graduation weekend, and I cannot be gone.

Pleeeeeze! The Caliente Tropics is cheap(er) all summer, too, NOT just on Mother's Day weekend.

Addition (after posting this and then reading Humuhumu's point about the blistering heat). Yes, it was very hot by day in the summer 2 years ago, but we stayed in the pool the whole time anyway, or napped off the latenight fun. The weather was divine at night, sundresses withOUT wraps (or a whole lotta 'nuthin' after the pool closed :wink: ). I love being able to swim at night; the keep-the-floats-in-the-air game after the movie was my second favorite Oasis moment, next to the uke fest in alnshely's room.

TIKI: Now, more than ever

[ Edited by: Formikahini on 2004-04-29 16:26 ]

Unga Bunga posted on 04/29/2004

On 2004-04-29 16:19, Formikahini wrote:
There are NO Tiki events in the summer, gang!

'International Tiki Day' the second Saturday in August?

My mom said she would, "take my Grog Log and shove it up my mai tai" if I missed her day.
I don't know about you, but that wouldn’t be no luau.

thejab posted on 04/29/2004

On 2004-04-29 16:45, Unga Bunga wrote:

On 2004-04-29 16:19, Formikahini wrote:
There are NO Tiki events in the summer, gang!

'International Tiki Day' the second Saturday in August?

Last year the Exotica event in Chicago was in the summer as well.

I would rather have the Oasis at any time other than the summer because it's too unbearably hot then. That, and summer is my least favorite time to travel as every place is more crowded with tourists.

I can't go either, but not because it's on Mothers Day.

martiki posted on 04/30/2004

On 2004-04-29 16:54, thejab wrote:

On 2004-04-29 16:45, Unga Bunga wrote:

On 2004-04-29 16:19, Formikahini wrote:
There are NO Tiki events in the summer, gang!

'International Tiki Day' the second Saturday in August?

Last year the Exotica event in Chicago was in the summer as well.

I would rather have the Oasis at any time other than the summer because it's too unbearably hot then. That, and summer is my least favorite time to travel as every place is more crowded with tourists.

I can't go either, but not because it's on Mothers Day.

thejab is not allowed out in the heat of summer because the pomade would melt.

Portland Tiki Crawl is in the summer as well.

christiki295 posted on 04/30/2004

I, too, am unable to attend on Mother's Day weekend. I certainly understand about the price issue; however, the heat would not bother me. Possibly, it should be moved once and see how it works out.

On the other hand, I suppose it is working out just fine now.

Doctor Z posted on 04/30/2004

On 2004-04-29 16:19, Formikahini wrote:

There are NO Tiki events in the summer, gang! NONE!

Say WHAT?? NO tiki events?? Maybe nuthin' in your neck of the woods, but in the land of the Hoity Toitys there were so many things going on last summer that I was lucky I announced my party more than 2 months in advance - the rest of the weekdnds were filled already! Seriously, there was stuff happening literally EVERY weeekend (and some weekdays too!) - don't believe me? Go SugarCaddyDaddy's "Hoity Toity" schedule and back up the calendar to any time last summer. (In fact, I'll be darned if July 22 doesn't say: Miss Formikahini arrives in So. Cal.! I remember your time here was an event unto itself!)

No tiki events in the summer... sheesh...

Oh, but we could move Oasis, so I don't have to worry about my Mom threatening to come with me every year...

mrsmiley posted on 04/30/2004

On 2004-04-29 17:17, christiki295 wrote:
I, too, am unable to attend on Mother's Day weekend. I certainly understand about the price issue; however, the heat would not bother me. Possibly, it should be moved once and see how it works out.

On the other hand, I suppose it is working out just fine now.

But, "It's a DRY HEAT!!". I know of no one dying the second year when it was in June (?). And the dive in movie temperature was PURRRRFECT! Besides, that is what Air conditioning is for-hot weather. Now that I know that I can NEVER go again to an Oasis on Mother's day is going to make my missing this one even harder. My suggestion (at the minimum) is that at least the event alternates years between Mothers Day and some other weekend. Mothers Day is working out fine -for some. Not every one can ever be accommadated, but a little variety in scheduling helps give everyone a chance to experience the Caliente Tropics experience at its best!

mrsmiley posted on 04/30/2004

If it weren't that weekend, it would have to happen during the blisteringly hot off-season, and no one would want to come out of their rooms.

I don't remember any lack of people hanging out when I went the second year because of the heat. Everyone looked like they were having a blast. :)

mrsmiley posted on 04/30/2004

On 2004-04-29 16:19, Formikahini wrote:
PLEEEEEEEEEEEZE go back to having it in the summer!!!

I know about the off-season Mother's Day weekend rates blah blah, but just the fact alone that it's too cool at night in early May to dive in the pool for the Dive-In Movie should be reason enough!!

Pleeeeeze! The Caliente Tropics is cheap(er) all summer, too, NOT just on Mother's Day weekend.

Addition (after posting this and then reading Humuhumu's point about the blistering heat). Yes, it was very hot by day in the summer 2 years ago, but we stayed in the pool the whole time anyway, or napped off the latenight fun. The weather was divine at night, sundresses withOUT wraps (or a whole lotta 'nuthin' after the pool closed :wink: ). I love being able to swim at night; the keep-the-floats-in-the-air game after the movie was my second favorite Oasis moment, next to the uke fest in alnshely's room.

Now you must forgive Formakihini for forgetting about going to Chicago last year-she works awfully hard as a school teacher. I am not a person who enjoys the heat, but I found it to be fine because I was RELAXING--I wasn't building a house or laying down blacktop! I was holding a cool drink in my hand. Not a bad way to spend the day.

DawnTiki posted on 04/30/2004

Not that our votes count....I vote for a different weekend too. Bring on the Blaze! I love the Desert in the summertime! The hotter the better! Sizzzle, Sizzzle, Sizzle!

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 04/30/2004

Actually, to refresh everyone's memory, it was Otto with the suggestion of BigBroTiki, that started the Mother's Day/Oasis Weekend thingy (see comments from 8/22/02, 8/26/02 ). BigBro was not able to be at last years Oasis, and to my recollection, he will not be at this years either. I believe the majority will have to show a voting of not being able/wanting to go to Oasis next year on Mother's Day again.

There are comments from the past in reference to Mother's Day weekend not being the best for them ( comments from me included ), and I have heard directly from other TC'ers that were actually at the event just for the day that it was kind of a hassle for them since they had to do a "day trip" to Oasis since they had Mother's Day plans and just came out for a few hours.

Not that anyone would really care, but I have already talked with the family about this being my last Mother's Day/Oasis weekend since I personally have a wife, a mother, two grandmothers, a mother-in-law, a stepmom and a great grandmother that have to give up their weekend basically for me.

I simply can't do that again.

I will inform BabyDoe & Otto about my not being able to attend just so they know, but I don't really believe they know me from a hole in the wall. I suggest that if you truly cannot or will not do a Mother's Day weekend too, you will need to voice your opinion well before the next Oasis is scheduled. Don't say I didn't warn you!

As for the question as to whether or not anything goes on here in SoCal (aka Hoity Toityland), here is last years schedule. I literally had fellow TC'ers double checking with me to make sure that no other events were going on so that they could schedule their gathering:

June 2003

July 2003

August 2003

September 2003

By the end of the year it was actually quite nice to take a break from the tiki gatherings (believe it or not).

Yes, we are spoiled here.

Enter The SoCal Hoity Toity Schedule
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[ Edited by: SugarCaddyDaddy on 2004-04-29 19:03 ]

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Swanky posted on 04/30/2004

On 2004-04-29 16:45, Unga Bunga wrote:

On 2004-04-29 16:19, Formikahini wrote:
There are NO Tiki events in the summer, gang!

'International Tiki Day' the second Saturday in August?

My mom said she would, "take my Grog Log and shove it up my mai tai" if I missed her day.
I don't know about you, but that wouldn’t be no luau.

Is that the root of your screen name? :wink:

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Swanky posted on 04/30/2004

I can tell you, next year is already well in the planning stages. You may all be too late. And Tiki Oasis is sold out. So it may be for nothing to complain.

For us at Hukilau, we want to pick a date as far from Oasis as possible to make it easier for those who want to do both to be able.

But we also need to find a time when the hotel and everyone else will work with us. We also were not sure about Exotica. We were asked to sign a contract with the Holiday Inn on Sunday last year, right at the event.

Chances are, Oasis 2005 is already planned. It might not be, but likely is. And, since the event is succeeding on Mother's Day, it'll likely stay there.

As for Hukilau 2005, we have not got a date. Part of it depends of everything else going on. We also are planning a different venue than the Mai Kai for next year. But that all depends on this year. Hukilau is not a success yet, and could be a huge failure and we'd never do it again.

Bottom line is likely that as long as Oasis is doing well on Mother's Day, it will not change.

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Otto posted on 04/30/2004

sorry folks
this date is the last weekend of the off season which affords us the best weather (in the off season - you think its hot now, wait til summer hits!) and the best rate.

And please keep in mind that the original concept for this event was as a fund raiser for the hotel. Mothers day Weekend was their worst and now it is their best thanks to all of you guys

Casey loves you and gives us quite a bit of flexibility because it is off season.

If we moved it to a more desirable weekend it would not be as desirable for the hotel. And if we moved it to summer (first year was in Sept) it would be unbearably hot

On 2004-04-29 16:19, Formikahini wrote:
PLEEEEEEEEEEEZE go back to having it in the summer!!!

I know about the off-season Mother's Day weekend rates blah blah,

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Shipwreckjoey posted on 04/30/2004

Am I the only lucky duck whose mom lives in Sun City (right on my route from Palm Springs to San Diego). That combined with her superior talent for making Bloody Marys and a close place for champagne brunch makes for perfect timing (and she has a comfortable hammock for a little nap before the drive home!)

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bongofury posted on 04/30/2004

Our Moms live in different areas so we usually have to see one or the other on a non-Mothers Day anyway......so this time, Mrs. Fury's mom the weekend before and Bongo's mom the weekend after, phone calls to each from Caliente Tropics on THE day and we're all happy.

martiki posted on 04/30/2004

I really, really, don't want to sound like a shit here, or cynical, or what not, but...it is, after all, just a Hallmark holiday. You can take your mom out for brunch any weekend of the year. In fact, you'll find that the brunch places are cheaper and less crowded on other sundays. In fact, mom will find it a pleasant surprise. Seriously, try it. Mine says she doesn't care, but I still get a little guilt. But it's real easy to make up by doing something unexpected and nice.

I know Mrs. Miley has to miss it for non-mother reasons, though, and I don't really have a solution for that, I'm afraid.

Formikahini posted on 04/30/2004

Ok, now! My memory is NOT short gang (re: Exotica having been in the summer). It's a teacher/parent/student thing: if you're in one of those groups, when school starts, summer is officially OVER! :( I was already back at school when I told my administrators I was "going to a wedding in Chicago that happen[s] to be taking place during another one of those tiki festivals"! How else could I ask for a Friday off, right in the first month of school?

The only reason I did Oasis last year, and took the Friday off, was because I was asked to perform Friday night, and the band put the airfare on a credit card. Otherwise, that's a helluva lot of my own money to spend to fly into Palm Springs on a Friday and then turn around and fly home on Sunday. The year before I flew in and out of LAX and went on to spend a week or two up and down the coast, because it was summer, dangit! (It's a couple of hundred $ more to fly to and from Palm Springs than LAX or Chicago.)(My school was very sweet to indulge my request for non-necessary time off in order to sing.)

Now, don't get me wrong, I LOVED my time this past summer in California and plan to do it again this summer (mid-July), and every day/night did feel like an "event" to me, thanks to the WONderful TC ohana from San Diego to San Francisco. But parties in Hoity-Toityland aren't exactly national/international events, the way are Oasis, Hukilau, and Exotica. (The various crawls are probably approaching them, though, in scope.) International Tiki Day, by definition, isn't a gathering in one place of the tribes either, but rather the opposite.

So I'll keep my vote/begging in the move-Oasis-to-another-weekend pile. Surely the Tropics wouldn't hate a big money weekend in June or July, instead! And dangit, it IS a dry heat! If you lived in Swampland, USA, you'd have no problem either with Palm Springs in the summer!!

TIKI: Now, more than ever

[ Edited by: Formikahini on 2004-04-29 21:11 ]

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Monkeyman posted on 04/30/2004

Many mothers have been conditioned to believe that this is the holiday that proves they are valued to their children.

And many children believe that as long as they go hog wild on mothers day that they are off the hook for the remainder of the year.

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Chongolio posted on 04/30/2004

In addition to installing puffer fish into glass balls I have also been working on a cloning device that will allow you to be two place at the same time. The unfortunate side effect is double post by the user clone when not attending separate events.


-- I believe that our Heavenly Father invented the monkey because he was disappointed in man."
... Mark Twain

Come explore http://www.lost-isle.com

[ Edited by: Chongolio on 2004-04-30 08:47 ]

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Chongolio posted on 04/30/2004

In addition to installing puffer fish into glass balls I have also been working on a cloning device that will allow you to be two place at the same time. The unfortunate side effect is double post by the user clone when not attending separate events.

Chongolio Chongolio

-- I believe that our Heavenly Father invented the monkey because he was disappointed in man."
... Mark Twain

Come explore http://www.lost-isle.com

[ Edited by: Chongolio on 2004-04-30 08:48 ]

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floratina posted on 04/30/2004

A "dry" heat in September? It was torturously hot as hell. I had no problem at all with the evening temperatures in May, but then I have (unfortunately) a substantial quantity of subcutaneous insulation.
The May Oasis is not suffering from a lack of interest. Isn't the waiting list itself longer than the number of rooms available? May is a great time to hold this event. Everybody's mum is different, but I was fortunate in that mine didn't insist upon having "Mother's Day" on the specifically determined Hallmark date. She knew how much that weekend meant to me and wanted me to enjoy both. I say, keep it where it is.

[ Edited by: floratina on 2004-04-30 01:02 ]

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RevBambooBen posted on 04/30/2004

"It's all about the Tiki, man!!"

bitch, bitch, bitch. (aka blah, blah, blah!)

Unga Bunga posted on 04/30/2004

On 2004-04-30 01:10, RevBambooBen wrote:
"It's all about the Tiki, man!!"

bitch, bitch, bitch. (aka blah, blah, blah!)


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Tiki_Bong posted on 04/30/2004

Hey! This tread sounds alot like the thread I did re: International Tiki Day at Sam's.

You must understand that Otto is planning a big, complex gig. You must think about all the pieces that go into a gig like T.O. to make it a fun event for you!

If you want to complain about this or that, then at least start your own Tiki Oasis-like gig to get an understanding on what it takes.

Be thankful you get to show up at Caliente Tropics, unload your stuff (not that stuff), and have a great time, without a care in the World!

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 04/30/2004

Yes, it does take quite a bit of work to put a gig together. I know. I've done large large gatherings, conventions, private corporate functions, etc., and not just as an added feature or helper. I've done from concept to completion. It is alot of work.

From my point of view, I just say that if you want something to be (possibly) changed, then many have to be vocal about it...in a nice way. Not as a complaint. Just not showing up or saying "I can't make it" in a quick post won't let Otto know if you truly want something changed.

I highly doubt that the date will change. Mr.Smiley, I'm sure, was simply getting a feel for others thoughts, with the possible hopes of getting a majority to help change the date. I love you guys, but honestly, many ideas have come across TC, with truly only a handful of members that are both vocal and go-getters, and the rest as followers. With that in (my) mind, the date will most likely stay.

The actual change will most likely be on our part as individuals: adjusting our schedule(s) to be able to go to the next Oasis, or simply not making it to the next one in 2005 (which may possibly be the case for me).

Either way, the show will go on.

Blah, blah, blah.

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Futura Girl posted on 04/30/2004

On 2004-04-29 16:19, Formikahini wrote:
PLEEEEEEEEEEEZE go back to having it in the summer!!!
I know about the off-season Mother's Day weekend rates blah blah, but just the fact alone that it's too cool at night in early May to dive in the pool for the Dive-In Movie should be reason enough!!

I CAN stand the heat in the day - but i CAN'T stand the cold at night...

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RevBambooBen posted on 04/30/2004

On 2004-04-30 09:32, SugarCaddyDaddy wrote:

I love you guys, but honestly, many ideas have come across TC, with truly only a handful of members that are both vocal and go-getters, and the rest as followers.


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RevBambooBen posted on 04/30/2004

p.s. Crazy Al and I always have dreamed of an "Extreme Tiki Event" @ Caliente when it's like 110 degrees. Maybe our dream will come true one of these days.

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Tiki_Bong posted on 04/30/2004

On 2004-04-30 09:32, SugarCaddyDaddy wrote:
I've done large large gatherings, conventions, private corporate functions, etc., and not just as an added feature or helper. I've done from concept to completion. It is alot of work.

I love you guys,


Do you love us enough to set up a gig for us?

Unga Bunga posted on 04/30/2004

On 2004-04-30 10:34, RevBambooBen wrote:
p.s. Crazy Al and I always have dreamed of an "Extreme Tiki Event" @ Caliente when it's like 110 degrees. Maybe our dream will come true one of these days.

Now Ben, isn't that a typo?
Didn't you mean to say, "Extremely Naked Tiki Event" @ Caliente?

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sparklegem posted on 04/30/2004

Would it ever be a possibility to have a kid's night (with a cool babysitter) at Tiki Oasis? Then Tikiparents could come, too. Since I am fairly new to this community I did not find out about Tiki Oasis in time to go this year and would love to go next year, but I would find it hard to leave my daughter home on Mother's Day.

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Tiki_Bong posted on 04/30/2004

On 2004-04-30 11:29, sparklegem wrote:
Would it ever be a possibility to have a kid's night

Believe me, every night is "kids" night!

Just kidding, actually the answer is no.

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vintagegirl posted on 04/30/2004

Yes, Mother's Day has always been difficult for me too. Usually means we have to rush back Sunday afternoon for dinner and considering it's my only 2 days of vacation for the year where I actually get to go somewhere and get away from everything, well, it's kind of a bummer in the end.

Also, I too have a high tolerance for heat and would love to wear less in the evenings if it were warmer.

(Oh, but please don't make it anywhere near June 23 as that's Mom's birthday....I know...you just can't please everyone.) :)

mrsmiley posted on 04/30/2004

On 2004-04-30 12:33, vintagegirl wrote:
Yes, Mother's Day has always been difficult for me too. Usually means we have to rush back Sunday afternoon for dinner and considering it's my only 2 days of vacation for the year where I actually get to go somewhere and get away from everything, well, it's kind of a bummer in the end.

Also, I too have a high tolerance for heat and would love to wear less in the evenings if it were warmer.

(Oh, but please don't make it anywhere near June 23 as that's Mom's birthday....I know...you just can't please everyone.) :)

How about Father's Day?? --yes, I am kidding.

mrsmiley posted on 05/01/2004

OK-I am GENERALIZING here-so don't get offended. OK?? What I am seeing is running somewhat along these lines; I really want it changed, I don't want it changed, I don't care. Rather predictible. What saddens me is that the attitude of SOME of the people who DON'T want it changed is that it is no problem for them and they don't give a darn if others can NEVER make that weekend. In reality, it seems to me that alternating weekends every other year would be the best option to please most everyone. Don't be so self-thinking or insulated-wouldn't it be nice to see a few new faces some year that it isn't held on Mother's Day. Unless I win the Lotto, it looks like I will never ever be able to go to this great event. I HAVE to work that weekend for eternity. Well, sure, maybe ten years down the road I may not have to work that weekend, but maybe Otto will be tired of doing this by then. Those of us who can't make it are asking others to consider making a sacrifice and agreeing that an every other year schedule change to help accomodate your tiki pals. This may be all moot-maybe the powers that be will never change it for ANY reason-but at least we can suggest and TRY and see how it goes. I hope this doesn't sound like an angry rant-Mr. Smiley is doing his best not to sound like Mr A**hole. :)

mrsmiley posted on 05/01/2004

On 2004-04-29 19:31, Otto wrote:
sorry folks
this date is the last weekend of the off season which affords us the best weather (in the off season - you think its hot now, wait til summer hits!) and the best rate.

And please keep in mind that the original concept for this event was as a fund raiser for the hotel. Mothers day Weekend was their worst and now it is their best thanks to all of you guys

Casey loves you and gives us quite a bit of flexibility because it is off season.

If we moved it to a more desirable weekend it would not be as desirable for the hotel. And if we moved it to summer (first year was in Sept) it would be unbearably hot

On 2004-04-29 16:19, Formikahini wrote:
PLEEEEEEEEEEEZE go back to having it in the summer!!!

I know about the off-season Mother's Day weekend rates blah blah,

Well I just saw this --so all I can say is I tried. I will forever miss the fun I had at the second Oasis. Sorry you will never see me there, sorry I will never see you all there, I will miss you guys and Casey's fab place. Enjoy yourselves-I think I'll be too sad to look at the pictures. Mr. Frowny

mrsmiley posted on 05/01/2004

Come June the rates at the Tropics drop considerably-some by 50%. Too bad the powers that be can't wait two weeks or so every other year to accomodate others. Sniff.

mrsmiley posted on 05/01/2004

On 2004-04-29 19:27, Swanky wrote:
And Tiki Oasis is sold out. So it may be for nothing to complain.

Bottom line is likely that as long as Oasis is doing well on Mother's Day, it will not change.

Granted, I would have to agree that there are some complaints in this thread, but I want to clarify that the original post of mine was not a complaint-it was a suggestion and an opening for a topic of discussion.
I feel that the Oasis would sell out almost any weekend except maybe Christmas. It is too popular and there are so many people who live realtively nearby in Southern California. Room 135 the second year was the clincher-every one wants to be a part of that!! :)

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tikivixen posted on 05/01/2004

For what it's worth, here's another vote to move Oasis a wee bit away from Momma's Day.

Although that particular "Hallmark Holiday" is, sadly, no longer relevant for moi, I do sympathise thoroughly with those for whom it is very much an active concern. Since EVERYONE has--at least at some point in their life--a mother, seems to me that this is a little more of an problem than, for example, Arbor Day would be :).

Personally speaking, any humongous Tiki Event from which MrSmiley and Formikahini are pretty much permanently exiled seems like, well, a mournfully less cool Tiki Event. That's just my two cocktail cherries, though...but one more thing.

Ahem. Since when do The Tiki Oasis Revelers NOT stay up all night partying and ONLY stagger forth in the harsh heat of the desert day to a. soak in the pool and b. thrift from the safety of their air-conditioned vehicles?? I mean, neither of those activities require a fresh and balmy spring weekend...and as Vintage Girl pointed out, the summer NIGHTS in PS are simply glorious.

Besides, moving it a mere week or two wouldn't make much difference in the weather anyway. Har.

I take Otto's point about Mother's Day being slow for the Tropics normally, and I love those guys, and it's excellent and admirable to do them a good turn...but still...there are some mitigating factors here. I wouldn't mind paying a bit more $$ to make the mothers of the Tiki World happy AND bring MrSmiley and Formikahini to Oasis.

There. I said it. XOXOXOX to you all!

Unga Bunga posted on 05/01/2004

On 2004-04-30 22:14, tikivixen wrote:
There. I said it. XOXOXOX to you all!

And well said I must admit, you "Tiki Of Viven".

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vintagegirl posted on 05/01/2004

Well said TikiVixen. And to follow your example, it's kinda like if Oasis were on Easter weekend. Since that's never been a big holiday in my family I wouldn't mind Oasis being on that date (although it would be a bit cooler than preferable). However, I'm sure there'd be many who wouldn't go because it's also known for being a big family holiday. (By the way, everyone has a mother, whereas, not everyone celebrates Easter.)

Also, I've wondered if Baby Doe might not want a Mother's Day weekend off too since she is a momma herself.

Oh well, I know the verdict has already been handed down so I guess I'm beating a dead horse.

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RevBambooBen posted on 05/01/2004

Hey Smiley,

If the 2nd largest collector of "Smiley Faces" were to be there (tiki oasis 4 this mothers day weekend) selling off their collection, would you make it ???

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RevBambooBen posted on 05/01/2004

p.s. if there's a will, there's a way!

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bongofury posted on 05/01/2004

How about Tiki Oasis twice a year......then if you can't make one, you could make the other.......or both!

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