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Tiki O-asis 4 Who's Vending???

Pages: 1 43 replies

RevBambooBen posted on 04/21/2004

Who's vending this year???

fishhead posted on 04/21/2004

I'll be there Ben!

tikitony posted on 04/22/2004

I'm there!
so is my sistah project "adrift"

[ Edited by: tikitony on 2004-04-29 00:32 ]

Monkeyman posted on 04/22/2004

I look forward to spending my hard earned cash on all the great product that will be onsite.


[ Edited by: Monkeyman on 2004-04-22 15:10 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 04/22/2004

I think it was in the Tiki O-4 vending contract that we could not share the spaces. Yes, we actually had to sign contracts this year. You might want to e-mail Otto and see if there is a space avail for a table. The spaces aren't all that big but it all works. I'm sure he'll cram you in somewhere.

Shipwreckjoey posted on 04/22/2004

Last year @ Tiki O III I made the mistake of showing up with plastic, only to be turned away by most vendors. This year I'm bringin' cold, hard cash (in unmarked, small denominations...of course).

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Trader Tiki posted on 04/23/2004

Cold hard cash? Yarr! Dubloons and Pieces of eight for all!

Anybody wanna buy a monkey?

RevBambooBen posted on 04/23/2004

On 2004-04-21 18:36, Monkeyman wrote:
I look forward to spending my hard earned cash on all the great product that will be onsite.


[ Edited by: Monkeyman on 2004-04-22 15:10 ]

Monkey, why did you change your post??? I thought it was a legit post and answer. It's only 40$ a day to vend. (2 night(day) minimum) (Did anyone else see what he posted or have I lost my mind!!!?? I need to quote for now on)

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Tiki Bird posted on 04/23/2004

On 2004-04-21 23:21, Shipwreckjoey wrote:
Last year @ Tiki O III I made the mistake of showing up with plastic, only to be turned away by most vendors. This year I'm bringin' cold, hard cash (in unmarked, small denominations...of course).

Thanks for the tip, this will be my first oasis and was wondering about this.


RevBambooBen posted on 04/23/2004

And, make sure you get out to the Lanai early on Vending days cause people scamble for the stuff. Sold half our stuff last year before we could even set up! It was a mad house! Then we chilled with the "Wrecks" back under the Bamboo!! Hey Ship!? Same bamboo corner? Same Bamboo time? Is Judy aka Bamboo2U coming this year to feed and intoxicate us??

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babydoe posted on 04/23/2004

Vending Hours have been EXTENDED this year!

Saturday 11-6pm

Sunday 11-4pm (but not all vendors will do Sunday - you might want to ask them if you are interested in coming back the next day to make a purchase!)

There are no more vending tables available. Sorry! We have over 25 vendors this year so that is a full house. Sooo cool! I can't wait to break open my piggy bank and go hog crazy!

We will be sending this info out at later dates but I wanted to remind folks that NO vending should take place in any of the Caliente Tropics rooms. We feel that it really takes away from the special marketplace and it isn't really fair to vendors who have paid money to have a vending space. Please be respectful of this.

For those vending - you should have recieved a confirmation e-mail from Otto. If you have not gotten this please e-mail him a.s.a.p. with the subject: Tiki Oasis Vendor Confirmation

Baby Doe

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Swamp Fire posted on 04/24/2004

First time vendor. Can't wait to meet everyone!

Shipwreckjoey posted on 04/25/2004

On 2004-04-23 10:57, RevBambooBen wrote:
Hey Ship!? Same bamboo corner? Same Bamboo time? Is Judy aka Bamboo2U coming this year to feed and intoxicate us??

Wild horses couldn't drag me away!

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Tiki Bird posted on 04/25/2004

God I hope I dont spend to much!

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tyger jymmy posted on 04/26/2004

First time auta be funn .

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Travellin' Tiki posted on 04/26/2004

Also vending for the first time & have a feeling its going to be a blast. Can't wait to meet all you guys!

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Tiki Diablo posted on 04/26/2004

Coo Heather, I was your neighbor at Trader Vics. Really like you stuff.

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babydoe posted on 04/26/2004

Break open those piggy banks as Tiki Oasis is going to be a day of Tiki shopping that can only be described as pure BLISS!

Below is a list of vendors. I hope I have everyone on here ... missing? E-mail us at otto@tikinews.com
This is going to an amazing time to splurge!

Remember to bring cash-o-la as vendors will not be set-up for credit cards (as far as I know!). I didn't list WHAT everyone is selling but it pretty much covers ALL your needs from tiki bars, t-shirts, vintage clothing, barware, kids clothing, original artwork, tiki mugs, shoes, hand carved tikis, big tikis, small tikis... the list goes on!

Tiki News will also be selling a limited edition Tiki Oasis IV Mug made by MunkTiki on Friday night after the bandsfrom 10-11pm and during the daytime from 11:30-3pm. Sooo look for the Tiki News itty bitty table.

Extra SMOOCHES from Otto and Baby Doe goes out to Holden from Tiki Farm for volunteering to be our being our BRILLANT vendor coordinator! XOXO

Happy Shopping!

Adrift Clothing
Bamboo 2 U
Bamboo Ben
Christine and Katina Eads (name of company?)
Coconut Kiss
Crazy Al
Cruz Retail
Da Tiki boy
Falling Coco's
Fish Head Art
Genevieve Designs
Hale Tiki
Johnnie Velour
Kieran Sala/Popalicious
Laney Bentz
Lucky Lou Shoes
M Visions Graphics
Pango Tori
Ray Yeater
Smokin' Tikis
Stensland Design
Suburban Pagan
Swamp Fire Lounge.com
The Art Deck
The Cult of the Eye
Tiki Diablo
Tiki Lee
Tiki Madness
Tiki News Magazine
Tiki Ray
Tiki Tony
Vintage Buzz/Wannabe's
Von Franco
Zach Zachary

[ Edited by: babydoe on 2004-04-29 13:02 ]

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stuckieshaft posted on 04/26/2004

Munktiki will be vending, debuting many new items too.

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johnnievelour posted on 04/26/2004

I will be selling some of my ceramic bowls.

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Cultjam posted on 04/27/2004


That's it, where do I sign up to volunteer again? I'm there.

Been waiting for I don't know how long for one of JV's bowls.

VWTG, got room in your car?

I need a place to stay!!!

ARRGGGHHHH!!!!! (any infrigement on Ben's use is totally intentional and vastly appropriate at this point I think)

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shakatiki posted on 04/27/2004

I think, therefore I am.... at least I think I am, therefore I must be.... that is I will be... there. (To clarify, just add alcohol).

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bongofury posted on 04/27/2004

Kent will be there.....he's the guy who did some art for Gecko's website (the gecko carving the Tiki). I will post some of his stuff for him on Creating Tiki as he is busy creating and trying to get his website up.

RevBambooBen posted on 04/27/2004


On 2004-04-25 16:57, Monkeyman wrote:
I recently (like TODAY) purchased a lot of vintage aloha shirts with the sole intent of bringing them to the oasis to help a few TCers get decked out in the preferred uniform. Unfortunately, I did not decide to do this until all the vendor space was sold out (I dont really have that much product anyway)

I will bring this lot of shirts with me and if any of your are interested in trying something on and buying one, just let me know and we can coordinate a time. I am pricing them all at $20 each.

"NO vending should take place in any of the Caliente Tropics rooms. We feel that it really takes away from the special marketplace and it isn't really fair to vendors who have paid money to have a vending space. Please be respectful of this.

Cheers! "

These are all mens shirts and range in size from Medium to XL.

Most of them are barkcloth and all are vintage. Ui Mai Kai, Don Loper, Sears, Pomare Tahiti, Iolani and more.

[ Edited by: Monkeyman on 2004-04-25 16:57 ]

[ Edited by: Monkeyman on 2004-04-25 21:01 ]

[ Edited by: monkeyman on 2004-04-26 14:25 ]

The POINT IS........Vend out of your room (or anywhere else on the property) and YOU ARE RIPPING OFF all 30 of the Vendors!! THINK about it. The "Secret Tiki Oasis Vending Police" are onto you!!

This is what I get out of the above. He sells out of his room so, that's minus 80.00 for vending space that everyone else who is vending, pays. Then he sells 25 shirts at 20.00 each. That's 500.00. So, That's 500.00 that won't be spent on the vendors' area. Catch my drift?? So, let's say you aka vendor rents a space, for 80.00, and you sell 80.00 worth of stuff. You say, well, I broke even. Well, actually, you would've been ahead 16.67 (split between all the vendors if that 500.00 were to be spent in the VENDORS AREA). And Sixteen Dollars and Sixty Seven Cents would be at least 2 killer cocktails at the REEF for all YOUR HARD WORK. So, while we all sit outside he sits in A/C and makes 500.00 or 16.67 out of our pockets!

The secret "vending police" will be watching!!!!

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MakeDaMug posted on 04/27/2004

I have decided to pull back from vending and help Otto w/the running the vendor area as it's become a pretty major task! I am "your official vendor area" supervisor so as to take some of the heat off of Otto. Once a tiki grunt, always... blah blah. Anyways, I've got 12 new products that I am launching and to organize & supervise the vendor area for Otto (I already promised to do so some time ago) and launch my products... no way that's gonna happen together! Ultimately, the bottom line...

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mmoderntiki posted on 04/27/2004

We will be offering an assortment of TikiFarm mugs at the M Modern Gallery that weekend as we always do. We will also have some of the mugs available from the "It's All About the Tiki" show we did with Holden in late November.

Please remember to vistit the opening of our "I Dream of Tiki" show on Saturday May 8th from 3 - 6 pm. We timed this specifically to limit the impact on the rest of the Tiki Oasis events scheduled for that evening.

"I Dream of Tiki" is a group Tiki show featuring work from the likes of Shag, Mark Ryden, Bosko, Bamboo Ben, Crazy Al, Joe and Donella Vitale, Drew Brophy and many other artists from the fine art world you have no doubt heard of. Please look for our upcoming post in this section within the next few days for further details on the show.

M Modern Gallery is a proud sponsor of the Tiki Oasis IV. Everybody please drive safe!

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Tiki Bird posted on 04/28/2004

Holden, will Tiki Farm be doing a new design for the Caliente Tropics mug or tiki mug for Oasis IV?

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babydoe posted on 04/28/2004

YES! Tiki News will be selling a LIMITED EDITION Tiki Oasis IV Tiki Mug created by MunkTiki.

We will only sell these for limited time at the event due to not having the man-power to sell them all weekend.

Friday night after the bands from 10-11pm (hey we are the organizers -- we can vend before others!) and Saturday afternoon from 11:30-3:30 at the side gate. Look for a very small Tiki News table.

For those who wanted to vend out of a room here are my suggestions:

  1. If you are NOT staying at the Tropics then tell everyone that you will be selling stuff out of your non-Tropics room at a particular time and have people pop by to check them out! Maybe on Saturday or Sunday morning?

  2. Make a little flyer to pass out letting people know about what you want to sell and then place photos online for folks to see and order from you directly from you at a future date. That would mean you don't have to deal withselling stuff that weekend but you could get the ball a rollin' for future orders.

Selling out of your Tropics rooms is very naughty! Those who do this will be spanked (maybe by Bamboo Ben?!)!

XOXO Baby Doe

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Tiki Bird posted on 04/28/2004

On 2004-04-27 19:32, babydoe wrote:
YES! Tiki News will be selling a LIMITED EDITION Tiki Oasis IV Tiki Mug created by MunkTiki.

XOXO Baby Doe

Thanks for the info. Baby Doe!

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Atomic Cocktail posted on 04/28/2004

Selling out of your Tropics rooms is very naughty! Those who do this will be spanked ...

Two years ago, when Shag was selling shirts out of his room did he get spanked and if so; Where, how many times and by whom?

Details, Baby, we want the lurid details! :D

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Mrs. B posted on 04/28/2004

We will never tell.
But, we are all friends now, so it worked out ok.
Alohahahahaha! :lol:

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Tiki Bird posted on 04/28/2004

On 2004-04-27 19:32, babydoe wrote:
YES! Tiki News will be selling a LIMITED EDITION Tiki Oasis IV Tiki Mug created by MunkTiki.

Can you give us a sneak peek pic of the Mug?


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MakeDaMug posted on 04/29/2004

On 2004-04-27 17:03, Tiki Bird wrote:
Holden, will Tiki Farm be doing a new design for the Caliente Tropics mug or tiki mug for Oasis IV?

to which Baby Doe responded...

On 2004-04-27 19:32, babydoe wrote:
YES! Tiki News will be selling a LIMITED EDITION Tiki Oasis IV Tiki Mug created by MunkTiki.

XOXO Baby Doe

Stop the telephone calls pleeez! I'm not doing a mug for the event as Otto & Baby Doe opted to go with Munktiki. Baby Does' post is misleading but well-intended!! See you at Oasis... I'll be the guy in the Tiki Pimp Suit!

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Atomicchick posted on 04/29/2004

Baby Doe,

Can you give us a sneak peek of the Tiki News mug?

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babydoe posted on 05/02/2004

Here are the last Tiki Oasis IV updates!

If you are missing a ticket confirmation # please e-mail us by Monday the 3rd. After that we will not be answering e-mail as we will be on the road to Palm Springs! ** if you booked a room with the Tropics you will NOT get a confirmation from Tiki News.

We are excited to announce that The tropics has decided to allow a limited number of tix sold at the door! We hope this info can get out to those who didn't think they could make the show due to it being sold out. Please accept our apologies that we did not work this out sooner! (do NOT mail a check or pay via PayPal as we will NOT receive this in time!)

A few more cool announcements....
Guest bartenders in the Reef bar both Friday and Saturday evening serving special drinks!! Hula Hoop contest has been added on Saturday at 2:30pm! and oh soooo much more!

Tiki News will be selling a limited edition mug made by Munk Tiki! This will be sold Friday night after the live entertainment AND Saturday 11:30-3:30. Check out the mug at: http://www.tikinews.com/tikioasis/vendors.html

*subject to change

4:00 - DJ Cali Kid

  • DJ in between bands - DJ Biffachu
    6:00 - Go Going Gone Girls (SF)
    6:45 - King Kukulele
    7:00 - Fisherman (NYC)
    8:00 - King Kukulele
    8:15 - Project Pimento (SF)
    9:00 - King Kukulele
    9:15 - Seksu Roba (LA)
    10:00 - Sage and her Giant Martiki Glass (Dallas)
    Best dressed contest directly after burlesque

12:00 DJ California Kid
1:00 DJ Randy Jensen
3:30 Jay Strongman

  • DJ in between bands - California Kid
    6pm - Mai Kai Gents (LA) with Julienne Davis Of Sophisticated Savage (UK)
    6:45- King Kukulele
    7:00 - Lushy (SEATTLE)
    7:45 - Racie Gunzales (LA)
    8:00 - Fisherman (NYC)
    8:40 - King Kukulele
    8:55 - Kari French (LA)
    9:00 - Ape (SF)
    9:55 - Ginger Goldmine (LA)
    10:00 - midnight - Poolside Movie with Will the Thrill and Monica Tiki Goddess
    Best dressed contest directly after burlesque

Smokin Menehunes -
Saturday in the Reef Bar 4:00 - 6:30pm.

12 - 2pm DJ Lee Joseph
2pm - til their fingers get tired! - Poolside Ukelele Jam

Break open those piggy banks as Tiki Oasis is going to be a day of Tiki shopping that can only be described as pure BLISS!

Below is a list of vendors. I hope I have everyone on here ... missing? E-mail us at otto@tikinews.com
This is going to an amazing time to splurge!

Remember to bring cash-o-la as vendors will not be set-up for credit cards. I didn't list WHAT everyone is selling but it pretty much covers ALL your needs from tiki bars, t-shirts, vintage clothing, barware, kids clothing, original artwork, tiki mugs, shoes, hand carved tikis, big tikis, small tikis... the list goes on!

Tiki News will also be selling a limited edition Tiki Oasis IV Mug made by MunkTiki on Friday night after the bands from 10-11pm and during the daytime from 11:30-3pm. Sooo look for the Tiki News itty bitty table.

Extra SMOOCHES from Otto and Baby Doe goes out to Holden from Tiki Farm for volunteering to be our being our BRILLANT vendor coordinator! XOXO

Happy Shopping!

Adrift Clothing
Bamboo 2 U
Bamboo Ben
Christine and Katina Eads
Coconut Kiss
Crazy Al
Cruz Retail
Da Tiki boy
Falling Coco's
Fish Head Art
Fins And Flames
Genevieve Designs
Hale Tiki
Johnnie Velour
Kieran Sala/Popalicious
Laney Bentz/Purple Jade
Lucky Lou Shoes
M Visions Graphics
Pango Tori
Ray Yeater
Smokin' Tikis
Stensland Design
Suburban Pagan
Swamp Fire Lounge.com
The Art Deck
The Cult of the Eye
Tiki Diablo
Tiki Lee
Tiki Madness
Tiki News Magazine
Tiki Ray
Tiki Tony
Vintage Buzz/Wannabe's
Von Franco
Zach Zachary

RevBambooBen posted on 05/02/2004

Now that we know who's vending, what are you all bringing to vend??

We bowed down to the "evil tiki tech gods" and got us a digital camera today. We will post "Pre-view" pics of what we are going to bring as soon as we figure it out. (Monday /Tuesday?)

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suburbanpagan posted on 05/02/2004

Last year I only offered candles but this year I have many new things! Candle holders, soaps, necklaces, desktop statues. I specialize in Tiki knick-knack!
Can't flippin' wait!

I forgot! I'm bringing some stained glass too! Very original stuff! I design them and my mom, who gave me her original late fifties tiki necklace, is putting them toghether for me! The first one looks fantastic! You'll see it at the Oasis! :)

[ Edited by: suburbanpagan on 2004-05-02 03:01 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 05/06/2004

[ Edited by: revbambooben on 2004-05-17 22:09 ]

M Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/8c506af3311c8b5263572b52f4915fbb?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
MakeDaMug posted on 05/06/2004

it's kinda funny not vending. kinda weird but being in the "trenches of tiki commerce" means that I must launch my molds and new production around the gift industry tradeshow season... did i mention that it's kinda weird? well, fellow tiki freakies, hang tight for a mid-June launch that has cost me a lot of sleep. hang tight and
let me just some it up as...


I think there's about 15 new products in all - about 8 new glazes, 5-6 retirees and all previously glazed items that made it through the ranks are changing their skins to come to you in funky new hues. I like that I can do this stuff... tiki make me happy!!!!

ps - you ain't seen nuttin' yet w/my good bro Benno's bars for the show... they're rockin'!

pps - I may not be vendin' but I'll definitely have some one-of-a-kinds for the brethern to "imbibe from" but in limited supply and not for the eBayer's ... holy wrong glaze battikiman factory production superviser dude yer ass is grass can't sell 'em now i've gotta give 'em away!

[ Edited by: smogbreather on 2004-05-06 06:22 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 05/06/2004

How do I make it not go all long??? Fill me in or suffer!!

RevBambooBen posted on 05/06/2004


Tiki Farm rocks!

(wait till you's see the new shit! you's gonna freak out!!!)

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ModMana posted on 05/06/2004

It's actually a relief (for my wallet) that Tiki Farm is not debuting all their new products at this event because I know I could not resist buying one of everything. Can't wait to see the new designs though! This is really an amazing lineup of vendors! So many great artists! :) ...but such a small tiki budget, damn. :( Oh, and my wife would like to thank all the vendors for not taking plastic for payment. She thinks that I cannot be trusted at an event like this with a loose credit card...she's right. :wink:

ModMana :drink:

Monkeyman posted on 05/06/2004


Those Bars are really cool. I especially like the one with the painted Oasis logo.

Nice work.

TB Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/d01218b19a179e21aef7df43d70e8a02?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Tiki Bird posted on 05/12/2004

On 2004-04-26 14:14, johnnievelour wrote:
I will be selling some of my ceramic bowls.

Thanks johnnie & robin for putting up with my wifes stalking of your bowls. Utopiandreem pickup 3 pieces which we used as a volcano bowl at Dr. Z's room party. Johnnie your bowls rocked!


Pages: 1 43 replies