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Tiki Central / California Events

Tiki 0asis = Heaven!

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Sigh.....I can't believe it's over again! By far, the best one for me! (It was only my second but that's beside the point!) Thanks to TC, I already knew so many more people than last year and they got to know me too! Thanks to Otto and Baby Doe of course! Thanks to Holden for putting me in a spot where my stuff would not melt! Thanks to Crazy Al for being Crazy Al! Great splashing and singing in the jacuzzi on Saturday! Special thanks to King Kukulele who is now the biggest celebrity in my four year old daughter's eyes! I highly recommend hi CD...we've been listening to it nonstop today! Anyhow...I could go on and on...so I will! Thanks to everyone who dug my candles, soaps, and necklaces! I hope you all enjoy them if even for just their scent! Ok, I'll stop now! I MISS TIKI OASIS!!!!


My wife and I (Minnesota couple) love your soap. We bought some for friends, but I now don't want to give them up. See you next year.

Mahalo suburbanpagan!
I had an amazing time and it was great to meet you. I hope your 4 year old enjoys that CD and maybe we'll meet again at a local event in the near future. I sure hope your 4 year old helped out by dog piling on Otto. Isn't he great? We found the TIKI OASIS IN THE DESERT!!!!!

there are SO many great King Kuke stories from this weekend, my personal favorite; we're sitting around the pool late sunday afternoon, me, mr. p, king kuke, lui the glick, talking about the state of the union, and martiki busts though the pool gate announcing that he's shutting down this topic...no politics at tiki oasis...

And taunting Vander Vegas with the giant talking tiki...

what fun!

alright Tikited! inspired to join the TC board today! Fantastic! Lot's of good people here!
I'm glad you like the soaps! I would've had a blast even if I didn't sell anything but it was still nice to pay for the trip that way!
I can always make and send more soaps if the friends get jealous! check out my website:
to see my goodies! it's always evolving and I'm slowly getting set up for online orders. In the meantime, I'm finishing up an order form to download.
Thanks again!

great stories mrs. p! and I'm sure there are many more! King Kuke is a class act! Ya hear that Kuku?

Hey King Kuku! Definitely want to hit up the tiki taix and check out your monthly revue! got to keep this tiki feeling alive and kicking! Once again, fantastic CD! Hope you like the candle and I hope it didn't melt or get "lazy" in the heat!

Where would the Oasis be without Kuke's Uke? His between acts mc'ing is so funny and just plain joyous that there is no appropriate time for a piss-break. If the show was poolside you could get away with a crafty release and not miss any fun.

Anyhow, thats how King Kukalele ruined the Oasis for me.

Just kidding. And the CD is better than Moses, too.

~scrimshaw aka Lui le Glik

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