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Tiki Central / General Tiki

Private Tiki Party in Phoenix Area

Pages: 1 3 replies

mrtiki posted on 05/14/2004

Hi, this is Scott Kramer (Mr Tiki) I'm getting ready to wrap up the final phase of my new Tiki Room at my home in the East Valley of Phoenix. If there are any fellow Tiki people in the phoenix area I'd love to hear from you. Send your e-mails to mrtiki@lycos.com Party dates shouwl be announced soon depending on construction. Scott aka Mr Tiki

mrtiki posted on 05/14/2004

My official e-mail address is mrtikiaz@lycos.com I guess someone had the previous e-mail address???? Hope to hear from fello tiki pals in Arizona.

vwtikigirl posted on 05/14/2004

check your email!

tiki mick 1 posted on 05/24/2004

Sounds great, Mr Tiki AZ!!!!!!!!

Can I bring my camera and a case of red bull?

Pages: 1 3 replies