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King Kukulele Presents Tiki Taix IV on May 28th!

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King Kukulele posted on 05/17/2004

King Kukulele is keeping the spirit of the Tiki Oasis IV alive at Tiki Taix IV in Echo Park for all of you. Its a Kuku Kornucopia of Kick-Ass Kraziness. Speaking of Kraziness, C’Al may show up at 2am...he’s going to be selling out performing for “The Man” in Burbank. (You know I would never do that!)

Friday May 28th, 2004 and every last Friday of the Month 10PM No

The Smokin’ Menehunes are here at last!! Come welcome this Rockin Hapa Haole combo in their debut musical performance at Tiki Taix!


Another amazing surprise from the world of Miehana’s Musical Mele!


A very special, rare Video Tiki Tour inside the home of “The Book of Tiki” author Sven Kirsten. Lucky for us he is in Germany at this time which means we may take a look into his underwear drawer and also we may get a glimpse of his upcoming book on Witco.


A brief look at the Tiki Diablo / King Kukulele European Tour 2004. See the South London Pacific tiki bar and Berlin’s unfinished Tiki Room.


King Kukulele will perform as of yet un-written songs! Never heard before and never to be heard again. Improvised right before you very ears.


Iuka Grogg attempts once again the amazing live sattelite link to cousin Rod Grogg live at the Tiki Ti!!


The debut of a new monthly installment of “Mai-TaiKus”. Written and performed by Tiki Bong!

Join us for this one night only night one time. We'll be at Tiki Taix 1911 Sunset Blvd. in Echo Park 90026 One block north of the lagoon.

suburbanpagan posted on 05/17/2004

count me in! Your CD is awesome King! It's been my backyard music since coming back from the Oasis!

tiki mick 1 posted on 05/17/2004

King, that last post reminded me: Will you have any of your CD's for sale at the Tiki Taix?

I really need one bad!!!!

floratina posted on 05/17/2004

New MONTHLY installment of Mai-TaiKus by Bong? That would mean he'd actually have to travel up there every month from the O.C.? Unheard of. I'll believe it when I see it.

King Kukulele posted on 05/19/2004

Heyloha Tiki Mick and Floratina and Suburban Pagan,
Thanks for the vote of confidence Pagan, someday I'd like to hear it playing in your backyard, that's nice to know. I will have CDs available at Tiki Taix and hopefully by May 28th you'll really need TWO Tiki Mick. And oh yeah, the monthly installment of Mai Tai-kus is going to be innaugerated (thats a tough word to spell) by the inimitible (thats tougher) Tiki Bong! He will have help from others whenever he is stranded in OC. As we all know Trader Pup turned this very zen poetic activity into a cut throat competition at his Fabulous East Indies Room Grand Opening party in the summer of 2003 and he's quite capable of Mai Tai-kuing with the best of them....STAY TUNED!

King Kukulele posted on 05/20/2004

If anybody was wondering about the food situation at Tiki Taix, you'll have a full menu of French cuisine (trés Tahiti) from between $10 and $20 including steaks, fish, and chicken dinners. You can also get snails and frog legs and the best damn clam chowder in America! BUTT the kitchen closes at 10pm which is showtime. I suggest you arrive early and get a table in the lounge, order early and eat during the show...isn't that how they used to do it at the Don Ho show?

floratina posted on 05/21/2004

The food at Taix is very yummy.

crazy al posted on 05/21/2004

Great! the Menehunes! when I might have to miss them! now I'll never get Bong and the Little Smoke'n Mothers up the Purple Orchid for a little jam'n Sat Night...

All should go see this great band when there in LA!!!!

King! is THE KIiiiiiiiiNG!!!!!!!
Bringing you the Best in Tantalizing Tiki Talents every Last Friday of the Month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[ Edited by: crazy al on 2004-05-21 11:09 ]

King Kukulele posted on 05/22/2004

i AM the king!

For all you who live somewhere other than the SoCal region this is a lame reference to a lame commercial by the King of Big Screen TVs...kind of a local Crazy Eddies TV's, only -- WHOA WAIT A MINUTE !! Hey, Al! We are to tiki what Crazy Eddie and the King of Big Screen TV's are to...tvs. Crazy and Kingly.

Tiki Diablo posted on 05/22/2004

...activation required...
I can't wait for the Smokers and Kuke playing my song.

GiantRobotTiki posted on 05/22/2004

I'm not coming unless you promise to incorporate the "Official Star Trekky" salutes between the songs.

suburbanpagan posted on 05/22/2004

hey king! at least you didn't break out with......"or your mattress is FRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"

"You're killing me Larry!"


tikifille posted on 05/22/2004

Crazy Al is playing for "The man" in Burbank? Which man? I'm in Burbank but I'm not the man. What's up in my hood that I don't know about. FYI Burbank= Mayberry, if you've never been.

King Kukulele posted on 05/22/2004

To whom it may concern Tikifille. This thread is to announce a show called Tiki Taix in Echo Park NOT Burbank. And if Al wants to sell out to the man at a Private Party that YOU CAN'T GO TO in Burbank thats no concern of this thread. If I had known that you had an insatiable rabid obsession for Crazy Al I would never have mentioned it. Maybe Al is just too afraid to show up to Tiki Taix. Normally I would commence making chicken noises right now but thats really hard to spell out. So anyway back to the thread, "At Tiki Taix your show is FREEEEEE!! Your Killing me Tikifille!" And you may even hear some Star Trek....but not in Burbank.

GiantBruno posted on 05/22/2004

KING! I mean your majesty sir,

I had to speak up!
Chickens go:
Bwuk Bwuk Bwuk BekCawwk! ad infinitum
(that wasn't too hard to type)


suburbanpagan posted on 05/23/2004

alright King, since we are going down this dark path.........

........"I'll FIGHT for you!"

I may even get you 2.1 million!

King Kukulele posted on 05/24/2004

"HELP! I've fallen and I can't get up!" And who could forget, "I'll stand on my head till my ears are turnin' red!" And this Friday night at Tiki Taix I may even perform the popular "Hey good lookin' be back to pick you up later!"

tikifille posted on 05/24/2004

Well ok Mr. Saucy mouth. Let's just see if I can get a babysitter and come on down to Taix to whoop your royal hula clad hiney!

suburbanpagan posted on 05/24/2004

King! You are breaking out the classics! alright...Im' gonna go Old Skool now:

"I could always go to Control Data Institute tomorrow....................tomorrow............................................tomorrow........"

apologies to anyone saying "huh?" right now!

Tiki Diablo posted on 05/24/2004

"when you're all alone...." what was the deall with the chicken under his arm?

suburbanpagan posted on 05/25/2004

On 2004-05-24 11:44, thechikitiki wrote:
"when you're all alone...." what was the deall with the chicken under his arm?

I totally forgot about those! awesome!

GiantRobotTiki posted on 05/25/2004

do those with rubber chickens at the door get 1/2 off??

King Kukulele posted on 05/25/2004

YES! Those who come with rubber chickens under their arms, (a reference I still don't get) will enter at half the cost...which is nothing. Now half off of nothing is nothing and nothing from nothing gets you nothing! You signed the contract! You stole fizzy lifting drink! You get nothing! Good day sir! Good day sir!

suburbanpagan posted on 05/25/2004


suburbanpagan posted on 05/25/2004

"Mr. Kuku?"
Suburbanpagan slowly and catiously approaches and places an "everlasting tiki" on the edge of the Kings desk.....all time seems to stand still.

floratina posted on 05/26/2004

So shines a good deed in a weary world.


King Kukulele posted on 05/26/2004

"Me 'n Sparkletts water makin' friends" I don't know what Chiki is talking about the chickens, whats that? Hey Suburban Pagan-- Fill in the blank:
"Hey Mikey he _____! "
" Ho Ho Ho ________"
"Two all beef pattys special sauce __________"
“Did you ever eat a _____”

It looks like I may have found the new bit for TIKI TAIX!
PS The Maitre'di of Taix, Phillipe, had a birthday this week, so please take a moment to wish him a happy birthday on Friday night.

aquarj posted on 05/27/2004

So shines a good deed in a weary world.

Indeed. We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of the dreams.


suburbanpagan posted on 05/27/2004

ok, here goes king!

1."he likes it"

2."Green Giant"

3."lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sess-me( rythmic purposes) seed bun"

4."steaming pile of mule crap"? nah that's not it! you stumped me on that one!

For some reason, the guy in the Aames Home Loans ads always had a chicken under his arm!

PiPhiRho posted on 05/27/2004

On 2004-05-27 01:02, suburbanpagan wrote:

4."steaming pile of mule crap"? nah that's not it! you stumped me on that one!

"...Pinetree" (many parts are edible).

SES posted on 05/27/2004

One of my personal faves was

"I can't believe I ate the whole thing"

Luckydesigns posted on 05/27/2004

....so, back to the party...... Tomorrow night's the night. Again, the Menehunes are playing and Bong is driving so that means I'm a drinking. Who's goin'?

PolynesianPop posted on 05/27/2004

I'll be there...

purple jade posted on 05/28/2004

On 2004-05-27 01:47, PiPhiRho wrote:

"...Pinetree" (many parts are edible).

"Like this squirrel, for instance."

crazy al posted on 05/28/2004

Crap'o! if Bong is drive'n, then there's no way he's going to make another trip into LA for a P.O. steel pick'n parlor party :(

King Kukulele posted on 05/28/2004

"Ancient Chinese secret!"

King Kukulele posted on 05/28/2004

"Ancient Chinese secret!"

suburbanpagan posted on 05/28/2004

CALGON! Ancient Chinese secret, huh?

paranoid123 posted on 05/28/2004

I'll be there with a group of friends. Come wish "The Monitors" a happy birthday!

King Kukulele posted on 05/29/2004

WOW what a show! Thanks to all of you who came out to Tiki Taix IV, if you weren't able to make it then try to come out to Tiki Taix V on June 25th! The Smokin Menehunes were SMOKIN and it was great to have them at Tiki Taix. Chiki Tiki aka Tiki Diablo did a little riffing with some video of Berlin / London. We had some great 16mm films brought by Miehana, video of Sven's "Big Bro Tiki" Kirstens home. Iuka and Rodd Grogg FINALLY made it to the Tiki Ti! The Friki Tiki's created a brand new song about selling ice cream and crack cocaine at a school in Sweden...WHAT A NIGHT!! And Olivia was on TV!! Oh yeah, we also had Mai Tai Kus and magic.

Alnshely posted on 06/01/2004

Denny, it was a stones groove my man, I love the Tiki Taix Events. Here are some photos.

Tiki Central exile, Bong, pleads his case. We miss you buddy!!!!! I'm passing the petition to reinstate Bong!!!!!

The Smoking Menahunes, laying it down!!!!

The FABULOUS Women of TC

The King and Bong

Spike and Iuka Grog (AKA W.U.T.)

tiki mick 1 posted on 06/01/2004

King and Iuka,we had a great time! Thanks for including us! I Loved the vintage burlesque video, and the Disney Samba! You guys were hilarious!

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Iuka Grogg posted on 06/01/2004

Thank YOU, Mick! You guys were incredible and I especially liked it when you jammed out in your 20-minute "Dark Star/Scarlet Begonias" extended bass solo odyssey. Dude, it was like, Wow!

-I. Grogg

floratina posted on 06/01/2004

Thankfully Iuka, we were spared from the obligatory "Drums" and "Space".

tiki mick 1 posted on 06/01/2004

Ah well! You know I LOVE playing Grateful dead songs, or at least excerpts...they are such a great influence on both Bong and I! Such a soulful and groovy band!!

In fact, yesterday while Bong and I were comparing our rasta-hackey-sack collection, we both agreed that the menehunes should start including both Jimmy Buffet AND Dead songs in our set!

natch!! Just Kidding!

tiki mick 1 posted on 06/01/2004

Oh, and what the heck happened to my eyes in that picture?

I look horrible! Even worse then in real life!

In every picture I have ever seen of myself, I either look dead and bloated, or like I have cramps!

I think our band needs a new schtick! perhaps the pods from spinal tap, or something similar!

And we need the Smokin menehunes mach 2 free form jazz excursion to be more of a pay-per-view bass-less working cruise followed by a puppet show!

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Doctor Z posted on 06/01/2004

On 2004-06-01 12:29, tiki mick wrote:

I think our band needs a new schtick! perhaps the pods from Spinal Tap, or something similar!

And we need the Smokin menehunes mach 2 free form jazz excursion to be more of a pay-per-view bass-less working cruise followed by a puppet show!

I agree: More TAP!!

The Friki Tikis took a good shot at both "Big Bottom" and "Sex Farm" during their set - I think an extended rendition of "Stonehenge" or "Rock n' Roll Creation" would fit the Menehune's style nicely! (provided that all y'all would be able to get in and out of your pods sucessfully...)

tiki mick 1 posted on 06/01/2004

Cups and cakes, cups and cakes, oh what nice ones, mother makes!

Listen, to what the flower people say'ah ah ah ah ah!
Listen, it's getting louder, every day!

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