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Final, Very Special Maikai Gents Extravaganza Thursday, May 20 @ Purple Orchid

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Iuka Grogg posted on 05/14/2004

Aloha, Friends!

Well, this is it! Our final scheduled public performance of the summer. With the private luau bookings we've gotten, our various summer travel schedules and our focus on our upcoming recording, we just won't be able to hit the nightclub stages for several months. So we ask you to please join us this Thursday, May 20 at The Purple Orchid in El Segundo for a very special evening unlike any other Maikai Gents show you may have already experienced. We've got new tunes to play for you and a wonderful line-up of guest performers such as: the ever-charming Cherry Capri, the lovely and seductive Brandy LaPlante, the astounding bar magic of Lincoln and the guitar virtuosity of Lord Hunt! This BIG show begins at 9:00PM and can be yours to behold for the paltry sum of $3. Extravagant entertainment at affordable prices! Please arrive early and delight in the tiki atmosphere and delicious frosty tropical cocktails (served up by the city's most delightful bartendresses) that have made The Purple Orchid the most talked about and enjoyable new bar in town. This fine establishment is located at:

221 Richmond Street
El Segundo CA 90245

If you've been thinking about seeing The Maikai Gents, now is the time! It'll be quite awhile until we're back on the public stage so don't put it off! We'd love to see you and say aloha in person this Thursday night.

-The Maikai Gents

p.s. We'll also be having a "bake sale" at the show to raise funds for our recording. Beautiful and playful Maikai Gents stickers and tiki jewelry will take the place of cupcakes and banana bread.

Iuka Grogg posted on 05/17/2004

Just added to our "bake sale" this Thursday night at The Purple Orchid: Genuine El Dorado Club tiki charms and necklaces including The Mysterious Miss Mauna Loa line(modeled after you know who!). Buy one and have your photo taken with the jewelry and the woman who inspired it. Fun!

And to answer a private e-mail in public: Indeed it is THE Lord Hunt, formerly of The Bomboras (and former Maikai Gent) who will be reuniting with us onstage at The Purple Orchid this Thursday, May 20. 9:00PM showtime. See you there for more show than you can shake a lei at!

-I. Grogg

Miss Mauna Loa posted on 05/18/2004

Aloha! With all the special guests, I guess Iuka forgot to mention that I'll be there, too! Dancing hula is what I do, so as the song goes: keep your eyes on the hands! Can't wait to see you all at this BIG show.

-The Mysterious Miss Mauna Loa

Tiki Bird posted on 05/18/2004

Utopiandreem & i will be there!

GiantRobotTiki posted on 05/19/2004

Me and Cheekygirl will try to make it. I've got rehersals wed and will probably be burnt out, but we'll try Judd.

Iuka Grogg posted on 05/20/2004

Hi, All!
Well, the big show is tonight and wow, are we excited! As you've heard, we have some very special guests joining us and I'd like to give 'em each a plug here:

Cherry Capri can be seen at http://www.cherrycapri.com

Guitar-star Lord Hunt shows off his surfboard creations at http://www.huntcustoms.com
His site design is by none other than the fabulous Chichiwan who also dreamed up http://www.mkgents.com

Lincoln, our mysterious and amazing magician exhibits his provocative photography at http://www.lincoln3d.com

Kiwini Hekili Hoku on bass, hosts Club Au Go-Go, a monthly celebration of '60's mod and garage music in Hollywood. See it, hear it, live it at http://www.clubaugogo.com

The elegant and exotic tiki jewelry we'll be selling at our "bake sale" all comes from the super-hip El Dorado Club International. We'll have charm bracelets and necklaces, tiki magnets, and one incredibly sexy belt buckle. Take a preview at http://www.eldoradoclub.net

Give 'em all a look so you'll be prepared for the spectacle that will take place this very evening!
Cant wait to see you there!

-Iuka G.

Just say "Ee-you-kah"
Sway your hula hips over to http://www.mkgents.com

[ Edited by: Iuka Grogg on 2004-05-20 11:46 ]

Tiki Bird posted on 05/21/2004

Had a great time at the show! Thanks for the invite Iuka Grogg, sorry we had to cut out at 11:30pm, work is such a drag.


Iuka Grogg posted on 05/21/2004

Woweewow! What a fun time last night! Thanks to each and everyone of you for attending. That was an amazing turnout! Thanks to Wersmo Derinc for rewarding the tiki faithful with a FREE show. Yup, he decided to nix the door charge and give you the extravaganza. Well, we sure had an amazing time and what made it so memorable was seeing so many happy people enjoying themselves there. As the old showbiz adage goes(but in our case it's TRUE), we've got the greatest fans in the world! Looking forward to hitting the nightclub stage again when in a few months. In the meantime, if anyone has any pictures from last night, please send some our way. Mahalo!

-Iuka for The Maikai Gents Featuring The Mysterious Miss Mauna Loa

christiki295 posted on 05/25/2004

Superb, wonderful time.

I'm still humming along to Cherry Capri's version of "Pineapple Princess" and I may never look at a papaya the same way again.
Also, I think you saved the best song for last on your encore.

I hope my memories can hold me over until the next show, whenever that is.

PS-any cover would have been well worth the event).

k'eli posted on 05/26/2004

Did anyone take any pictures??

k'eli posted on 05/26/2004

christiki295 - thought you had a wahine - shouldn't you be checking out her papayas?

Cherry Capri posted on 06/05/2004

After a very long hiatus - I FINALLY got my website updated wich means lots of pictures from old events - but what a fun way to relive fond old memories...

Here's the Mai Kai Gents Show at the Fabby Purple Orchid.
here's a sneak preview of what you'll find
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/proxy-image.php?user_id=270&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cherrycapri.com%2Fphotos_orchid%2Fhumushoe.jpg&w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=6559083b92f0e8b8965c686742d271eb


if you ever find I have not credited a photo incorrectly (i put the credits in the alt tags that show up when you mouse over an image)please let me know.

[ Edited by: Cherry Capri on 2004-06-05 03:55 ]

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