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Moorea, bungalow for rent

Pages: 1 2 replies

Vaïnui posted on 09/25/2002

If anyone is planning to visit Tahiti & the isles I can rent one of my bungalows on Moorea, fully equiped & with access to lagoon.
$US800 a month.

BONBONVIC posted on 09/26/2002

Sounds wonderful. I have been to Moorea 3 times since 1979. I would love to go back. Can you post pics of the bungalow?
I have stayed at the Bali Hai & Club Bali Hai

Vaïnui posted on 09/26/2002

Ia orana,

OK, will send pics & info via email.

Here is my address: VAINUI@offratel.nc.



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