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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Tell Tale Tiki

Pages: 1 5 replies

kooche posted on 05/29/2004

this is the first image i decided to paint from a narrative series that will eventually (God only knows when) become my first book/graphic novel...it's working title is "Tell Tale Tiki" ...it's most likely the only one i'll share here until after the show...

all of the images will all be on display (my story finally told) and for sale at the Mmodern Gallery in Palm Springs on December 11th...to get on the list of reserve buyers you can contact them at

(760) 416 3611
or you can drop them an email

many many mahalos! see you then kids!

SES posted on 05/29/2004

Ooooh a BOOK! Great idea!
I love the sneak preview.


Benzart posted on 05/29/2004

Kooch, really love the moody expression and the story preview. I gotta find out how the story unfolds man..Hurry uUPpp...Love it

sirginn posted on 05/31/2004

Miles- Dig the mermaid man! You kill me, everytime you post something we love it. We will be in the new house in San Diego by the time the Mmodern show rolls around, and that means one thing, more wall space for the Thompson gallery. We will be at the Ti on Saturday, interest you in a Chi Chi?

kooche posted on 05/31/2004

"can you interest me in a chichi?"

now is when i feel like i should bleed sarcasm all over you...

let me just say that last night i went to the tiki ti and hung out from 6 until about 11...averaging ALMOST a chichi per hour...i travel pretty steadily at 1ccph...i love that damn place!

see you saturday at what time? you pick up your paintings from CN gallery yet?

i'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone here on Tiki Central for offering support to me as an artistic individual over the last 4 years...yes it's been that long! ...it's HARD to get a single person to voice their approval of someone else's creative drive...ESPECIALLY other creators because we are all so opinionated when it comes to creative expression in any medium...writers judge music and painters judge carvers and carvers judge painters and musicians judge painters and so on...its natural...if you aren't a fan of someone's work...thanks for biting your lip or at the very least exercising diplomacy and offering some constructive criticism based on research and knowledge ...if you are a fan thanks for airing it!!! it REALLY means so much to those that are trying their hardest to lead a creative life...scott and christine, randy J, danny G (bionichiki), cass, humu(human drinking straw) & cherry C, SES, andrew, gary P, Rich & Marianne, james kimoprimoson, ben D, Bosko, SVEN(the MAN!), the 2 mikes at the TT, the Maikai Gents, and too too many others to try and recall off the top of my head while i have such a crazy hangover if i have forgotten to single you out i am SO sorry...i humbly offer you my most sincere MAHALO for all of your love and support!


pablus posted on 06/01/2004

Spectacular art.

It sings, man.

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