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Tiki Central / California Events

16th Annual North County Hawaiian Community Luau

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Alnshely posted on 06/01/2004

I wanted to post this info early and invite TC down to enjoy this very cool Luau. I didn't find out about the actual date until the morning of the event so I'm posting this info after the fact. Next year we all gotta go.

Now Jesus, he has Aloha!!! This event takes place at the San Luis Rey Mission. For those of you non-californians, (the mission system is something they pound into your heads when you are in grade school out here),here is some background. There are twentyone Missions the first being built in 1769. The theory was it would take one day to travel between each Mission, so it would take twentyone days to reach San Fransisco from Mexico. Probably the most famous Mission is San Jaun Capistrano, just North of here, it is celebrated in song and story for the swallows who return every year(and they do too).

Here's the Father patrick who runs the Mission, he's one of us I tell you.

Shelley with my mai-tai

They sold 600 Tickets to this years event

Uke Jam


Hula Dancers!!!


Here's David Performing, some of you know him as the owner of Momalanis Island Traditions, the local Hawaiian store.


freddiefreelance posted on 06/01/2004

Oooh! I'm sorry, I did know about it (the date & everything), but I had prior commitments & forgot to post it. Even worse, my prior commitment fell through & I'd've been able to go!

Tiki Bird posted on 06/01/2004

The picture of the food is making me very hungry...guess i should go to lunch soon.

TheTikiGuy posted on 06/02/2004

Bummer......Would have been great to attend.

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