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Tiki Central Burnout after the Oasis?

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Do I sense a cooling trend following the saturation of Tiki Oasis IV? Was the Oasis critique thread the beast that broke everyones back? There were over 6,000 views on that thread alone. Clearly it caught everones attention?

Where are so many of our regulars?

I agree that silence is better than noise but its hard to tell if folks are lurking or just plain gone?

[ Edited by: Monkeyman on 2004-05-29 22:39 ]

I didnt go to Oasis, but I just been plain bsuy myself.

I didn't read all that sh&t. The last few pages were depressing. I hope you guys had a good time at oasis, but it is hard to tell.
I think TC is starting to wander too much. Bong needs to kick some a$$ and narrow the field a little bit.

[ Edited by: Kailuageoff on 2004-05-31 20:04 ]

A few members have emailed me to let me know that they won't be posting anymore, specifically after this year's Oasis.

In my long-time examination of posting trends here I do have to say that there is curve that members go through ... they join, get excited, read a ton, do a lot of searches do a lot of posts, etc. After they've caught up on their searches they switch to just reading the new posts, then they slow down in their posting, then they pretty much stop posting and read only, and who knows, perhaps they stop reading after some point.


that sounds like a normal curve for any activity online or otherwise. i've seen that happen with ModCom in L.A.

there is always a honeymoon period when you discover a crazy bunch of folks who are into the same stuff you're into. and then either people stick around for the long haul as more 'senior' members or they just drift away...

i myself have not posted much lately just due to the fact that life has become so busy i don't have time for much of anything. but i still check in and read like hanford says. and maybe i'll have my february photos posted by next october :)

it is natural for there to be some burnout resting period after such an immersive and exciting event as oasis. but i don't think it's anything to worry about. the core team is still faithful and will be and has been for years now.

On 2004-05-31 20:52, Futura Girl wrote:
it is natural for there to be some burnout resting period after such an immersive and exciting event as oasis. but i don't think it's anything to worry about. the core team is still faithful and will be and has been for years now.

Good point.
In fact, it might just be a very long (and well deserved) Tiki Central hangover.
Lord knows I've been there before.

And I mean that in the most positive way.

[ Edited by: Unga Bunga on 2004-05-31 21:26 ]

Bong needs to kick some a$$ and narrow the field a little bit.

Yeah, where's Bong when you need him?

Yeah, after we returned home all sunburned, hungover and happy...our car laden with tiki treasures and blasting Fisherman & Ape music our adult children looked at us in disgust and said - "why don't you guys grow up and act your age?" So I've been working on my golf game lately and we're collecting Faberge eggs and porcelain owls. Sally's knitted some really neat toaster cozys and we're in the proccess of redecorating the house in Early American...BODDAH YOU! See yas at da kine june 12.

[ Edited by: Shipwreckjoey on 2004-06-01 00:52 ]

SES posted on Tue, Jun 1, 2004 7:32 AM

On 2004-05-31 20:21, hanford_lemoore wrote:
A few members have emailed me to let me know that they won't be posting anymore, specifically after this year's Oasis.

I've just been superbusy. Didn't go to Oasis (too far away) or read all the threads so have no idea what happened that would turn people off. Sorry to hear that. It's their loss.

On 2004-05-31 20:21, hanford_lemoore wrote:
A few members have emailed me to let me know that they won't be posting anymore, specifically after this year's Oasis.


Well I wouldn't want to try and relay their reasons and get it wrong. But I do think the term "burn out" applies somewhat.


Burnout is unfortunate.

I suspected as much and hope this is just a lull.

I have noticed a major stagnation in most of the forums. Creating Tiki has slowed down quite a bit, the main forum seems to hardly be the main forum anymore.

Are there any plans to restore the Shout? I find that as the information on the board becomes less important to me, the people and their personalities become MORE important. The shout allowed direct contact with others without having to create threads.

Last year at this time there were more parties than there were weekends, I will let it unfold and see what happens....

[ Edited by: monkeyman on 2004-06-01 17:13 ]

On 2004-06-01 11:29, Atomic Cocktail wrote:

On 2004-05-31 20:21, hanford_lemoore wrote:
A few members have emailed me to let me know that they won't be posting anymore, specifically after this year's Oasis.


Yeah, why? Did something really bad happen there?

I must admit to having skipped virtually all the Oasis posts anyway - far too many to read and no hope of going....

We all get burnt-out sometimes - just take a rest for a while, then slowly let the Tiki seep back in.

Trader Woody


It's funny, but i was there, and not only did I have a great time, but everyone else seemed to be having a good time too!

I am seriously looking forward to next year!


On 2004-06-01 17:07, tiki mick wrote:
It's funny, but i was there, and not only did I have a great time, but everyone else seemed to be having a good time too!

I am seriously looking forward to next year!

Me too!

I don't know if it's the honeymoon syndrome or not, but it seems that no matter how great (perfect?) something is- and Oasis was about as good as it gets- there are folks that will find something wrong with the situation.

Everyone has an opinion though, as it should be...


On 2004-06-01 15:27, Monkeyman wrote:
Burnout is unfortunate.

Last year at this time there were more parties than there were weekends, I will let it unfold and see what happens....

And there was a big, prolonged burnout lull after that! Baxdog hasn't been the same since: "What the hell is wrong with everyone?"


oops, duplicate.

[ Edited by: floratina on 2004-06-01 18:06 ]

laney posted on Tue, Jun 1, 2004 6:09 PM

On 2004-06-01 15:27, Monkeyman wrote:
Last year at this time there were more parties than there were weekends, I will let it unfold and see what happens....
[ Edited by: monkeyman on 2004-06-01 17:13 ]

So when's your party? I regretfully missed the last one. Get the ball rolling...

Well, what about someone like me. I went to Oasis for the 3rd year in a row and never knew about Tiki Central. I learned about it there at Oasis. Now, I'm an enthusiastic participant. I believe there have been several newcomers registering on Tiki Central since Oasis. SEEEEE? This is positive.


*On 2004-05-31 20:21, hanford_lemoore wrote:*there is curve that members go through ... they join, get excited, read a ton, do a lot of searches do a lot of posts, etc. After they've caught up on their searches they switch to just reading the new posts, then they slow down in their posting, then they pretty much stop posting and read only, and who knows, perhaps they stop reading after some point.


I think I fall in that category - I find myself lurking more & posting less... I guess I'm only really interested in those great history posts that Sabu always seems to put out. As for posting myself, I have some good photos & things, but it always seems to take so much time to formulate a well written post, along with the time it takes to dig out the photos, scan them, push them up to my website & then put the whole thing on Tiki Central. I'm sure my boss wouldn't appreciate knowing it can take me 1 - 2 hours to do this! I did this page mainly for Tiki Central-ites:
but how many people have looked at it? Well, a few more now! But seriously - why am I doing it? Probably to stroke my own ego & show off or something... Anyway, that page took me a looooooong time to put up! (NOTE: I just checked that page, and all the iPix links have been changed by Marriott - but am I gonna take the time to change it? Probably not...) If I feel that I want to share something tiki (or in my case usually theme park related) with the group, but - if it takes me too much time, I just kinda put it off & end up forgetting about it....

I guess I'm less interested in the posts now too - they all seem to have a sameness to them. Or maybe I'm jaded and/or burnt out too. Or maybe I'm just interested in the history aspect of tiki now - and very few posts seem to have that! Dunno - but I think I'm turning into a lurker, sad to say...

"Oh mystic powers - hear my call...
From my limbs, let new life fall..."

[ Edited by: Tangaroa on 2004-06-03 11:52 ]


We were at the Tiki Oasis for the first time and really had fun. My posts are scarce because I'm too lazy to write in English but I will try to make an effort because I think TC deserves it.
A bientot.


I understand the burnout but why did several members feel the need to inform Hanford?

On 2004-06-03 13:28, Atomic Cocktail wrote:
I understand the burnout but why did several members feel the need to inform Hanford?
I kinda think of myself as the bartender here, and customers, from time to time, bring their troubles to me without airing it across the forums. I guess I'm a good listener.

I have tried over the last year to fix every problem that has been brought to me.

PS the plan is to get Shout! up and running again soon. Ugh, I got so much work to do....



[i]On 2004-06-03 15:00, hanford_lemoore wrote: I kinda think of myself as the bartender here, and customers, from time to time, bring their troubles to me without airing it across the forums. I guess I'm a good listener.

I know Hanford has helped me with my issues! And I bet he mixes a good drink to boot.

uh duh... the other thing that everyone seems to be forgetting is that the forums just got split up as well... we had, what, 3-4 forums a year ago? and now - we're up to 9 (that's not counting the test forum) so the traffic is just spread out a little... not to worry - i personally still find plenty of fresh pickin's whenever i check in. and i find there are always enough lurkers and posters to keep it interesting. and when all else fails - there's our patron saint of posting Bong to liven things ip a bit...

hungs and kisses TB.


although as a regular poster - i do find it quite disconcerting that the number of 'locked topics' has increased beyond exponentially lately... this bums me out to no degree. unless there is cursing or downright illegal activity i think locking is very dangerous territory for a forum. generally the things that get locked would dissipate naturally or with a gentle nudge without locking.


And NOW,
If any of you wimpy cry babies would check out the events page.
It's party season again!!
Now shut up and drink!
What do you mean "no cursing"
sorry all you Witches

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