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mattfink posted on 05/18/2004

Saturday June 19th, 2004
-in celebration of the original Detroit Chin Tiki!

A first ever DETROIT TIKI ART SHOW -featuring dozens of renowned
artisans, painters and sculptors from around the world. An art
exhibition with tropical flair, set within the concrete jungles of
darkest Detroit City! Exotic, mysterious, sensual, imposing and
powerful: the TIKI -silent guardian of the sacred Pacific isles from
civilizations long since passed! Please join us as we celebrate
Detroit's own CHIN TIKI restaurant and the magical and mythical wonder
of the TIKI with original art works on display and for sale at the
Livonia CHIN TIKI restaurant. Owners MARLIN CHIN and MARVIN CHIN of
Detroit CHIN TIKI, rising artworld star JIME LITWALK in conjunction
with The Cat's Meow's NANCY HAY and DJ DEL VILLARREAL have brought
together an ec! lectic and dazzling array of TIKI inspired paintings,
carvings, sculptures and artistic collectibles for your consideration,
all under the thatched ceiling of the Livonia CHIN TIKI restaurant.
Also on hand will be noted architect GEORGE NAKASHIMA, designer of the
Mai Kai restaurant in Fort Lauderdale, Florida in the mid 50's. Located
at 28205 Plymouth Road in Livonia, MI, the Chin Tiki restaurant will be
transformed into an exotic and ethereal TIKI PARADISE with delicious
appetizers, tiki books & TIKI themed collectibles, lush, soothing
TIKI-rhythmed music and, of course, liberal libations served up in
authentic tiki mugs!

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Raffle just added! A TIKI raffle drawing of
unavailable and extremely rare authentic Detroit CHIN TIKI restaurant
collectibles. Enter to win an original vintage Chin Tiki Menu, 2
different vintage Detroit Chin Tiki Ash Trays and an autographed Chin
Tiki Postcard. 2nd prize ! will be a Tiki Farm SHAG TIKI CHARM BRACELET.
Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5. ! Can be purchased locally at The
Meow store in Royal Oak, MI or through PayPal using PayPal id:
catsmeow1@prodigy.net More information: 248-542-1161

Join the Motor City Tiki Tribe on
Saturday, June 19th at the CHIN TIKI restaurant located at 28205
Plymouth Road in Livonia, MI. Doors at 6:00 p.m. Free admission.
Hawaiian dress encouraged.


Feelin Zombified posted on 05/18/2004

I've been waiting for the official info on this event for weeks! Finally, something in the events forum east of the Mississippi and north of the Mason/Dixon. See you there!


Thank God The Tiki Bar Is Open
Thank God The Tiki Torch Still Shines...

[ Edited by: feelin' zombified on 2004-05-18 12:10 ]

mattfink posted on 05/18/2004

Yeah, we should do an official TC meet and greet at the show! Any midwest members interested?


Cousin Dave posted on 05/18/2004

All right,

An actual tiki event happening in good ole' Motown. Matter of fact, Livonia was one of my old stomping grounds for quite awhile in the days following high school. Have fond memories of Chin's on Plymouth Rd. My mom says she also has fond memories of the Trader Vic's at the Statler back in the days. Sorry I won't be there to meet up with you guys, but I will definitely put the word out to family/friends to come out on 6/19.
P.S. Let's go PISTONS!~~Cousin Dave

mattfink posted on 05/19/2004

Thanks Dave! I should have some more information to post here pretty soon.

SURFTIKI33 posted on 05/19/2004

Me and my wife will be there!!! can't wait!!!

[ Edited by: SURFTIKI33 on 2004-05-19 09:05 ]

Tiki D posted on 05/19/2004

I will definitely be in attendance. This is super exciting, an event in my own back yard! Oh happy day!!! :D

mattfink posted on 05/19/2004

I'm telling you Tiki D it's going to be fantastic!! I hear they are going to bring out the old recipies from the Chin Tiki to mix drinks on that day. The art is going to be incredible...heck, I'm even building a bar for the show!

Tiki D posted on 05/20/2004

I have already cancelled the plans that I had for that day. Wow, you're building a bar for it?? I can't wait to be one of the first to enjoy a Mai Tai at your bar :drink:

chisel slinger posted on 05/20/2004

i also built a bar for the show, see you there. jim

mattfink posted on 05/20/2004

Right on Jim!!! How did you hear about the show?

chisel slinger posted on 05/20/2004

i was invited months ago by jime litwalk as a guest artist, he has some of my tikis.

mattfink posted on 05/20/2004

Cool! I didn't even know there was a carver in Columbus, OH. I'd love to see some of your stuff....got any pics handy?

chisel slinger posted on 05/21/2004

I have some older stuff on creating tiki.

mattfink posted on 05/21/2004

That stuff looks great! Be sure to bring some bigger carvings too!


tikifish posted on 05/30/2004

That's my birthday! I will really try hard to be there... however I may be in Montreal... lets hope I can do both!

mattfink posted on 06/02/2004

mattfink posted on 06/02/2004

Raffle tickets are now available for the Chin Tiki goodies. Anyone interested can contact me through pm. You do not have to be present to win!



SURFTIKI33 posted on 06/03/2004

Hey, How could I get my hands on one of those
post cards you just posted???:tiki:

Cousin Dave posted on 06/03/2004

I would certainly like to grab one of those post cards too--Anything with tiki and the "Motor City" is a must have for this ole' Motown raised boy. BTW, did you go downtown for Movement at all? This was the first year I missed it, although I still listened to a lot of it via the web stream through the Movement website.

P.S. How about those Pistons!--"Fear the Fro."~~Cousin Dave

[ Edited by: Cousin Dave on 2004-06-03 11:57 ]

[ Edited by: Cousin Dave on 2004-06-03 11:59 ]

[ Edited by: Cousin Dave on 2004-06-03 12:00 ]

[ Edited by: Cousin Dave on 2004-06-03 12:20 ]

TNTiki posted on 06/03/2004

[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 17:30 ]

mattfink posted on 06/04/2004

Send me an email with your addresses and I'll be glad to mail one off to you:




mattfink posted on 06/07/2004

Ok, I think I got everyone's post cards out in the mail...any other takers?



TNTiki posted on 06/08/2004

[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 17:32 ]

Cousin Dave posted on 06/08/2004

As Smokey & The Miracles once said,
"I Second That Emotion"--Got my post card today also.

Moocho mahalo Matt!~~CD

SURFTIKI33 posted on 06/08/2004

Thanks for the post card. I'll see you at the event..

mattfink posted on 06/10/2004

Great! I'll see you guys in little over a week!!!

Tiki-Toa posted on 06/12/2004

Any other Wisconsin tiki lover intrested in going? Looking for someone to share costs of gas, hotel, etc. with so I can make for what sounds like one hell of a good time. Please email if intrested, Mahalo.

Feelin Zombified posted on 06/12/2004


What's the deal with the raffle tix? The day I tried to get 'em, they were not yet available and now I might not get to that side of town again for a while.

Will they be sold at the show as well? or are they advance only?


Tiki-Toa posted on 06/12/2004

Zombie if you go up from your post Mattfink says to pm and he will get you some, hope this helps.

mattfink posted on 06/14/2004

They will definitely be available at the show, but you may want to try and get there earlier in the evening.


On 2004-06-12 11:53, Feelin' Zombified wrote:

What's the deal with the raffle tix? The day I tried to get 'em, they were not yet available and now I might not get to that side of town again for a while.

Will they be sold at the show as well? or are they advance only?


mattfink posted on 06/21/2004

Thanks to everyone who came out the the show on Saturday night. Wow!!! What a great crowd and a great bunch of Tiki art. I'll get some pics up on here pretty soon.


mattfink posted on 06/21/2004

Heres a pic of the bar I built for the event. The restaurant didn't have an actual bar to serve drinks from, so I put this together for them. It was for sale, but it was so packed with drinkers I don't think anyone even knew about it:

SURFTIKI33 posted on 06/21/2004

My wife and I had a great time, some really
cool stuff . My wallet is a whole lot lighter. I hope this could become an annual

Feelin Zombified posted on 06/21/2004

It was nice to finally meet some of you. I had great time even though I had to leave early & my wife couldn't make it and to top it off most of my pics didn't turn out. Great to see such a large crowd. Perhaps it'll inspire further work on Chin Tiki (?)
I'll try to post what few pics did turn out soon.


Tiki-Toa posted on 06/21/2004

Mattfink I think you should bring that bar to Wisconsin for the Tiki Pa'ina event to try and sell it, or at least we can try to have as much fun drinking from it as the Motor City crowd. Sorry I missed such a good time.

mattfink posted on 06/21/2004


Tell me more about the Wisconsin event!!! When, where, who, etc?



Tiki-Toa posted on 06/21/2004


Matt and anyone else here is the link to the Wisconsin event things are coming together now so take a look any and all are welcome to this lets make this a party to remember. Looking for more artists and carvers and just plain good ole tiki freaks.

Feelin Zombified posted on 06/22/2004

Here, as promised are my sad excuse for pictures. None of the pics of carvings or art turned out, sorry...

If you squint, you can see 2 tikis out front...

Backs of peoples heads...

Fuzzy DJ...

Eating the remains of the original Chin Tiki...

Anybody have something better to post?


Thank God The Tiki Bar Is Open
Thank God The Tiki Torch Still Shines...

[ Edited by: feelin' zombified on 2004-06-21 18:10 ]

mattfink posted on 06/22/2004

Ok, got some pics together:

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BambooLodge posted on 06/22/2004

Hey FZ,
Thanx for posting pics! The place was really packed on Saturday and it was hard to check out the Decor. Chin's is a really cool place with a lot of fantastic Tiki artifacts. We had a great time.

Dave & Coalbe

BaMbOoLoDgE...where the South Pacific meets the Great White North!

[ Edited by: BambooLodge on 2004-06-22 12:06 ]

Tiki-Toa posted on 06/22/2004

Mattfink~ Dude the pictures rock, and man I am really bummed even more now that I did not make it. Can you tell me how to get a hold of some of these artists that are in the pictures? 1. I want them for the WI. event and 2. I wanna buy some of their stuff!
It looks like you guys did a great job, now the pressure is on me to come through with a good event, jeez. :wink:

mattfink posted on 06/22/2004


Len at http://www.speedcult.com is the guy who did the metal stuff.

Jimi Litwalk and Jeff Shea both work out of Electric Superstition Tattoo in Royal Oak:


Mark from Lucky Monkey Tattoo in Ann Arbor did the Hula-Fink painting:


Dave Krys of DSK designs did the lamps:


Jimmy Robinson did the Witco style bar (he's here lurking on T.C. somewhere).

Hope this will help you out a bit. There were more artists there, but that is all I can think of off the top of my head.


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BARNETT posted on 06/24/2004

Man! Chin's was great!!! I was in detroit for a fellow DEADBEATS' wedding and managed to get a few striping pieces done in time for the show...the even sold! The skateboard was painted by Jeff Shea and the 3 paintings next to the skateboard were painted by Jime' Litwalk. Had a really good time. If I can get some pics from Jime', I'll post some of them (my digital's card was full...damn!) nice job on the show, Nancy and Jime'! Anyways...good to see some of ya'll and maybe next time I can meet some more of you.

mattfink posted on 06/24/2004


Thanks for coming and doing the trays! They looked great and sold like hotcakes.


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Kahiki Johnny posted on 05/09/2005

Is there any word on a Motor city tiki art show for 2005?

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Tipsy McStagger posted on 05/10/2005

this is what I have heard....I think the event is being pushed up to the late summer or early fall. some of the organizers have been busy with other projects and haven't been able to focus on getting a june event together in time. also, with the mass exodus of people leaving downtown detroit, the old chin tiki location will probably be sold. there were rumors that it might re-open, but that's a crack pipe at this time. no one can justify opening a business on that scale in that hostile of a market. i'm sure whatever decor can be transfered over to the livonia location will be taken there, and the rest sold off or trashed. there's not alot of stuff in there worth salvaging. anyway, stay tuned and either nancy, mattfink or myself will post more info on it soon......was looking forward to it in june, but i guess i have more time to create art for the show...

Tiki D posted on 05/10/2005


Thanks for the update. I am anxiously awaiting the next event as it is supposed to be the best one yet!

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