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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki

eBay: not my auction.

Pages: 1 8 replies

sweetpea posted on 06/08/2004
tikifish posted on 06/08/2004

It's a very confusing listing.Looks like she's trying to save money on listing costs, but I think this way will turn off buyers and she'll end up making much less than she would have spent listing it all!

SES posted on 06/08/2004

Confusing is an understatement. In particular exactly what is this auction for?
Looks like there is nothing except a listing of things to sell later on BUT someone may think that they can make a bid there now and win EVERYTHING.
Turnoff is right.

martiki posted on 06/08/2004



(keigs20/bigbro - can you confirm?)

purple jade posted on 06/08/2004

Comes with a "Bilanic" shoe pin.

But it is blessed with holy water from Lourdes...

Trader Woody posted on 06/08/2004

Ha ha! Laney's going to murder you guys!
(Or at least insert a Witco where the sun don't shine)

Trader Woody

DawnTiki posted on 06/08/2004

OMG!!! Did you see what she did to the poor thing? Someone save him! Pleeez!

laney posted on 06/09/2004

On 2004-06-08 16:35, Trader Woody wrote:
Ha ha! Laney's going to murder you guys!
(Or at least insert a Witco where the sun don't shine)

Trader Woody

Yea, Yea Ya bunch of kill-joys!
I've been in contact with this seller about this piece before it was listed
"I've adorned him with vintage pieces of jewelry and gems, he's awesome! He's around 5 ft. tall and made of solid wood and so shipping will probably be around $50 or higher "
Was part of her first e-mail. I asked if they could be removed without damage to the piece and she said she didn't think so (I can see some things are stuck into the wood too). She also said she didn't know how to pack and ship it. I've had someone stick me with the cost of profesional double boxing a lamp and I have a feeling she would charge a huge "handling" fee. When I offered cost effective shipping and packing options-she said she couldn't do it that way.
So...unless this piece stays really low, I'll keep looking. But it does need saving, seeing that breaks my heart...Why? Why?

Trader Woody posted on 06/09/2004

Perhaps a Tiki road trip to rescue it is in order, Laney?

The attached crap can't be too difficult to fix/remove/sand over? Any experts?

Trader Woody

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