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Big 'Ol Tiki Bash - Kicked @$$!

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Tiki_Bong posted on 09/29/2002

The Tiki Bash was without a doubt a memorable event (that is what I remember of it!). It included all the usual suspects as well as new tiki-loving faces.

Holden, you are the Man! Mucho Mahaloz for all your hard work.

(Now back to sleep)

crazy al posted on 09/29/2002


What the hell am a doing up.... o-ya that f’n work thing...

Lots of NewTikiFaces! can’t wait for the next!!!!
(someone remind me to stretch out before hand though)

Have fun at Disneyland Folks!
(send jpg’s of the ‘dog pound dogs and turtle‘)

Thanks again Holden!!!!!!

MakeDaMug posted on 09/29/2002

Hi Everybody,

I must say that the party was a rockin' good time and let it be known that there is no way that it could have happened without the help of Bamboo Ben and Danny Gallardo and my colleagues Preston, Jorge & Lisa! We banged out some late nights there together setting the thing up and it wouldn't have been what it was without their help - Ben's giant Trader Vic's bar and Danny's painstakingly hand-built volcano were key to the function and form of this thing!

The artists... Jimmy C., Drew Brophy, Joe Vitale (who came all the way out from Florida), Squid (let it be known that I had no idea that he was bringing that little blue guy with the thing sticking out of his stomach!), Marcus Pizzuti (also thanks to Marcus for the last minute Easter Island set-up), Crazy Al, Danny Gallardo & Ben again and of course Shag who had the tiring job of signing... 14 decanter sets! It was all I could do to make his boxed sets happen due to the usual last minute glitch's - all that pre-booked are covered!

The Bands... King Kukulele & the Friki Tikis (did anybody notice that sitting in on vibes was none other than DJ Bonebreak - the drummer for my all time favorite band "X"...???), The Mag-Neatos and their fast and furious rockabilly surf and the Eliminators (with my biz colleague Preston on rhythm guitar) cranking out ultra surf classics as they are essentially one of THE ultra classic surf bands from So Cal!

Sven - our fearless leaders return was the key event of the night (unless you include some late night scantilly clad antics that I happened upon in various areas of the party and the outside grounds!)... I'm curious to know if there will be any tiki bash babies arriving in about 9 months!?! Sven's return was momentus (Reserved For "Insert a photo of Sven's head here")!! Welcome back Sven!!

Well, I hope you all had a great time - after I finally got to slow down and enjoy myself I looked around and saw what appeared to be a lot of people enjoying themselves. That's what it's all about and why the good people at tiki central spend our time here conversing with one another... let's do this thing again, ok?


I'd also like to throw in a last thank you to Hanford and Mig for keeping this site up so well and allowing us to air topics like these and other fun/irreverent and occasioinal dirty laundry topics whenever we see fit!

[ Edited by: smogbreather on 2002-09-29 16:38 ]

bamboo ben posted on 09/30/2002

........in the immortal words of Joey Ramone, "Somebody put something in my drink!"
Was it you Holden?? Or King Ku Ku ? C'Al? Bax? Bong? Al Shelly? Tina? Sven? Judy? Shag? Chiki? Wes?

I'll find out and when I do, I'll thank you personally!!!

Wow! What a blast!! I haven't cut loose in a loooooooong time! To be 86ed/cut off from my own portable Trader Vics Tiki Bar was an honor!

Mahalos to the four animals at "Tiki Farm" for a night................................. I'll never remember!!

stentiki posted on 09/30/2002


Thanks again for an incredible night! Tina and I had a blast and it was great partying with you all again!

I don't know how you do it, Holden, but you make everyone feel welcome and we truly appreciate your efforts.

Also, kudos to all the incredible talented artists and performers and people behind the scenes who made it happen. And Aloha to all you friendly Centralites out there!

Can't wait for the next bash!



PS - Thanks for the beer, Bamboo Ben! And no, it wasn't me who put somethin' in your drink!

Tiki Diablo posted on 09/30/2002

Aloha all ! It was good seeing all the T.C. family together and enjoying themselves again. Sven, you international man of mystery, you are a trooper. Holden, thanks again, we had a great time, see you all at the next one !

oh and Ben, you are ultraaa ......

PolynesianPop posted on 09/30/2002

Holden, the bash was a smash. I love the giveaway mug! Thanks for all the hard work - can't wait for next year!!

*** * * The Polynesian Popster * * ***

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop on 2002-09-30 08:04 ]

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop 2013-02-04 20:44 ]

DEBAGOGO posted on 09/30/2002

Holden...bruddah...mahalo and to everyone for puttin' on such a bitchin' bash...moocho mahalo!! gogo and i had a blast!!! Thanks for the invite. trader vic's rocks...my husband's hangover proved to be an awesome time. we sooo can't wait to party with all the new friends we made that evening again really soon. peace out,
deb brockway

Tiki_Bong posted on 09/30/2002

Polynesian Popster,

For whatever reason, my emails to your address come back as undeliverable. I'll try again later.

(yeah, I know this should be off site, but hey)

PolynesianPop posted on 09/30/2002

If [email protected] doesn't work, try my work email at [email protected].

**Poly-Pop ***

He who dies with the most broken mugs WINS!

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop on 2004-12-19 21:10 ]

TheTikiGuy posted on 09/30/2002

What a wonderful evening !! I take my straw hat off to Holden. Great to see all my Tiki friends old and new. Everyone was in true form. Fantastic job by Trader Vics. Looking forward to the next event. As usual, I will be posting PICS very soon.

  • TheTikiGuy (Angelo and Alison)
bamzeno posted on 09/30/2002

Holden, that bash was a blast and well worth the drive. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. I'm glad my wife finally met some of my Tiki Idols and a whole bunch of other cool people...and it was truly an honor to play Gilligan's Island pinball with Sven.

BC-Da-Da posted on 09/30/2002

Tiki Bong,

How many times did you go to the bathroom that night? Your pink mug seemed bottomless.

Many thanks for a great night... I really had a lot of fun and enjoyed meeting many of the collectors and appreciators of this unique culture that has developed over the last decade. I would love to collaborate with someone to write a review of this event for my magazine, "The Dumb Angel Gazette." If anyone is interested in putting their memories to paper, email me at:

[email protected]

weezer2222 posted on 09/30/2002

Great time at the bash. Good to see stentiki and aunty T, Big AL, and some newgoers
.. The drinks and bands were to
unreal and tasty .. What's next????
thanks again. jon

[ Edited by: weezer2222 on 2002-09-30 16:31 ]

hula hula posted on 09/30/2002

I'd like to say a big thank you so much for the wonderful bash you and your crew put on,the wife and I had a blast, I got to meet a few ppl, but not many from tikicentral, Next time for sure, the drinks were great and I love the new mug and the a'hem (water pipe) king okolele mug. Cant wait till my shag set arrives, I was number 16 in line :(


David -long beach/vegas.

bigbadtikidaddy posted on 10/01/2002

Squid (let it be known that I had no idea that he was bringing that little blue guy with the thing sticking out of his stomach!)>>I love the new mug and the a'hem (water pipe) king okolele mug.

martiki posted on 10/01/2002


Talk about a great weekend. How's this for an itenerary:

Friday: Drive from SF to Oceanic Arts. Talked with Leroy and drooled like a kid in a candy store. Put the Visa card to the test. Drove over to Brea for the Shag exhibit which was much larger than I expected. I (can this be possible?) was disappointed in the lack of merchandise at the gallery. I thought there would at least be a cheap print of the show. (The Three Enablers is now #1 on my "Please make a serigrapgh!" list, but Josh told me not to hold my breath.) Then off to the Tiki-Ti for drinks with a friend. They really do still pour an excellent drink.

Saturday: Off to lunch at Sam's Seafood, then down to Oceanside to enjoy the excellent hospitality and fine cocktails of Alnshely. It was great to meet everyone there and see some familiar faces again: Polypop, Trustar, Tiki_Bong, Tina, Pup, Mike, Dr. Z, Johnnie, Robyn, and everyone else I forgot!!! (High Chief Al make heap powerful drink!) The Lagoon Room is top notch, and I don't think Al has even noticed the missing mugs yet. :) Then off to the Bash, where we waited in line for the gallery show. We met Baxdog in line after I overheard him in front of us stealing the one-liners I posted on Tiki Central. :) The Bash was great, and many kudos to Holden and the Tiki Farm staff for doing such a great job. The bands were great as well. Great to see Hanford, Randy, Naomi, Sven, John, Atomic, Vintage Girl, etc. etc. Too many to remember! Rebeca and I had a great time.

Sunday was a quick bit of shopping, then off to Disneyland. Suffice it to say, I never though I'd be doing a hoedown with TC people, but it was a great day. I'm getting worn out, so I'll leave it to other people to describe, but when the pictures get posted, they will explain much. Look for Maynard at the Tiki Room, and Sven on Splash Mountain. You won't be disappointed.

Mahalo to all.

-martin (& rebecca)

Biotron2000 posted on 10/01/2002

Damn! Looks like a great time was had by all. I'm really disappointed I wasn't able to come, (something came up). Hope to be able to make the next one!

horizon mombo posted on 10/01/2002

After alot of sweat and heatstroke
the party prepwork was ready and the Gallery was stuffed with primal adventurures looking for something more than modern culture has to offer.
After some Bitchen surf/lounge music from the band and a couple MaiTais,
and some beautiful introductions,My ride
was leaving,so I did'nt get to stay for the
freak show..(Next time, I'm driving.)
Quote of the day: "Behind every great
man is a beautiful woman;and behind every beautiful woman is a beautiful behind."

horizon mombo posted on 10/01/2002

Holden Mon,
Let me Know if I can help out again next
on the Spring TIKI Bash!
Thank You from Biff,Dave,Roxann,Mike
and Marcus.

horizon mombo posted on 10/01/2002

[ Edited by: horizon mombo on 2002-10-02 11:38 ]

bamboo ben posted on 10/01/2002

Hey Atomic,
Thanks for bruising my ribs! I don't go for that "macho-ism" stuff. Hope you got off!!!

Into the volcano with YOU!

inkylouise posted on 10/01/2002

Dear Holden,

What a great party! It really was great to meet you and so many of the other Centralites! It was well worth the trip, the bands were awesome, the drinks were awesome, the goodie bag was awesome and man, what a big volcano! So worth the trip!

Thanks again for your amazing hospitality, see ya next time, Inky Louise

squid posted on 10/01/2002

On 2002-09-30 17:26, bigbadtikidaddy wrote:

Squid (let it be known that I had no idea that he was bringing that little blue guy with the thing sticking out of his stomach!) >>>I love the new mug and the a'hem (water pipe) king okolele mug. Hmmm, there seems be mysterious new tiki item out there that I havent seen yet:
C'mon, no more hushed whispers:
Is there a tiki bong out there?
Damaged, yet inquiring minds want to know!

Dear Damaged,
Actually King Okole is a tiki water pipe (Intended for the use of tobacco products by those 18 years of age and older). Oddly enough, it received a rather warm response and sold out quickly. I know it gave Holden a chuckle, although I'm sure he will deny that too;)
Give me a couple of days and you'll be able to see it on squidart.com.
Great show and great fun! Thanks for having us Holden. Only wish the baby sitter meter hadn't been running......

Mr. & Mrs. Squid

Tiki_Bong posted on 10/01/2002

Damn it! I'm tired of us Tiki Bongs being held down by 'the man'. We get no respect!

No one wants to admit we exist. We live in the shadows, referenced only by euphemisms and inferences.

We are your neighbors, your parents, your Congressman, your ex-presidents (I DID NOT INHALE!).

I have a dream (er.. buzz) that one day tiki bongs will be judged by the content of their zip locks baggies and not by the color of their red eyes!

Rise up! and get me some Twinkies!

Atomic Cocktail posted on 10/01/2002

On 2002-09-30 21:26, bamboo ben wrote:
Hey Atomic,
Thanks for bruising my ribs! I don't go for that "macho-ism" stuff. Hope you got off!!!

Into the volcano with YOU!

Ben, sorry for the "Merry-Go-Round"-Hope your Mrs. still don't want to beat me-you walking yet? Some advice, no more Ramones for a while (Hey! Next time I wanna get sedated)

Holden thanks for a GREAT party and the goody bags. I still have not washed out my mugs.

CRAAAAZY A mucho mahalo for the java, I'll get you next time.

Al-n-Shelly, we are most grateful for you kind hospitality-Ya'll have a beautiful home . When I get a home I hope it's a 1/3 nice as yours. Al is some bar tender (Bax an K-get working on yours!!!)

I'm glad Bigbro is finally home. Vintagegirl says he makes a nice seat.

Glad to finally have met hanford-yeah, he does exist.

Not enough brain cells left for coherence but glad to see all the Tiki Centralites again. I was disappointed in one aspect though: We didn't throw anyone into the VOLCANO!!!

bigbrotiki posted on 10/01/2002

Wow, what a homecoming! Back in the arms of my American family! Thank you everyone for all the luv and warmth. Thank you Holden, may all your dreams come true. And thank you Trader Vic's for the uninterupted flow of expert concoctions, what a luxury.

I was a happy Zombie. Having stepped away from the camera at the cold river Elbe in Hamburg at 5:00 am, gotten on the plane at 7:00, straight to Tiki Farm, next day all day Disneyland...what a supreme culture shock, the way I like 'em.

Tiki Diablo posted on 10/01/2002

Hey Atomic, I didn't sacrifice myself, but I did poke my head into the volcano to get the gizmo going. Not sure who copped a feel though?

Futura Girl posted on 10/01/2002

Let's not forget to thank Vintage Girl for giving all you guys who missed Teasorama a little taste of those twitching hips!

Atomic Cocktail posted on 10/01/2002

On 2002-10-01 14:43, Futura Girl wrote:
Let's not forget to thank Vintage Girl for giving all you guys who missed Teasorama a little taste of those twitching hips!

I saw a little bit but tried not to look directly at her lest I get burned from the resulting inflagration!

Mrs. Bamboo Ben posted on 10/02/2002

Ben, sorry for the "Merry-Go-Round"-Hope your Mrs. still don't want to beat me-you walking yet? Some advice, no more Ramones for a while (Hey! Next time I wanna get sedated)

"Sorry" Chuck, no "Aloha" for you. My "advice" to you is DON'T come up behind someone, swing them around and drop them to the floor; essentially "cold cocking."
You wouldn't have felt my shoe kick you in the ass. Rather, direct in the balls while looking you straight in the eye. That's only fair "play" in your merry-go-round world, right?

GECKO posted on 10/02/2002

dam...dam...dam...I thought dis was pa-ra-dise! sounds like the TC ohana (family) had a good time. Since the bash sounded pakalolo sweeeeet, I will be at the next one fo sho!!!!!!! speaking of pakalolo (Sticky Hawaiian Tobacco), how does one local boy like me get one of da water Tiki tobacco smokas that sold at the bash to Honolulu?

I like da kine.....marinate

Live Aloha

Atomic Cocktail posted on 10/02/2002

Mrs. BambooBen,

I think you misunderstood me. What happened was in the excitement of the party . I certainly did not mean any harm. If I sounded flippant in my last post it was certainly not my intention. I hope you and ben accept my sincere and heartfelt apology.

TikiHula posted on 10/02/2002

Yes, an awesome time was had by all thanks to Tiki Farm, Trader Vic's, and the killer bands that played!!

Pics are coming very soon....

mahalo, mahalo

bamboo ben posted on 10/05/2002

Holden throws a good gig!

hanford_lemoore posted on 10/07/2002

Hey all! Had a blast at the Big Ol' Tiki Bash! Wish I was able to make it to more of the festivities, but I don't make it down to LA too often and when I do I'm booked solid!

Good to meet all those SoCal Tiki Centralites in person finally. Great to meet Sven, and Al and Shelly, and Tiki Bong, and the bax Dog, and Tiki Hula and VintageGirl and Atomic Cocktail... etc etc the list just keeps going!

I will eventually get around to posting my Tiki Room Pics here on the site. But I just wanted to say thanks to everyone! Can't wait for the next one!


dogbytes posted on 10/08/2002

thanks Holden!

everything was so amazing! i wasnt feeling bold enough to introduce myself ~ but i did meet a few TC folks! thanks for making me feel welcome! i promise to be more festive next time! :)


hanford_lemoore posted on 10/08/2002

Duh! I forgot to thank Holden.. you were a very gracious host! Can't wait for the next one man!

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