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shag bike painfully inserted into music video

Pages: 1 5 replies

kahukini posted on 09/20/2002

this video for teenie punkers Audio Karate was mentioned in the news section of switched on's "shagmart".. not sure why it's worth mentioning or why the bike is in the video. looks like a rather unfortunate neighborhood... are shag bikes status symbols for some economically disadvantaged so cal high schoolers now rather than cars? A more realistic goal?

fartsatune posted on 09/20/2002

The whole video was painful and i noticed that shag was also written on the ice cream truck. Also included was a horridly long shot of the girls butt...what a sad bad video. The music was not to my liking either.

kingslod posted on 09/20/2002

And what does his have to do with Tikis? Shag, shag, shag, shag, shag, shag, shag, shag, shag, shag. Shag....Shag....Shag.....Shag....Shag....Shag....

Mr. Cranky-pants

trustar posted on 09/21/2002


Maybe you need your tiki pants jinxked to get them un-cranky. We have just the young lady in Hamburg to take care of that problem.


kahukini posted on 09/24/2002

bump I don't think enough tc members have viewed the horror of this shag tribute video yet... see and and post your own unique put downs :)

horizon mombo posted on 10/01/2002

I haven't watched MTV since 1982.

Pages: 1 5 replies