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Doctor Z's Castaway Lounge Summer Spectacular 7/31 UPDATE!!

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Doctor Z posted on 06/04/2004

“Doctor Z's Castaway Lounge Annual Summer Spectacular” Saturday, July 31!!

7/28 UPDATE, with a bit more details:

Sabu (Master Of Coal and Flame) has graciously agreed to be at the grill once again, cookin’ his famous marinated coconut ti-leaf chicken & shrimp skewers, and (naturally) Doctor Z will be behind the bar, makin’ the best Mai Tai’s, Beachbum’s Own’s & Navy Grog’s you’ll EVER have!

PLUS: The Castaway Lounge is proud to feature not only TikiBird’s award-winning Mango Tiki home brew, but his sensational Summer Lager - both on tap!!

But that’s not all! By popular demand, we will again be featuring “Doctor Z’s Tiki Arts & Crafts!”

Once again, I’ve made plenty of plaster-cast “Ku” masks (yeah, the same ones that are selling for up to $15.00 each on eBay, like these, but unpainted. And free.) that YOU – in your inebriated state – will be able to paint YOURSELF and take home to keep and cherish for ever and ever. And ever. I’ll provide the masks, the paints, the brushes, you provide the inspired creativity! Oh, one thing, however: it’s BYOB (Bring Your Own Brown) - the watercolor paint kits I have don’t have brown paint! A few folks brought their own brown last year and I still have some left over (but not much), so if you have your own paints, you’re welcome to bring them! And of course, prizes will be given out to the ‘best’ masks…

But wait – there’s more! For all you amateur and professional mixologists, we will once again feature “The Castaway Lounge Guest Bartender, starring YOU”!

As ‘at home’ as I am behind the bar, I don’t really want to be stuck there ALL night, so if you have a signature drink you’ve been itching to mix for folks to sample, take a ‘guest spot’ behind the bar. I’ll have most of your standard alcohols & mixers, but if your recipe requires a certain special sumthin’ (Lychee nuts? Kava?), you gonna hafta bring it yourself! I'm sure most TC’ers are more than happy to serve as guinea pigs for most things. Looks like TikiPug, Hanalei Pirate, PiPhiRho & Kick_the_Reverb have already claimed ‘shifts’, but there’s still room for YOU!

Sadly, Sabu’s Vintage Boutique will not be held this year. However, if you have any vintage clothes, mugs, artwork, carvings, or whateva that you’d like to sell or trade (or simply show off – are ya listening, TikiHula??) bring it on over anyhow! I’ll set up a table or two, ‘cause there’s nothing like a little wheelin’ and dealin’ with the ohana, and you might leave with something nice (or some $$!)

I haven’t had much response for a drink contest, so it looks like we’ll put that on the back burner for now…

Speaking of burners, things will kick-off a bit earlier this year: the grill will be good to go from about 1:00 on if you want to come early & bring something for lunch, and Sabu will take over around 5-ish. The bar will be open all afternoon and all night!

Donations never required but never refused!!

NOTE: I can NOT make any assurances of mass "clothing-exchanging" or "classic-rock-by-request ukelele jams" - that kinda stuff just 'happens', doncha know...

Any questions (like “Where can we spend the night?”), drop me a line!!

If you were there last year, we'd love to see you again, and if you've never been to The Castaway Lounge - where ya been?

Directions: 1303 S. Helberta Avenue, Redondo Beach. From the 405, exit at Hawthorne Blvd. Take Hawthorne south and make a RIGHT on Torrance Blvd. From Torrance Blvd., make a LEFT on Palos Verdes Blvd. After a mile or so, make a LEFT at the first stop sign after Prospect; which is Helberta. The Castaway Lounge is in the second house on the right, with the torches burning in the front yard...

:drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink:

Doctor Z
Mix-maestro of the Castaway Lounge,
Redondo Beach, CA

[ Edited by: Doctor Z on 2004-07-28 15:01 ]

Tiki Bird posted on 06/04/2004

Date is mark on my calendar now!


Monkeyman posted on 06/04/2004

Ill be there with Frame in Hand.

Alnshely posted on 06/04/2004

We're in

ModMana posted on 06/04/2004

We were out of town and missed it last year. Will definitely be there this year! Looks like San Diego will be well represented...maybe we can carpool?

ModMana :drink:

TikiPug posted on 06/04/2004

We will be there. Wouldn't miss it.

The Pugs

Cousin Dave posted on 06/05/2004

Damn Z-

Now you're having a bash? You SOUCAL'ers got the TIKI "PARTY" CENTRAL goin' strong!
Would it be OK if I start passing around a tin can to collect gas money and subsequently end up crashed out on your floor?~~Cousin Dave

[ Edited by: Cousin Dave on 2004-06-04 17:14 ]

[ Edited by: Cousin Dave on 2004-06-04 17:15 ]

Shipwreckjoey posted on 06/05/2004

Thanks for the invite Z - We be happy to attend. I also like ModMana's carpool suggestion. No sense all us San Diegans drivin' up there all crazy like in "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World"!

Polynesiac posted on 06/05/2004

Sounds like fun...

I'm also taking suggestions for an "Oasis-style" drink mixin' contest, if'n anyone is interested.

I can't mix 'em that well, but I sure can taste 'em REAL GOOD. Happy to help out were I can. :)

I'm there!

kick_the_reverb posted on 06/05/2004

We're in.

PolynesianPop posted on 06/07/2004


TikiCutie posted on 06/08/2004

In! And ready to do my party preperations duty. My "Tikicutie Duty", if you will.

Hey, do I get a special prize for being the person who comes from most far away?

Prizes accepted graciously.

TC (In FL, but soon to be CA, in a matter of weeks).

mrsmiley posted on 06/08/2004

tiki cutie--make sure you check out the Mai Kai before you leave Florida!!! It is WELL worth the trip to Ft Lauderdale!!

tikivixen posted on 06/10/2004

I'm in! Can't wait!!! oh, some extra vintage clothing might just mysteriously sneak into my luggage...in case, ya know!

(Tikicutie, yes, hit the Mai Kai!!! You won't regret it. It's a universe unto itself, and unforgettable by any standards.

It'll be cool to see you again! meow!)

XOX Tikivixen

Wersmo Derinc posted on 06/10/2004

Dr. Z and Z Girl,

I had such a blast at your house last time that I CANNOT miss this one! I have a 500 lb ice machine at the bar and ice chests. Let me know if you want me to bring some.

PiPhiRho posted on 06/10/2004

I have a day long rehearsal that day so I won't be able to be there until later (after 7:30) but I will put it on my calendar and plan to be there. I'll do guest bartending, too. See 'ya then if not before.

johnnievelour posted on 06/10/2004

See you all at The Doctor's Office for Mai Tai Medication!

The Velours

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 06/10/2004

Sorry I haven't been checking posts for a few days.

I will definitely be grilling my spicy coconut chicken for Doctor Z's party and probably some form of shrimp as well.

I can't guarantee a vintage boutique this year - it took a few years to build up the stock that I gave away last year - but we'll have to see what I find at the garage and estate-sales over the next month.

I had a great time at Doctor Z's last year. Tikibelle and I can't wait to see you all there this year. Thanks for hosting this, Z.


Humuhumu posted on 06/10/2004

If I'm in town, I'm there for sure! I keep hearing tales about how great last year's was.

TikiPug posted on 06/11/2004

I'd like to take a turn at guest bartending, making my now famous mojitos.


Tiki Bird posted on 06/11/2004

On 2004-06-10 22:33, TikiPug wrote:
I'd like to take a turn at guest bartending, making my now famous mojitos.


Yes Please!

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Hanalei_Pirate posted on 06/17/2004

Aye, I'll be there and fer yer enjoyment (provided I can get near the bar or don't get too trashed before it is my turn - yes the guest bartending thingy was THAT popular...) I be mixin' some Shrunken Skulls fer ya. Argh!

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tikifille posted on 06/21/2004

Sorry it took so long to reply, Dr. Z. I am in. Can't wait to attend. Sorry I missed last year.

Tiki Bird posted on 06/21/2004

Hey Z, did you want me to bring the jockey box with some homebrew to your party? I just brewed another 3 gallons of the award winning Mango Tiki Ale.


[ Edited by: Tiki Bird on 2004-07-13 13:21 ]

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Chairman posted on 06/25/2004

Mind if a TC neophyte tags along?

Doctor Z posted on 07/07/2004

See UPDATE on page 1

(T-Bird: Of course!!)

(Chairman: Of course!!)

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Tiki Mo Fo posted on 07/12/2004

My Mom will be in town since I am moving that weekend. I will try to come down, and right now I am in planning of the event. However, Mom will be with me.

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hiltiki posted on 07/15/2004

Hi I am in, along with my friend and a lot of fresh lime and mint and who knows what else.By the way we had a great time at Tiki Ti, thanks for making us feel comfortable.

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WheelerIsland posted on 07/19/2004

I'll be bringing along some Hawaiian/Exotica/Calypso LP's in case anyone is interested in trading.

Mahalo, Z.

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vwtikigirl posted on 07/20/2004

It was so fun talking with both of you at Bahooka and thanks for the personal invite to the bbq, but unfortunately we won't be able to make it. We'll have to plan in advance for next year, cuz it definitely looks like we'll be missing a great time. Have fun!

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SON OF MOTHRA posted on 07/20/2004

Z, looks like rocknrollgirl might be backing out on her reunion, so we may just end up being there after all! It sounds like it's going to be a blast. I can't wait.

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RocknRollGirl posted on 07/21/2004

Yea, have to see about the reunion thingie. I haven't spoken to any of those jokers in 10 years, why start now? heh

Anyway, I'll have to bring ya one of my Moai candles, Doc. I dug out all my supplies, now I've just gotta get to meltin'!

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bongofury posted on 07/24/2004

Mrs. Fury and I are in!

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Hey Doc,

Great meeting you at Purple Orchid saturday...I will be there for the shin dig...


Shipwreckjoey posted on 07/26/2004

All systems go. Set the controls for the heart of the sun.

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Tikifrog posted on 07/26/2004


We will just be landing from France this saturday, but if you don't care about late birds, we'll be in. Should be there around 8:00 pm.
The tikifrogs

Doctor Z posted on 07/28/2004

Just another late update: Kick_the_Reverb has volunteered for a Guest Bartender shift, making his renowned "Reverb Crash" (although the "Combover" has my curiosity piqued...), and TikiBird will now have not one but two homebrews on tap: the Mango Tiki Ale (yep, the same one you had at Tiki Oasis IV - the same one that was recently awarded a white ribbon from the Orange County Fair!) and a Summer Lager, both served from his 'Tiki Beer Hut' (featuring custom made Benzart & MonkeyMan tap handles)!!

RocknRollGirl – I’ve got the mold I promised waitin' for you! Hope to see you and Son Of Mothra (and to check out your candles!) You didn't really want to go to that reunion anyhow... did you?

TikiFrogs - Yow! All the way from France? 8:00? 9:00? 11:00? You're welcome to come by anytime! Many Hoity Toity's are notorious night-owls...

Doctor Z posted on 07/28/2004

Oh, and Drunk Sailor - sorry I didn't remember you from Hukilau, but then again a lot of my Hukilau memories are a bit fuzzy... Z-Girl sure remembered you, however. Hmmm... Anyhow, look forward to seeing you Saturday!

johnnievelour posted on 07/28/2004

On 2004-07-28 15:01, Doctor Z wrote:
Kick_the_Reverb has volunteered for a Guest Bartender shift, making his renowned "Reverb Crash" (although the "Combover" has my curiosity piqued...), and TikiBird will now have not one but two homebrews on tap: the Mango Tiki Ale (yep, the same one you had at Tiki Oasis IV - the same one that was recently awarded a white ribbon from the Orange County Fair!) and a Summer Lager, both served from his 'Tiki Beer Hut' (featuring custom made Benzart & MonkeyMan tap handles)!!

I'll be getting my liver in shape ASAP!

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bongofury posted on 07/29/2004

Beer!!!!!!!!!mmmmmmmmmmm.......I found that you can't have too much beer, even at a TC party. We put out 2 and a half cases for the Rincon Room party and was shocked to see there was none in the cooler the next day. See ya all at Dr. Zs.

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LadyVelour posted on 07/29/2004

Dr. Z ~
Once I have finished @ Johnnie's sister's soiree I will be there with "bells" on....well...not ACTUAL bells but you know what I mean....anywho......I'd be happy to throw a few drinks around behind the ole' bar to give ya a break.
I do have a couple of new drinks up my sleeve....like the clam shell @ the last party Johnnie and I had.
Lookin forward to seeing everyone~
Ya'all drive fast and take chances~~
Lady Velour "meow"

TikiPug posted on 07/29/2004

Lady V, Dr. Z., Tiki Bird, Kick-The-Reverb, myself, et al - My liver hurts already. I had better start drinking now to get warmed up for Saturday.

Tiki Bird posted on 07/30/2004

Man, I cant wait, looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow, Z have to set up a time schedule of when each guest bartender will be serving?


Humuhumu posted on 07/30/2004

I'm gettin' danged excited, too! I'm going to try to wear a natty new tiki outfit that tikicleen brought for me at Tiki-Ti last Wednesday, but it may be too painful. It'll be worth it, though!

I'm going to be doing another Aloha Wear Release to The Wild. I'm bringing all the aloha wear that didn't find a new home at Oasis, plus a number of new things I've picked up since. It'll work just like Oasis: these are gifts, not for trade and not for $$; I won't hold an item until you arrive, it's first come, first get; and you have to try the item on and it has to fit you without alteration--if it doesn't, you've gotta leave it because it'll fit someone else.

I'm going to be in Reverb Crash heaven.

Critiki - Hundreds of tiki bars, Polynesian restaurants, and other sites of interest to the tiki traveller, collector or urban archaeologist

[ Edited by: Humuhumu on 2004-07-30 12:51 ]

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UtopianDreem posted on 07/30/2004

On 2004-07-28 20:31, LadyVelour wrote:

I do have a couple of new drinks up my sleeve....like the clam shell @ the last party Johnnie and I had.

Lady Velour "meow"

I remember you mentioning that recently...think I'll have to save some "room" for that-there clam shell...

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8FT Tiki posted on 07/30/2004

PLEASE take plenty of pictures for all of us castaways who live so far from your party spot and those unable to attend. I know it would be an incredible time. How 'bout raising a group toast to the TC ohana wherever they may be. Cheers!

Mr. & Mrs. 8FT Tiki

Tiki Bird posted on 07/30/2004

On 2004-07-30 14:04, 8FT Tiki wrote:
PLEASE take plenty of pictures for all of us castaways who live so far from your party spot and those unable to attend. I know it would be an incredible time. How 'bout raising a group toast to the TC ohana wherever they may be. Cheers!

Mr. & Mrs. 8FT Tiki

Dont worry the offical Hoity Toity's picture taker HumuHumu will be their!

TikiPug posted on 07/30/2004

Were packed and leaving for L.A. See y'all at the good Doctor's tomorrow.

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