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The Spectacular East Indies Room is closing its doors....

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Traderpup posted on 06/10/2004

After only one year of existance, the Spectacular East Indies Room is closing its doors for good.

Due to circumstances beyond my control, the room will be dismantled, crated and stored, with an as-of-yet undetermined fate.

Ironically, the Spectacular East Indies Room closes its doors just days after the closing of Java Lanes, the site of the original East Indies Room, a popular Long Beach landmark for 50 yrs.

Many thanks to all who helped the room shine so brightly for so briefly with their good spirit, and good spirits!

I'd hate to have to crate up all those carvings and artifacts.... so if there are any Hoiti Toitis out there that would like to display them until a new home is found, please PM or e-mail me!

Unga Bunga posted on 06/10/2004

Another One?
What the hell is going on here?
I should probably go read my Horoscope just in case.
The Spectacular East Indies Room was a work of art just like the Foggy Grotto.
I was also looking forward to visiting your bar as well.
I don’t think I can take any more of this. If anyone else announces their home bar is closing, I might start having to take medication, :)
I wish you luck in your changes and A SAFE JOURNEY.
The next one will be better!

[ Edited by: Unga Bunga on 2004-06-10 11:53 ]

Johnny Dollar posted on 06/10/2004

damn! what he said!

hey, is there something going on in california that the rest of the country doesn't know about yet ~ ?

Tiki_Bong posted on 06/10/2004

Damn! TraderPup,

I always looked forward to events at the F.E.I.R. It always meant great drink, food and company.

Besides, you helped legitimize the Garage Tiki Bar model.

PolynesianPop posted on 06/10/2004

WHAT?!?!?! (sorry Humu)...

No more Typhoons?!?!?! Are you kidding me?!

Gee-zus, there must be something in the water out here....who's next?!

Tiki Bird posted on 06/10/2004

Damn, i was really hoping to have a drink in Spectacular East Indies Room. I only got to see if for a short time back last Sept when we were pickin up decor for the Hawaiian Room Resurection. A truely spectacular room it was.


TikiHula posted on 06/10/2004

On 2004-06-10 12:15, Johnny Dollar wrote:
hey, is there something going on in california that the rest of the country doesn't know about yet ~ ?

We're all preparing for California to break off and fall into the sea when the next big earthquake hits! :D

Monkeyman posted on 06/10/2004

All that work for such a short time.... What a bummer. Is everything OK?

Humuhumu posted on 06/10/2004

Oh no! I'm so sorry Trader Pup. The Spectacular East Indies Room was an amazing home bar. As I've told you in the past, it was really almost criminal that your talent in building a home bar had to be restricted to a corner of a garage, and I hope that your next location lets you go absolutely crazy. Thank you for some truly wonderful meals, memories, drinks and hangovers.

Are there enough of us now who have lost our home tiki bars to start a support group?

Tiki Diablo posted on 06/10/2004

Ah hell, now this! So sorry Pup. Let me know if you need any help.

johntiki posted on 06/10/2004

On 2004-06-10 13:17, TikiHula wrote:

On 2004-06-10 12:15, Johnny Dollar wrote:
hey, is there something going on in california that the rest of the country doesn't know about yet ~ ?

We're all preparing for California to break off and fall into the sea when the next big earthquake hits! :D

That is why you guys and gals in California need to send all your artifacts to us on the east coast - we'll hold everything for safe keeping! :wink:

Trader Pup sorry to hear about your closure...


Aloha from the enchanted Pi Yi Grotto in exotic Bel Air Maryland!

[ Edited by: johntiki on 2004-06-10 16:11 ]

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 06/11/2004

Is it because you're concentrating your efforts on your frozen spring roll division?

stentiki posted on 06/11/2004

Hey Pup,

So sorry to hear the news. The East Indies Room was indeed spectacular.

I hope your artifacts find a new home soon, and even more, I wish you well.

hiltiki posted on 06/11/2004

I am sorry to hear this also. I was hoping there would be more tiki bars openning than closing

kick_the_reverb posted on 06/11/2004

Yikes, another famous home bar that I missed seeing and experiencing!
I, too, wish you will be able to construct a new one in the near future.

Unga Bunga posted on 06/11/2004

On 2004-06-10 19:51, stentiki wrote:
So sorry to hear the news. The East Indies Room was indeed spectacular.

Welcome Back Sten!

TikiPug posted on 06/11/2004

Sorry to hear about the closing. Now where I am going to take my mom and aunt for their nap?

tikivixen posted on 06/11/2004

Pup, oh no, I'm so very sorry!

(Not to mention, this is yet another lesson for me in "Don't Put It Off"...sigh. I'm so bummed I missed your FIRST home bar masterpiece!!!)

I sure admire you for putting all that work in and creating something so magnificent, though. Lame-O that I am, I've never fully realized my home bar (though parts of it are keen, particularly the liquid ones, har har), 'cause I figgered I'd just have to move a week later.

Then I stayed for YEARS. Argh.

All praise goes to you for creating your fabulous East Indies Room, even if you did only have it for short while. Carpe diem, and all that. Darn tootin'.

(I might add...now that I finally really am moving I tell you what--once I'm settled I'm building the Mecca of home bars and YOU are invited!!!)

Best of luck to you and hope to see you soon!

XOX Tikivixen

weirduncletiki posted on 06/14/2004

Golly! I leave town for ten days and come back to find my home state's finest home bars vanishing! What a mysterious turn of events. Someone call Leonard Nimoy! Trader Pup, mahalo for your hospitality, creativity and mixology. The S.E.I.R. will be missed.

-Weird Unc

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