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Tiki Central / General Tiki

newbie's aloha

Pages: 1 3 replies

tiki queen posted on 06/13/2004

Maui's own Tiki Queen here...alohaz to my friend da Gecko over on Oahu...howzit, cuz, come see us. I hope everybody will be patient with the newcomer and clue me as to the ins and outs of this forum. I'm an artist & avid tiki fan livin' the dream on Maui. Please check out my web page: http://www.tikiqueenarts.com. Feel free to link to it. I've linked to this forum from it. Aloha, all, and thanks!
The Tiki Queen

Jungle Trader posted on 06/13/2004

Aloha Queen.
Welcome to Tiki Central.

dogbytes posted on 06/13/2004

welcome aboard, Tiki Queen!

i love your idea: flotilla of mobile homes off the shores of Maui ~ :)

lovely artwork too..

tiki queen posted on 06/13/2004

thanks for the alohaz...anybody ever get out to the islands? We'd love to show you around.

Pages: 1 3 replies