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In the NYC area - Where to find Palm Tree(s) and how to care for them?

Pages: 1 3 replies

sneakyjack posted on 06/14/2004

Looking to obtian a couple plam trees (5 to 7 ft). They would live in planters near my tiki bar which is on cement and rock due to pool area. Any help in locating, price and caring for them (including winters)would be great.

thanks in Advance.

Geeky Tiki posted on 06/14/2004

Cool idea.

I'd say to try Mexican fan palms and keep them indoors or in the garage during the winter. They can't take more than one day of frost, given the frosts in New York.

I had a Mex Fan that lived in my apartment in San Francisco and then our house there - it loved the indoors and grew very slowly. Maybe four feet to seven feet over a six year period.

Summers by the pool, winters hanging inside, not bad for a palm tree in New York!

For acquisition, I'd say a road trip would be your best bet. Keep driving south until a nursery has some in stock!

Best wishes!

Tikiwahine posted on 06/14/2004

Here in Victoria Windmill palms do very well. Our winters are quite mild, rarely dropping below -10C. They might do well for you!

It has the 3rd and some feel 2nd northernmost growing range and winter endurance of all the hardy palms. It is one of the more typical looking palms. It has a well defined trunk and can grow to 40ft. In addition to the US southeast, it is often seen in British Columbia, Washington State, Southern Ireland, Great Brittain, and Austria.

Here's a pic of one in the snow!

sneakyjack posted on 06/18/2004

thanks for the help! I've been checking the info zone thing and looking at zyzy.com

thanks again

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