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NW Tiki Crawl on the Home Stretch!

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TikiMaxton posted on 06/17/2004

We're starting a new thread to keep the NW Crawl updates as fresh as possible!

Hey, there are only a few seats left on the bus! If you've been sitting the fence about buying your tickets, now's the time to get 'em! In addition to the dwindling bus seats, there are only a few free mugs available at this time, so if you want a free mug and a seat on the bus, get ye to the website (www.nwtiki.com) and buy, buy, buy!

If you're only interested in the Saturday night event, there will be lots of tickets available for that, and we'll be selling crawl mugs, too. Remember, a Saturday night ticket gets you a free raffle ticket, and our raffle is shaping up to be pretty cool, with mugs from Munktiki, custom, one-of-a-kind tiki artwork, a Caliente Tropics vacation, an Oregon Coast getaway, and the BIG, MYSTERIOUS, TIKI GRAB BOXES OF MYSTERY!

Just over a week to go!

Kim posted on 06/18/2004

Okay, kids, I know you’re all dying to get the low-down scoop and all the details on the Second Annual NW Tiki Crawl! Well, here they are!

The Bar Crawl Schedule—Saturday June 26, 2004

6:00 pm: Meet and Greet at Alibi
4024 N Interstate Ave
Portland, OR 97227
Alibi Map

7:30-8:00 pm: Begin making our way to Jasmine Tree via the MAX train.
Sample TriMet route to the Jasmine Tree

MAX Yellow Line Schedule

TriMet Home—you can use the Trip Planner to find other schedules if you like.

Jasmine Tree
401 SW Harrison St
Portland, OR 97205
Jasmine Tree Map

8:00 - Close: Party hardy at Jasmine Tree!

Tiki merchandise, including the Official, Limited-Edition NW Tiki Crawl mug by Tik Farm will be available for purchase (assuming that the Tiki Gods Overseeing Shipping of Hotly-Desired Merchandise are willing!).

We’ll also have a terrific raffle during the Jasmine Tree portion of the event! Each ticket holder will receive one free raffle ticket automatically, and additional tickets will be available for purchase for only $1 each!

Be sure to bring cash for your purchases!

Live entertainment, featuring exotica spun by Tiki Central’s own Selector Lopaka, Lushy, Kenike’s Wahines Polynesian Reviewand The Verbtoneswill make this an amazing evening!

We’ll carouse and have a high old time until we’re slung out into the street!

Tiki Crawl Home Tour Itinerary—Sunday, June 27, 2004

Each home bar stop will allow for about an hour of admiring décor, absorbing the ambiance, and soaking up the house cocktails! You’ll be amazed at how tropical some parts of rainy ole’ Portland have become!

Gather between 11:30am-12:45pm
Mr. Tikibar's Ahi Lua Lounge

2204 SE Harrison St.
Portland, OR
Mr. Tikibar's Ahi Lua Lounge—Map

12:45-1:00pm load WikiWiki Bus

Maori Man’s Ku Ku Club
Hollywood Neighborhood—NE Portland

2:10pm-2:25 load WikiWiki Bus

Melintur & Tiki Mamma’s Monkey Hut
Woodvillage/Cherry Park—Troutdale

3:45pm-4:00pm load WikiWiki Bus

Tikimaxton’s Castaway Cove

St. Johns Neighborhood—North Portland

5:30pm-5:45pm load WikiWiki Bus

6:15pm end of circuit
Unload at 2204 SE Harrison St

ALSO—yet another reminder—we are down to the last few 2-day passes available! The ONLY way to come along on the Home Bar portion of the Crawl is to get a 2-day pass and secure your place on the WikiWiki Bus! Don’t pass up this chance to be astounded and drink some booze in Portland!

Second Annual NW Tiki Crawl!
June 26-27, 2004 in Portland, OR
Bar Crawl, Home Bar Tour, live entertainment, and more!
Visit http://www.nwtiki.com for more information.

[ Edited by: Kim on 2004-06-18 14:12 to fix those stupid links! ]

[ Edited by: Kim on 2004-06-18 14:34 ]

Kalikiana posted on 06/19/2004

Hooooooray! It sounds sooooo fun I can't wait! Packing NOW! What do I wear! I'm looking forward to meeting many of you. Wheee! Cheers, K

mrtikibar posted on 06/21/2004

That is alot of great information. I'll just add that both The Jasmine Tree and mrtikibar's
Ahi Lua Lounge are on Harrison St. There's just 25 blocks and a river between us. The Hawthorne Bridge gets you from the SW side to the SE side convieniently and we are located about 4 blocks south of Hawthorne Blvd. Hope to see alot of you this coming weekend.
One other thing. Here is a link to check out one of the raffle prizes.

[ Edited by: mrtikibar on 2004-06-20 17:54 ]

[ Edited by: mrtikibar on 2004-06-20 18:05 ]

monkeyskull posted on 06/21/2004

I know it's late, but any Seattlelite Tike Crawlers looking for a ride to Portland?

I'm a neophyte tiki addict looking forward to the tiki crawl and meeting other tiki fans. I will be driving down from Seattle after work Friday. Right now my hotel reservation is only until Sunday, but I'm leaning toward taking an extra day and driving back Monday.

I have a small convertible so I can only fit one person, but I'm happy to have some company if anyone needs a lift. If you're interested, drop me a line at my personal address (tikicentral@peterga.com).

Exoticat posted on 06/21/2004

Darn! I could use a one-way ride to Portland but I'm not going until Saturday. I'm in Olympia...you could have gotten a peek at my still-in-progress basement Tiki Bar...Hutikihi.

Travellin' Tiki posted on 06/21/2004

Any Portland Gals out there got a spare couch for the weekend for a penniless Tiki Vendor? You will be well compensated with Tiki art/merch and good Karma.

Okay, I'm all set up now. Thanks!

[ Edited by: Travellin' tiki on 2004-06-23 12:36 ]

monkeyskull posted on 06/23/2004

Hey, Exoticat, are you still looking for a ride from Olympia to Portland? No one else appears to be in need and I've got Monday off now so I'm now thinking of heading up Saturday morning (returning Monday, but you said one way, so that didn't seem like the return trip was an issue for you). I just need to get to Portland in time to check in and some relatives at 2pm Saturday.

BTW, I am new to Tiki Central but I am not a mad serial killer (despite having a fondness for German industrial music). But I have Martin Denny on the IPod too.

In any event, I am really looking forward to meeting other people with tiki on the brain as much as me, as well as getting some swell ideas for my own in-progress basement ("Pete's Monkey Skull Voodoo Lounge").


P.S. to Seamus -- I'll mail you outside the list too, but I'm still hoping we might have a chance to hook up while I'm in town to discuss the tiki fountain.

floratina posted on 06/23/2004

I am hoping to see a lot of photos of this - don't forget the Alibi!

mrsmiley posted on 06/23/2004

On 2004-06-22 23:47, floratina wrote:
I am hoping to see a lot of photos of this - don't forget the Alibi!

isn't that "don't forget the Alamo"?

TikiMaxton posted on 06/23/2004

I have a favor to ask of all Tiki Central members attending the crawl: could you please email me your Tiki Central name along with your "real" name so we'll know who you are? In this strange cyber-universe we inhabit, many of us only seem to know each other by our handles. We're working on getting name badges together to help us recognize each other...

Exoticat posted on 06/24/2004

Hi, monkeyskull! Sorry I didn't get back in here sooner to read this. I have already squared away my ride, but I really appreciate the offer! I'd like to hear your ideas on your own basement Tiki Room/Lounge...we can talk at the event. See you soon!

I look foward to meeting all the Tiki people I haven't met yet and seeing some of the NW people that I met in October once again. This is my first official "crawl" and I'm expecting it to be pretty fun...

[ Edited by: exoticat on 2004-06-24 15:52 ]

mrsmiley posted on 06/24/2004

It looks like the Palms Motel is going to be THE motel for the crawl! (A few TC members are going to stay there).

Humuhumu posted on 06/25/2004

Can't wait to see everybody! How many people are staying over Sunday night? I don't leave until Monday, and I imagine I'll have more tiki in me come the end of the home bar tour. Shall we plan on storming the Alibi again that evening, perhaps?

monkeyskull posted on 06/26/2004

I am staying until Monday and would welcome post home tour tikiing.

kingslod posted on 06/26/2004

This thread is awfully quiet...the quiet before the storm perhaps? Looking forward to meeting everyone tonite.

See ya later,


Maori_man posted on 06/26/2004

Sorry I've been busy cleaning, marinading and mixing - getting ready for Sunday for you folks to invade my home. See you later tonight at the Alibi everybody!!!

sparklegem posted on 06/27/2004


The first night was a huge success! We are ready for round two.

A gigantic mahalo to all the fabulous people who worked so hard to make this amazing event happen!

Thank You-Thank You!!!

Frenchy Polynesia posted on 06/27/2004

Hi All!

I'm so sorry I missed you guys - the only thing that could have possibly kept me from this was hospitalization - and in this case it was Mr. Polynesia! Poor dear was in for 5 days, thereby throwing off our plans to come up and join y'all. :( Anyway - can't wait to hear stories, see pictures, and I am totally with you in spirit!

Melintur posted on 06/28/2004

Wow what a blast.

Tikimama and I just got under the wire with construction of The Monkey Hut. What a great way to break it in - thanks to everyone for the kind compliments! It was a pleasure to offer the hospitality.

As soon as I can get some pictures off the camera, I'll post 'em!

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