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Posting (hopefully) a photo

Pages: 1 7 replies

mrtikibar posted on 10/02/2002

On the "San Onofre Tiki" thread, Alnshely gave directions for posting a photo on TC. Here is my attempt.

mrtikibar posted on 10/02/2002

Huh? Better get that monkey trained and sent to me for a remedial course. I tried to do this with a photo from my website. I got to step three but could not copy and paste the URL. I did it manually but no magic photo appeared. I sure enjoy these photos (Big Bash pics most recently) and hope to master the technique someday.

horizon mombo posted on 10/02/2002

Your pic did not show on this mac.
(Don't worry ,I don't know yet how to post pics of my mugs,velvets,tikis,bar,lounge
( One more isolated castaway)

Alnshely posted on 10/02/2002

On the "San Onofre Tiki" thread, Alnshely gave directions for posting a photo on TC. Here is my attempt.

Mr Tiki Bar,
Hit the edit button on my post and see how I modified your code. You left out the all important brackets for the BB code, other than that, perfect. Great pic, thanks for posting. Email with any questions.

[ Edited by: Alnshely on 2002-10-02 16:29 ]

Futura Girl posted on 10/02/2002

you are soooo close.

you just need to put little brackets [] around the img text like this
![]( then type your url where your image is located then type the closing brackets )

and don't forget to put the backslash in the second set of brackets. can't wait to see the photo!

mrtikibar posted on 10/03/2002

Thanks for the help. I'll try it again soon. I uploaded some others on Shutterfly.
Now I guess I can do it from there or my site


[ Edited by: mrtikibar on 2002-10-02 17:08 ]

[ Edited by: mrtikibar on 2002-10-03 04:18 ]

Alnshely posted on 10/03/2002

I hope you don't mind, I thought I'd post some.

mrtikibar posted on 10/03/2002

Hey, feel free to download-away. Here is another attempt with brackets this time. I also figured out a way to copy and paste. The monkey has competition now!

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