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eBay: Mugs to pay "the man"

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KAHAKA posted on 06/17/2004

This has been a terrible day. It's down right sad that I have to give these up, ESPECIALLY the Gecko mug. Please, if you get a seat belt ticket in California, pay it right away. I just found out that I'll be paying 6 times the original amount due in order to renew my license next month. YAY!




Thanks for helping to help me pay "the man."

Can we have 3 cheers for the man?!?!?!

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Trader Woody posted on 06/17/2004

Buckle up folks, or lose your mugs.

Trader Woody

KAHAKA posted on 06/17/2004

That is the lesson of the day.

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MachTiki posted on 06/17/2004

As the signs read in Hawai'i:

"Click it or Ticket"

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Johnny Dollar posted on 06/17/2004

On 2004-06-17 13:24, MachTiki wrote:
As the signs read in Hawai'i:

"Click it or Ticket"

i recall another sign on maui with a skull that equated alcohol to death. not disputing, but i remember the skull...

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MachTiki posted on 06/17/2004

Now that you mention it, I think I remember those skull signs... My vision was a little blurry, but I remeber them.

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Tiki-Toa posted on 06/17/2004

I am doing my part to help, I am the one bidding on the Gecko, he will have a good home if I win and be a constant reminder to "click it" and if any thing ever happens that I must get rid of it, you will have first dibs to get it back.

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Unga Bunga posted on 06/17/2004

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KAHAKA posted on 06/18/2004

Ho Ho Ho, my gosh, that is tOOOO much. I really need to fasten the old fashioned safety buckle for I might end up in the "hole." That's friggin' terrible, man.

Would you like to hear a sob story? Great! Here's the latest. Prior to receiving the latest update of my Nov. seat belt ticket notfiying me that I now need to pay $340 for failiar (sp?) to pay the initial $53, I received yet ANOTHER seat belt ticket!!!!! How you ask? Well, my girlfriend and I have seen it as a slap of the instant karma.

I found 2 Tahoe Harvey's peanut mugs in a local thrift store/flea bag/meth. lab (for $2.99 each... here in Cali., thems is a dime a dozen in MOST cases, do I wasn't keen on paying that much for each one, but I ended up doing it any way), along with a wooden napkin holder that had a nice tiki hut and palm tree carved on both sides of it. The price on the thing was $2.99. I wasn't willing to pay that for it... it was dinged and considering the place and the mood I was in, and the $ for Harvey's mugs, and the fact that I was broke too, WELL, I just didn't want to pay $2.99 for it- so I'm a cheap ass, OK? Anyway, I find another item marked $0.99, and I tear off its tag and slap it on the napkin holder so the price is right. I pay for everything, and all went well at the cashier.

Off Tanya (my g.f.) and I go, up to the next stop light, when I notice, once again, I'm not wearing my @#$%^&%$# safety buckle. I realize I didn't have it on... I didn't even do the whole sly "sneak the belt past the waste" bit. I leeeeeaaaned waaaaaay over (towards the passenger side), reached hack to pull the seat belt across, then looked over my left shoulder to check on the process, and LOW AND BEHOLD, WHAT DO I SEE OUTSIDE MY DRIVER SIDE WINDOW, staring at me as I "buckle up for safety?" JOHN from CHIPS! Not really, but some terrible look alike that pulled me over when the light turned green. SO! Not only do I have an overdue ticket to pay, but I also have another seat belt ticket waiting to process! FUCKIN' HOOOOOORAY!!!!!

Sorry, I'm just slightly jaded.

Lord, if you're listening, I promise not to switch tags again. I don't need another seat belt ticket!!!!!

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lanikai posted on 06/18/2004

*On 2004-06-18 04:03, KAHAKA wrote:*Lord, if you're listening, I promise not to switch tags again. I don't need another seat belt ticket!!!!!

ooooh... changing the price tags on tiki stuff... baaad mana...

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lanikai posted on 06/18/2004

On 2004-06-17 13:24, MachTiki wrote:
As the signs read in Hawai'i:

"Click it or Ticket"

pick it and flick it

TRR Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/872215113e12537e1624a0ccdb1a0661?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

I can't believe that the pork in Cali pull you guys over for not wearing a seat belt. Here in Fla they only give those tickets if they pull you over for something else, and then see that you aren't wearing one. I have gotten 2 tickets in the past year for my exhaust though. I drive a 2000 Honda civic with some work, and the pork has it out for me because of the way my car looks. I am almost 30 and don't street race, but because my exhaust and itake and engine have been modified, I always get picked on.

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MachTiki posted on 06/21/2004

An hour before closing and the Gecko "Exotica" is going for $107.50! That should help KAHAKA out a bit.

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Tiki-Toa posted on 06/22/2004

Yeah the bad news is I got out-bid and by a person who joined today and has ZERO feedback, talked to Kahaka, the braddah a lil nervous about that. That bidder better come through or we may have to send a hunting party to thier house.>:)

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MachTiki posted on 06/22/2004

Yeah, I saw the newbie kept outbidding you TT. You put up a hell of a fight though.

Hopefully the price will go higher... but if the new eBayer flakes on you... we have your back KAHAKA!

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Tiki_Bong posted on 06/22/2004


Do yourself a favor, wear your seatbelt. I would imagine you're in your 20's or early 30's at latest (if you're older, don't admit it).

I'm sure, like I did in my younger days, you think you'll never get in a collision, especially if you got a beer in your lap!

When I was 26 I got in a head-on collision on the way to the river on Memorial Day. Luckily for me, I just bought a truck that actually had working seat belts, and I had mine on.

Hey! If you don't wear your sealbelt, can I have your tiki stuff when the time comes?

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Tiki_Bong posted on 06/22/2004

On 2004-06-18 08:58, The Ragin' Rarotongan wrote:
I can't believe that the pork in Cali pull you guys over for not wearing a seat belt. Here in Fla they only give those tickets if they pull you over for something else, and then see that you aren't wearing one. I have gotten 2 tickets in the past year for my exhaust though. I drive a 2000 Honda civic with some work, and the pork has it out for me because of the way my car looks. I am almost 30 and don't street race, but because my exhaust and itake and engine have been modified, I always get picked on.

I just have to ask (with all due respect that is), why do people modify a Honda Civic? I mean it's an economy car.

Let me guess, you have all those gauges on the dash, a whale tail on the back, an alledgedly modified exhaust and intake, all on 1.8 liters of motor.

Is it the sound of the exhaust that you like? I do notice the kids love rev'ing up the engine in park, as though they're going to actually attain some sort of speed.

I'd think a more realistic approach would be to actually purchase a high-performance sports car, say Porsche, BMW, Audi, and just leave it alone. The factory knows best.

Just wondering.

KAHAKA posted on 06/22/2004

Hopefully the price will go higher... but if the new eBayer flakes on you... we have your back KAHAKA!

Thanks for the support, guys. I just sent the invoice out, so we'll see what happens.


Do yourself a favor, wear your seatbelt.

In the words of my dear old daddy, "Thanks for the warning."

When I was 26 I got in a head-on collision on the way to the river on Memorial Day. Luckily for me, I just bought a truck that actually had working seat belts, and I had mine on.

A friend of mine was recently hit head on in her '61 Falcon by another car traveling 100 m.p.h. (the other car was being chased down a surface street by the police). She lived, but had to have extensive reconstructive surgery in her face; she also broke several ribs and had some internal bleeding. Just a mess. The old steering wheels just tear you apart in those accidents. BUT, she did have a belt on.

Hey! If you don't wear your sealbelt, can I have your tiki stuff when the time comes?

If I go in my '54 Ford, since there are no seatbelts, maybe.

If I go in my 2001 Civic, no.

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/2cdb63f9a26d79e585fe4a8970c992c4?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
TNTiki posted on 06/22/2004

[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 16:38 ]

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Benzart posted on 06/22/2004

These guys will never know the experience of the oldOriginal Muscle cars back in the 60's. Nuthin like a full blown Goat, or A VW with aCorvair engine holdin down the back.
Here in Florida by the way the no longer need another excuse for stopping you to give you the ftwseatbelt ticket, They see it they write it...Clicket or ticket.
sorry you didn't get the mug Tiki-Toa, woulda been nice tohave a family member get it. I have the Gecko mug and it is my Only one. I don't collect things like mugs and stuff but this one seemed special. Glad I have it.Kahaka, feel free to borrow it sometime if you like

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GECKO posted on 06/22/2004

Kahaka and Tiki Toa, sorry braddahz! and Benzart, I'm glad you got one. Makes me proud.

Hey Kahaka, where did the new bidder come from? 808 is a Hawaii area code and I was wondering if they're from da islands or a TC member?

I didn't even know a mug was on ebay until about 7:30am this morning when my friend Freddy called me and told me a mug was on and also ended today. Tanks cd...I mean Freddy for lookin out. Frankly I'm glad I just found out today because I would have been watching that like a hawk hoping you would get a nice chunk of change. I'm happy with da outcome. I can't beleive da high bidder didn't get one from Tikifarm wen they were $35 for about a week or two?


[ Edited by: gecko on 2004-06-21 20:39 ]

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lanikai posted on 06/22/2004

cant believe that rare fu didnt sell!

KAHAKA posted on 06/22/2004


The buyer is from Waipahu, HI. She paid almost immediately after I sent the invoice.

I'm sorry I had to give this one up. Hopefully I'll end up with one somehow when all the dust settles. I atleast want to have a drink out of one of those suckers!!! I didn't even get a chance to do that!

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MachTiki posted on 06/22/2004


Glad to hear the sale worked out well. Maybe there's a TC'er out there that bought more than one who'll set you up. We'll keep our fingers crossed.

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lanikai posted on 06/22/2004

I just have to ask (with all due respect that is), why do people modify a Honda Civic? I mean it's an economy car.

here in da eye lands, Honda is status. dont ask me why. cuz you wont get an answer.

Honda is also the ride of choice for many, since in How Are Ya, we have:

hiway and road lanes that are increasingly less wide.

parking spaces that are few and far between AND not big at all!

a corrpupt state, city and county increasingly taking away parking lots and streetparking more and more as the weeks wear on....

our roads are in such terrible condition, our cars wear out too quickly; Hondas have cheaper replacement parts costs. new or salvage.

sorry ya asked, yea!?

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Tiki-Toa posted on 06/22/2004

Kahaka glad to hear that all worked out and I was able to help some in making the price competitive so you burden is less now, and at least the buyer is from da islands, someday I hope to get my Exotica, at least I know Gecko has more sweet mugs planned.

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