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drum base Tangaroa & Velvets 8/31/04 on page3

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GECKO posted on 06/19/2004

Aloha friends,

here's a couple of new velvets and a new tiki from da south sea arts duo Uncle Leo and me.

this is a velvet dats 3 ft tall by 2 1/2 feet wide. I call this one "my office"!! no, I wish it was my office. It's of a beautiful wahine (a must) and my carving Exotica that da wahine is leaning on. Also has my new mug "da big puka" on da table.

close ups

make sure your velvet has da gecko south seas stamp so da peopo know you got quality art on da wall and not just some velvet from some garage sale artist.

here is a 36x60 velvet and a 6 foot 7inch tiki I carved for a show I have comin up.

mahaloz fo da look.

here is a carving I call "da big puka"

and the new mug coming in summer by South Sea Arts. Also called da big puka. This will not be a limited edition and will be a nice low price around $15. maybe retail in stores here around $20. Available only here in Hawaii. Not yet for sale.


another tiki with a drum base

the base of a coffee table in da making

the top carved from a natural shaped slab of wood. still have a little work to do on da top.

almost done. the top was carved then I pored resin to flatten out the top so drinks could be placed on it.

still needs some work.

another original black velvet by uncle Leo. He has some different designs coming out but I'm just a big fan of this design with da wahine and tiki in da back as you can see.

this one I just had to have him do for my personal collection because of da beauty of da wahine. I got her out of a magazine and new she had to be on velvet.

I'm really going to push these beutiful velvets as soon as he has more designs. He does self portraits on velvets that are amazing.


that's it for now. I have another special surprise but will be seen later.


[ Edited by: gecko on 2004-07-30 19:20 ]

[ Edited by: gecko on 2004-08-29 20:44 ]

[ Edited by: gecko on 2004-08-31 23:42 ]

Octane posted on 06/19/2004

excellent as always Gecko, i love the styles you come up with. everything looks great.

GECKO posted on 06/19/2004

da back of da mug

GECKO posted on 06/19/2004

tanks Octane. How's your carvings?

Octane posted on 06/19/2004

not happening lately, but hopefully that will change in about a week when i get some free time. i'v been working on another project (non tiki) for one of my friends, but hopefully next week its all about the tikis.

i missed out on your first mug but i'm deffinatly going to have to get this new one when it comes out. again man great work, i really like the way you find aways to put that little tiki in different place on your big tikis, and that hollow bottom looks great.

Alnshely posted on 06/19/2004

Wow, Great Stuff,

TikiGardener posted on 06/19/2004

So how do us mainlanders get our mits on the new mug?

Benzart posted on 06/19/2004

Its about time you did some work. All you been doin is work work work. Ya workin so hard we never see you. But it's OK Now I see the stuff,. It's Mighty nice Gecko, Well Worth Waiting for. Just keep more coming. The mug is A+ man really beautiful, you sure you done that?.
Keep up the good work man

[ Edited by: Benzart on 2004-06-19 09:06 ]

OnaTiki posted on 06/19/2004

Boy you have been busy. What's the name of the Drum Tiki with band around it's waist? It's awesome!!
Love the coffee table too. Can't wait to see more.

Tiki-Toa posted on 06/19/2004

Gecko is that mask available to buy? Also are you starting a list for your mugs? I ask about the list because I missed out on the Denny and hoping that same fate does not happen for the rest of your sweet mugs,mahalo.

PolynesianPop posted on 06/19/2004

Good Stuff Gecko! Nice to see you on TC again, its been awhile...

Tiki Bird posted on 06/19/2004

Awesome stuff Gecko, keep those pics of your work rollin in!

pablus posted on 06/19/2004


Terrific works.
I'm looking forward to displaying one of your Tikis after I visit you and nab one.

I'll bring the uke, rum and mixers with me.

GECKO posted on 06/20/2004

aloha friends,

Well mahalo and nice to talk to you guys again as well. It's nice to back just for a little while because I'm still very busy.

PolyPop, whats up bro! nice to see your name on da screen as well. I'm just trying to keep busy pounding da work out. I miss da good peopo here!

OnaTiki, no special name for da tiki. Just another geko tiki dats all. Enjoy da big puka!

Alnshely, there's my favorite couple. Hey Pearly Shells, I'll have your black velvet portrait at da second week of July. It's going to be a large 20X30!!!! betta make some room on da wall braddah Al!

TikiGardener, howzit bro? the new mug will be available around August. No worries, I'll give you guys a heads up. Thanks for asking. You guys here will get the special discount price.

Benzilla, one day we will carve together on one log! I might have to get a 6 footer and split it up 3 ways between me you and chikki. That would be something for my collection. You guys need to come out! And keep dem bad ass Maori carvings rollin brah!

Octane, no excuses! you got skillz so use dem! I like your work. Don't quit, it gets better!

Tiki-Toa, no list fo da mugs yet. Don't worry I'll make sure you get one. As far as dat mask, it's gone already but a custom order is no problem if you are interested. Just email me if you any questions.

tiki bird, Mahaloz, I'll try to keep da pics commin.

pablus, bring da rum and da mixers because I can't make a drink for nothin.

I'm here on da islands peopo, come see me anytime! I'll be seeing Jungle Trader next week....who's next??? anybody else in July??

Tanks to Joe and his lovely wife Tanya(arm chair traveling into da world of tiki) We had a blast with you guys!!!! call us anytime!!!! flickaria!!!


MutantTiki posted on 06/20/2004

I am new (stumbled over the site by accident) but I am amazed at the level of talent here. Nice work!

Must... have.. mug. :)

suburbanpagan posted on 06/20/2004

un-fricken-believable stuff, Gecko! It is so inspiring to be in the company of such amazing carvers! I know it will help me become better too....very inspiring!

Tiki Royale posted on 06/21/2004

Damn Gecko,
You too much! Great stuff as always, Da Big Puka is amazing.

[ Edited by: Tiki Royale on 2004-06-21 00:07 ]

Shipwreckjoey posted on 06/21/2004

Gecko, great work as usual. When can I order one o' dem big puka mugs? That tiki is awesome...looks a lot like one Onatiki's got at his hut! That velvet wahine is da kine. Who do I have to kill to get one of those?

Kanaka posted on 06/21/2004

AMAZING work Gecko! You continue to out do yourself!!! I had way to much rum from my Exotica mug this weekend! Cheers!!


Basement Kahuna posted on 06/21/2004

Man...I need to feed...need to look at Creating Tiki more and get re-inspired enough to get out the old chisels..and Gecko, you've always been an inspiration...from the old days of the "carving post" till now. Awesome stuff as always...Something magic about your stuff....good mana and aloha spirit just brimming over. Great stuff, braddah.

SallyandJay posted on 06/21/2004

Can't wait to purchase the mug. I looks great like all the rest of your carvings that you create. Keep posting so I can continually dream of owning my own someday.

cheekytiki posted on 06/21/2004

What more can I say, that hasn't already been said,your work's inspiring!
Hey isn't that the chick out of the Tiki piece in Bizzare

[ Edited by: cheekytiki on 2004-06-21 11:12 ]

GECKO posted on 06/22/2004

Tanks braddahz and sisstahz! da only thing that keeps me going is all of you here! You guys are who inspire me! So big pats on your own back for making me strive to continue!

BK, you've come a long way braddah since back in da early days of da carving post! I'm proud of you to!

Cheeky, ya dats da pretty wahine from da Bizzare mag. I didn't want to post da mag on my wall so I begged uncle Leo to paint me one on Velvet. You should see it in person! Uncle Leo Layug is one of da best velvet artist I've eva seen and he works for me!?!?

anyways as I always say,

Live Aloha

kooche posted on 06/22/2004

those velvet pieces make me want to be alone with them for a long time...perfect! killer craftsmanship in all of your work!

rock on and on and on sir!

GECKO posted on 06/22/2004

Kooche, from artist to artist, I respect your work as well. Love da wahine paintings you do. My fav's.

For those who asked,
"Da Big Puka" mug will be available summa time. No worries on a rush, there will be plenty.


GECKO posted on 07/31/2004

new tings on page 1


OnaTiki posted on 07/31/2004

Wow Gecko!
Amazing as always. You and Uncle Leo make a great team.
Keep the creative juices flowing.

PS. Da Big Puka misses you. When you coming for a visit?

Jungle Trader posted on 07/31/2004

Aww Gecko, you make me wish I could go back in time and experience Oh-why-hee like it is in your paintings. One day I will own one of these. Keep it up brah.

Chongolio posted on 07/31/2004

Boom Boom Boom!
Hey cuz, what have you been eating? You are going stronger than ever! Uncle Leo's paintings are looking super sweet too.
Eye poppin' all of them!

Sam Gambino posted on 07/31/2004

Gecko - This stuff is beautiful!


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hala bullhiki posted on 08/01/2004

amazing as always gecko...i hope one day to make it out your way....

Benzart posted on 08/02/2004

Gecko Geckkkooo, What you been doin? I SEE what you been doin. Your additions are Way up there Mr Lizzard..I'm glad to see that you have been doing constructive things with your time.
Happy belated birthday to your Wahini. I won't tell nobody how young she is. You lucky dog.
Anyway keep up the work, We all need it for Inspiration, at least I do.

cheekytiki posted on 08/02/2004

Gecko, all the stuff that comes out of your place is fantastic. I'm just gonna have to start saving for a trip to see it for real.

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foamy posted on 08/02/2004

Wow. Good stuff!

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virani posted on 08/02/2004

Great velvet prints again.
Did I tell you I framed your velvet print with golden frame, it looks fantastic, really lighting up the image. I love it.

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kingslod posted on 08/02/2004


Those mugs are great, but how can I get one of your carvings? Your pieces are amazing! Really great. I got that "whoosh" feeling you get when you see great art, that makes you think and feel at the same time, so that they almost cancel each other out. Very nice...and no, I'm not high right now. :)

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Aaron's Akua posted on 08/02/2004


Unbelievable stuff, Gecko. I'm vacationing in Maui this November. Can you hook up a fellow TC brah with some local carving wood? I want to make a real authentic hawaiian tiki with some magical hawaiian tiki wood. But I'm hoping I can find some over there that's not at Haole prices!

Do you have a supplier? Or do you just head off into the jungle with an axe & get your own?

Wish I was going to Oahu, I'd definitely stop by to check out your stuff. I'm tempted to make a side trip.

Mahalo, my friend, and thanks for the eye candy!


GECKO posted on 08/30/2004

I haven't had da chance to post any carvings lately because of being busy but I have some spare time today. Here's one that was just ordered. Drum style bottom Tangaroa.
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I'll post others later that I've done last month. Just kinda been busy and it takes time to post pics.

Tiki-Toa posted on 08/30/2004

Aloha G! Good to see you here again,you are missed, and look what ya brought us, another beauty do you ever stop getting better, I feel like wayne and garth on my knees "were not worthy, were not worthy!"

Benzart posted on 08/30/2004

Beautiful and truely nice. i see he has the big drum stick reay at a moments notice.
A rare post by Gecko.. Love it HappyHappyHappy

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foamy posted on 08/30/2004

Gecko, aside from the fact that it's a great carving, I like the add on's. Another element to admire (or not). Good stuff.

By the way, your paintings are killer, too! Man, oh man.

[ Edited by: foamy on 2004-08-30 08:49 ]

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Tiki Diablo posted on 08/30/2004

G! what a beaut! You have that style down ! nice piece of wood too

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KAHAKA posted on 08/30/2004

Holy crap man. That thing rules. I sent you a P.M.

Octane posted on 08/31/2004

Gecko, everything you make man is great. love the drum (hollow part) of your tikis. as Chikitiki said you have that style down perfectly. I like the color of him looks kind of dark but when you showed a close up of the back of his head it was a nice deep brown, always impressive, can't wait to see what else youv done.

GECKO posted on 09/01/2004

Howzit peeps, here's 2 large 36X60 velvets uncle Leo did. While he was doing some of his new designs and taking care oforders, I asked him to do a couple of classics. The first one is after one of Leeteg's most famous paintings(Hina Rapa)that was also used by the Chi Chi bar in Palm Springs.
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Can you guess the second? The peopo In Florida should get this one. With Flounder doing all these great vintage mug paintings I thought it would be nice to do some vintage wahine paintings from the restaurants as well.
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tanks fo da props braddahs on da Tangaroa. One of my fave's to carve. Chiki da wood is coconut palm. Da holes come from da spikes in da shoes of da local tree climbers so they can climb up to cut down coconuts so they don't fall on peopoz head in Waikiki ya. Also from birds.


[ Edited by: gecko on 2004-08-31 23:43 ]

[ Edited by: gecko on 2004-08-31 23:44 ]

[ Edited by: gecko on 2004-09-01 00:08 ]

[ Edited by: gecko on 2004-09-01 00:11 ]

Pages: 1 44 replies