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Go Team Pineapple! Celebration at Beverly Hills Trader Vics, Sunday 6/13

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Humuhumu posted on 06/04/2004

Our own Tiki-Bot & mrs. pineapple, a.k.a. TEAM PINEAPPLE (a.k.a. the nutty, nutty kids who got married at Oasis III last year), are performing an inhuman feat next week: the AIDS LifeCycle, raising money for the SF AIDS Foundation. They're going to be bicycling all the way from SF to LA in 7 days. Ooof! They are arriving in LA on Saturday at Dodger Stadium. Details on Saturday's Arrival Ceremony:

The Closing Ceremony will be held in the southeast parking lots of Dodger Stadium, overlooking the skyline of downtown Los Angeles, on Saturday, June 12th. Over 1200 cyclists and 350 volunteer roadies will be welcomed home from their 7-day, 585 mile journey from San Francisco. An AIDS/LifeCycle Community Festival will run from 1:00 to 4:00 pm followed by the Closing Ceremony celebration at 5:00 pm. Family, friends and community members are invited to join us to welcome in this amazing community of heroes! For more information, please call 323-993-7483.

Parking is very conveniently located adjacent to the Ceremony site and is free of charge. Please enter Dodger Stadium through Gate A, the Elysian Park entrance.

If you'd like to cheer them on as they roll into town, I'm sure they'd love it. However, many of us are going to be in San Diego for the opening of Mr. Tiki, and they're going to be too pooped to celebrate anyhow. So, we're going to get together at the Beverly Hills Trader Vic's to celebrate on Sunday!

If you're interested in joining us, give a shout here on this thread. I'll take care of reservations.

Also -- if you happen to live anywhere near the route, consider cheering the riders on along the way!

For more information about the AIDS LifeCycle, look here.

For more information on TEAM PINEAPPLE! check here and here. (You can donate a pledge at that second link.)


I had it all backwards -- the best bed is the one that's stumbling distance from Tiki-Ti, or the Mai Kai, or the Lagoon Room, or the Alibi, or the Kon Tiki, or...

[ Edited by: Humuhumu on 2004-06-04 15:27 ]

Tiki-bot posted on 06/06/2004

I'd like to extend the biggest MAHALO! possible to Humuhumu for her tireless efforts to promote and support Team Pineapple. You have been such a great help to us and our cause. I'd suggest selling your extra karma points on ebay asap. Luxury living, here you come! We love you and hope you can rally a few TC-HTs on our Sunday Trader Vic's outing. We'd love to see everyone there.

We're very excited and it's hard to sleep right now, even after only 5 hours last night, a long day of event registration and packing today, and hopefully 4 hours of sleep tonight, and 88 miles to ride tomorrow on our first day.

Believe me, on the long and painful days ahead we'll be thinking of our friends and supporters who helped us along our long journey, which started with us giving up every weekend of free time (except Oasis!) since January to train and prepare for this. I'd especially like to thank Purple Jade for her wonderful contributions to our tiki/pineapple inspired decor and ride equipment - your pagan idols got us safely through the last 5 months of training rides (about 2000 miles total). Tiki Diablo for his wonderful necklaces (I'll be wearing a different one every day!) and carvings that are greatly inspiring, and to all the folks who came to our fundraising party a couple months back, we appreciate what you all have enabled us to do. There's no community like this one and we are proud to be a part of it with you.

We have been able to bring a lot of aloha that is familiar to folks here to our training ride groups. It's so outta control that people seek out the Pineapples and even ask for pictures! It's a wonderful group of people.

Please check Humuhumu's links to our webpages for photos, etc. You'll be mildly entertained. No matter what your idol of worship, please pray for my knees to hold out! Hope to see you all Sunday at Vic's! "Painkillers" for everyone!

Mahalo nui loa!

Richard (Tiki-bot)
Team Pineapple

TNTiki posted on 06/06/2004

[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 17:31 ]

Dolphin Tiki posted on 06/06/2004


Ummmmm... What time on Sunday?!?

--Dolphin Tiki
(aka Z-Girl)

[ Edited by: Dolphin Tiki on 2004-06-06 14:23 ]

Humuhumu posted on 06/07/2004

I won't be able to tell you guys the time until after I've got a head count and can call for a reservation. I'll aim for some time between 6 & 7pm.

Tiki Bird posted on 06/07/2004

Looking forward to hearing about the ride on sunday.

tikivixen posted on 06/10/2004


(and just think, your calves are gonna be some of the shapeliest in California!)

If there's any way I can be at Vic's on Sunday, I will, but can't promise, alas. However, Gretchen dear, I haven't forgotten your jacket. Life got VERY crazy right after your party, but things are settling down now...so if I don't see you guys in LA, let's do the Tiki patio at the Mallard VERY soon!
XOX Tikivixen

PiPhiRho posted on 06/10/2004

It's been a while since I have been by Vic's. A Mai Tai will really hit the spot just about then, I think. I can't be there before 7, but I'll plan on joining you then.

Tiki Diablo posted on 06/10/2004

Hey gang, way to go on the ride! Sorry I'll miss y'all.

Humuhumu posted on 06/14/2004

Howdy gang - due to a constantly fluctuating head count, I never had a solid enough number to make a reservation, but it wasn't a problem -- we've got a table at 7 p.m. If you would like to join us but didn't RSVP with me, try to swing by anyhow, I'm sure they'll be able to squeeze in a couple more chairs.

kooche posted on 06/14/2004

congratulations on finishing the ride! my extra big and hairy hindquarters we on my couch in front of the season premier of "six feet under" whilst i sipped from my porfessor munktiki mug...sorry i missed you at the finish line!

seriously...thanks for contributing to an incredibly dire cause...you deserve a MASSIVE celebration indeed and i hope you got it at trader vics!

Tiki Bird posted on 06/14/2004

What a tiki weekend, first Mr. Tiki on Saturday, then meeting up with Humu, Tikibot, & Mrs. Pineapple at Trader Vics on Sunday. Thank you very much Humu for setting everything up, Utop & I had a great time!


Humuhumu posted on 06/15/2004

Alright, it's official. I take terrible, terrible pictures. This time, I've even outdone myself with the pure dreck that is this batch of photos. For instance, this is one of the better photos:

What was I trying to take a picture of? I simply do not know. If you'd like to see the rest of my really not-good pictures, they're here.

It was WONDERFUL, though, to see the Pineapples! They were a little pooped, but they were troopers, and we heard many entertaining tales of their adventures. I'm going to have nightmares of a hundred people dressed like Richard Simmons cheering me on.

Traderpup posted on 06/15/2004

Congratulations, and thanks for helping support a very worthy cause!!

Now, Humuhumu.... I can understand having an off-day for taking pics, but I figured there would be at least one shot of the honored Pineapples.... :)

Humuhumu posted on 06/15/2004

On 2004-06-15 13:43, Traderpup wrote:
I figured there would be at least one shot of the honored Pineapples....

I know! I really can't be trusted to document these events. I can, apparently, be trusted to document my footwear.

tikivixen posted on 06/16/2004

"I know! I really can't be trusted to document these events. I can, apparently, be trusted to document my footwear"

You mean there's more to life than footwear?!? :wink:


mrs. pineapple posted on 06/16/2004



OK - look at photos from days 1 and 2, there are pineapples....
We had a GREAT ride, I'm still slogging through a 70# duffel bag of smelly clothes, and Mr. Pineapple is working on posting photos, but we'll get a 'ride diary' out soon. It was amazing, and yes, we had fun!
Thanks to everyone who came to Vic's, my mom loved meeting the tiki people, or as she likes to refer to you all, "the people who were ALLOWED to come to your wedding..." oops.
more ride reports soon, the pineapples were a big hit!!!
team pineapple

"You're the mayor of shark city, people think you want the beaches open."

[ Edited by: mrs. pineapple on 2004-06-15 21:58 ]

Tiki-bot posted on 06/16/2004

Thanks to eveyone who came out to welcome the Pineapples to LA. As Mrs P. said, we had a great ride and it was a fantastic experience.

Extra-special Mahalos to Humuhumu for being one of our biggest supporters and for organizing our reception at Vic's. We had a lovely time.

And here's a photo of something besides Humuhumu's fab-oo shoes... :)

(Note that Futura Girl's clothes are being worn properly - as far as we can tell.)


[ Edited by: Tiki-bot on 2004-06-16 11:55 ]

Tiki-bot posted on 06/22/2004

Finally! Pics from the ride are up! There's also a small write-up on the first pic page by Mrs Pineapple. I wish I had the time to caption all the pics, but this unemployment time has been nothing but work work work!


cynfulcynner posted on 06/22/2004

On 2004-06-21 20:33, Tiki-bot wrote:
Finally! Pics from the ride are up!

So many drag queens, so little time! :lol:

Futura Girl posted on 06/23/2004

On 2004-06-16 11:53, Tiki-bot wrote:
(Note that Futura Girl's clothes are being worn properly - as far as we can tell.)

i'll have you know that buttons make it much easier to tell the front from the back :P

Now... I need to know the story behind this picture?

[ Edited by: Futura Girl on 2004-06-23 02:59 ]

Tiki-bot posted on 06/23/2004

Tee-hee! That's a toy wind-up hen that someone left on the dinner table one night. You put candy eggs up its bum and as it walks, the eggs drop out. We were endlessly amused.

Futura Girl posted on 06/24/2004

hmmmm.... they look like green m&m's to me...

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