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Tiki Beach Burn July 17th - Who's In?

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Tiki_Bong posted on 06/02/2004

Alright, I'm back and I'm docile.

Was talking with some TC folks and we're thinking about a beach, clam bake, surf off, get drunk without the man seeing you, get together.

It would probably be low key, say meet at the beach, eat drink, talk smack about BOnG, much like we did last Summer.

Probably in the OC (unless someone has another suggesion)

Oh yeah, I see the quality of topics in Beyond Tiki hasn't skipped a beat in my absence, so here's my answers to all those hot topics:

The Jam
Van Halen
Nina Hagen
HairCut 100
Never heard of Scissor Sisters
Radiohead goes Bluegrass? Cool.
Apples, not oranges
Home Fries
and last but not least,

(well, at least you don't need Bong to keep it going)

"I'm ashamed to be here, but not too ashamed to leave..."

Celebrate 'International Tiki Day' the second Saturday in August - hau'oli la tiki!

[ Edited by: Tiki_Bong on 2004-06-07 09:35 ]

PolynesianPop posted on 06/02/2004

Count me in! Is this a family friendly event? I'd like to bring the kiddies...

floratina posted on 06/02/2004

Goody, Bong's been released. Hey that burn sounds great. I wish there was a beach out there where you could have a burn and not have to leave the beach at 10 PM.

Tiki_Bong posted on 06/02/2004

We could always head to Bongs Hut for a drink or 2.

Monkeyman posted on 06/02/2004

Im In. I would like to help if its needed.

Tiki Bird posted on 06/02/2004

Utopiandreem & i are in!

Traderpup posted on 06/02/2004

Sounds good!

Polypop.... if ya bring the kids, anything under 4 ft might get chucked in the fire! So keep an eye on 'em!

Unga Bunga posted on 06/02/2004

I'll be down for Intl. Tiki Day!

tiki mick 1 posted on 06/02/2004

Crosby, I think that would be fun! Count me in!

MTKahuna posted on 06/03/2004

I'm down....

What's the date???

Tiki_Bong posted on 06/03/2004

MT bruddah! Where you been? The date is July 24, 2004 A.D.

(Hey, when we doing the Hawaiian Room gig again?)

Doctor Z posted on 06/03/2004

We're in! Same place?? Hopefully it won't take us an hour to find everybody this time...

Fire! Fire! Fire!

crazy al posted on 06/03/2004

you read my mind Bong! been riding the beach lately and thought got to burn something soon!!

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suicide_sam posted on 06/03/2004

Man you aint said nuthin but I word.

That means, yeah that sounds like a good idea.

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Alnshely posted on 06/03/2004

we're in,

MTKahuna posted on 06/03/2004

On 2004-06-02 17:30, Tiki_Bong wrote:
MT bruddah! Where you been? The date is July 24, 2004 A.D.

(Hey, when we doing the Hawaiian Room gig again?)

Been busy brah... I have been doing the 8am-8pm gig. This summer looks promising for some major release time!!!!


How's about a Hawaiian Room Bar B Que?
Dont forget about the Hawaiiana show on June 19th.


Tiki Bird posted on 06/03/2004

On 2004-06-03 11:25, MTKahuna wrote:

How's about a Hawaiian Room Bar B Que?


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thebaxdog posted on 06/04/2004

Are we trying to go to the end at Brookhurst?
Or just pick the spot and they will come.
Who has a flag we can fly for locating us easier. But you have to be one of the early birds.
We will bring are kids and wood and food stuff.
I think we need two pits this time, so I can start the real fire earlier and push all you marshmellow cooking("Oh, the fire is to hot")wimps out of the way.
can't wait
Remember every piece of wood must be burned

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CheekyGirl posted on 06/05/2004

Last year Vintage Girl and I had a devil of a time finding ya'll. If it were not for Atomic Cocktail (our personal search and rescue team) we would still be wandering the sands of OC to this day.

Maybe this year someone send up a flare, create smoke signals, have a beacon, or transmit coordinates via satelite, or maybe we can just exchange a few cell numbers.

I may have other plans that night.

Burn Baby Burn!

[ Edited by: cheekygirl 2007-05-07 10:58 ]

floratina posted on 06/05/2004

From last year:

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I love this shot of TCers and SACRIFICIAL TIKI JONES communing by the fire.

Bax takes his bonfires seriously.

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thebaxdog posted on 06/05/2004

We need to make a TC flag like the holiday ones that the country club culture hangs in front of thier houses. Anybody know a custom fag maker besides Bong's Mom.
Whoops, it only sounds the same, I ment FLAG maker.

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thebaxdog posted on 06/06/2004

HOLY MOTHER IN?LAW of conflicts!?
Right after my last post I went into deep storage and found an old sail.
Red, white, and blue with 2043 or 2034 or something like that on it.
Not a TC flag, but plenty baxtered up for TC location puposes.
So right in the middle of my Saturday chores (self induced) I get a case of A-D-D
(that's right add to my all ready impossible list)
BANG, Bam, or Shaazame the Dog goes off and puts together a flag pole, fixs up my 10 x 10 EZ-up (not Levitra)
I at this point am ready for my Beach Burn contribution.
Without paying attention to the fact that The Burn is July 24th and not June 24th (fucking DUH)
ADD ADD ADD more brain cells
Now to the conflict (wake up)
My Mother-in-law (who is the best)
Is having a big old Hawaiian Anniversary party THE SAME FLIPPEN DAY and we just got my dear brother Big Al to say he would be Guest Mixologist(sp)(I think he has not double checked his calendar)(Al, we will talk)
So Bong, unless we can field modify the date.
Atleast my Wife and myself are not going to make it.(very sad puppy eyes with tears)

What the hell is wrong with everyone
When this stops being fun
I'm out
Have no brakes Cannot stop

[ Edited by: thebaxdog on 2004-06-06 09:09 ]

[ Edited by: thebaxdog on 2004-06-06 09:10 ]

Tiki_Bong posted on 06/06/2004

The date's not set in stoned, er.. stone. Baxdoggie-style, pick another date and it's done.

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thebaxdog posted on 06/07/2004

It worked, my whining worked
JULY 17th

Tiki_Bong posted on 06/07/2004

******* NEWS FLUSH, ER... FLASH ********

The date for the beach burn has been modified, changed, moved and f$*# with - It is now JULY 17th!

We now return to our regular programming.

PolynesianPop posted on 06/07/2004

Still in.

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Alnshely posted on 06/07/2004

Burn the 17th,
Bartend the 24th

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Tiki-Toa posted on 06/07/2004

I am wondering if it is time for a move back to Cali, after spending considerable time in TC, I am getting truly jealous of you West Coasters and your darn ability to luau at will it seems. That and the beaches suck in Wisconsin, and the ocean breeze is stale by the time it reaches us here.

"Tiki, not just nice stuff to look at, but a nice state of mind".

[ Edited by: Tiki-Toa on 2004-06-07 11:37 ]

Tiki Bird posted on 06/07/2004

Utopiandreem & I are still in!

Tiki_Bong posted on 06/07/2004

On 2004-06-07 11:37, Tiki-Toa wrote:
I am wondering if it is time for a move back to Cali, after spending considerable time in TC, I am getting truly jealous of you West Coasters and your darn ability to luau at will it seems. That and the beaches suck in Wisconsin, and the ocean breeze is stale by the time it reaches us here.

Tiki Toa,

I'd imagine it's a double whammy after being stationed at Pearl. If you can make it, you're always welcome.

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TNTiki posted on 06/08/2004

[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 17:32 ]

PolynesianPop posted on 06/08/2004

Maybe we can designate the area where we will be setting up ahead of time and post it here so it will be easier find the group. Bong?

Tiki_Bong posted on 06/08/2004

It will more than likely be at the end of Beach Blvd; the reason is because on the left is the State beach, and on the right is the City beach, that way if 1 parking lot is full, try the other.

We could always do some sort of car pool from my hut.

Baxdog said he has some sort of big sail that he'll put up as a marker for all to see.

Hope everyone can make it as last year's gig was a blast!

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Tiki-Toa posted on 06/10/2004

Bong! Dude mahalo for the offer man, much appreciated, if I could find work out there I would move the family and get away fom the snow, and now the incessant rain. Really hope someday to meet up with you and but you a Mai Tai!

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stentiki posted on 06/11/2004

We're back and we're in.

Burn Baby Burn!

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thebaxdog posted on 06/12/2004

Did a bike ride drive by this AM.
Scoped out some firepits.
BONG, where are you!!!
Beach Burn
Yeah Baby

Tiki_Bong posted on 06/13/2004

After Baxdoggie-style did a recon of H.B., he came up with fire pit by life guard station 15.

I checked out today and it's got my OK.

Bring your own wood (just like when you wake up).

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tyger jymmy posted on 06/13/2004

were in I,d like to meet some of the members we were at oasis in may but I couldnt cruz around much my wife was keeping our duaghter busy and I was at my both so I didnt get around much would this be a kinda pot luck thing. Later

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thebaxdog posted on 06/15/2004

Yes, at the end of Beach Blvd.
First thing is to try and go left into the State run part, the parking is only 5 bucks. If you accidentally go into the City run side it will be 10 bucks.
Neither area will give you a refund even if you say
"But I thought they were on this side"
If you happen to go into the State run side further South you can still drive to where we are inside the parking lot.
And yes, Lifeguard station number 15 and about 45feet south.
For sure I will be there early between 6 and 6:30 to set up. Anybody want to come on down, we can do some early morning body wompin also. I am makin it an entire beach day.
I will be bringing
2 easy up canapys(one white, one red pinky faded)
A table to set food on(we need more)
Some beach type toys(we need more)
Beach and camping chairs(we need more)
Food/ atleast for my Family but probably more(chips, dip, dogs, burgs, you know)
For those that drink, the man is all over and has seen most drink container tricks so be creative. If your car is close, maybe make lots of trips. Anyway just be carefull!
Bikes so we can take a cruise or two
Maybe a kite
Fins, towels, Boogie Boards
Sweatshirts (maybe with my fire you won't need warmth, cuse I will burn you)
Bong is going to bring one weber to cook separate dogs and mellows so we can have the fire sooner(FIRE make Baxdog HAPPY)one more would be helpful!
DON"T FOREGET LONG COOKING FORKS(Big 5, Sportmart, figure it out)
Who has horse shoes? Who has a Volleyball set?
Come on people lets do this beach thing like Hoity Toity's are known for, BIG TIME!!!
If you can't find us by lifegaurd #15 and the flags we have up and the sail I am going to put up and you park in the wrong lot and the sand is to sandy
Then PLEASE go home, because you are to STUPID to be in public,
July 17th at the end of Beach Blvd. Station #15
BE THERE! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! all day is OK.
Thank you Bong for setting me off and making this day happen.

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Hanalei_Pirate posted on 06/17/2004

On 2004-06-04 18:14, CheekyGirl wrote:
Last year Vintage Girl and I had a devil of a time finding ya'll. If it were not for Atomic Cocktail (our personal search and rescue team) we would still be wandering the sands of OC to this day.

Maybe this year someone send up a flare, create smoke signals, have a beacon, or transmit coordinates via satelite, or maybe we can just exchange a few cell numbers.

Yes, in fact I was lost too and about to give up when I think it was Vintage Girl who spied me and rescued me and escorted me to the party.... the problem is that there as so many camps of beach parties going on at the HB beaches that it is near impossible to stand out in the crowd. We definitely need to do some research to select a highly visible site, a site marker... something, or list cell phone # of the person who will be the camp site coordinator... otherwise, count me in - hd so much fun last year!

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Tiki Rider posted on 06/17/2004

On 2004-06-16 21:28, Hanalei_Pirate wrote:

.... the problem is that there as so many camps of beach parties going on at the HB beaches that it is near impossible to stand out in the crowd. We definitely need to do some research to select a highly visible site, a site marker... something, or list cell phone # of the person who will be the camp site coordinator... otherwise, count me in - hd so much fun last year!

Pirate, my friend...not to be a wise ass but I thought Bax's last post already made it pretty clear on where to meet, what landmarks to look for and who might be there from 6-6:30 a.m. on.

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thebaxdog posted on 06/17/2004

Get em Stevo
15 15 15 15 15 15 15
-----------------S T A T I O N
Cell number
(949) 230-5572
If I don't answer it, it means I burnt it too
Along with my towel and chair and EZ-up

Doctor Z posted on 06/17/2004

On 2004-06-14 19:17, thebaxdog wrote:
For those that drink, the man is all over and has seen most drink container tricks so be creative.

Hmmmm... sounds like an excuse to make some of my (easily disguised) high octane vodka jell-o!! (Keep the kids away from it!)

I don't think I've made any since Johnnie V's last summer...

Tiki Bird posted on 06/17/2004

On 2004-06-14 19:17, thebaxdog wrote:

For those that drink, the man is all over and has seen most drink container tricks so be creative. If your car is close, maybe make lots of trips. Anyway just be carefull!

Damn, i remember when the sport bottle trick worked all the time. I was planin to bring two kegs of beer, but would hate to have my newly made portable kegorator be confiscated so early in its life.

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thebaxdog posted on 06/24/2004

Bring on the kegs
We can bury them up to thier little necks.
I buried 4 kegs at a Sano beach burn.
Lined the sand with plastic filled with ice, cover with sand. Drunk by noon???

Monkeyman posted on 06/24/2004

From the prior posts, am I to infer that this is an alcohol restricted beach or is it simply a container issue?

Tiki_Bong posted on 06/24/2004

On 2004-06-24 08:06, Monkeyman wrote:
From the prior posts, am I to infer that this is an alcohol restricted beach or is it simply a container issue?

Well, it's both. No alcohol, but the police can verify the contents in EVERY container, so...

(I'm thinking about marinating hot dogs in vodka for 3 weeks and see if I get a buzz of 'em)

Tiki Bird posted on 06/24/2004

Does jello shots emit alcohol smell? That would be weird to see cops testing the jello.

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