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Chasers: A true success story

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Unga Bunga posted on 04/02/2004

I have heard about a lot of gimmicks and gizmos to prevent hangovers, but I think I finally found the real deal.
A pill called Chasers suggested by my friends.
(Noted from this thread by Traderpup:
I spent St. Patrick's Day in Dublin, Ireland last month, and I could not think of a better event to try it out. You take two before the party.
Well having the time of my life and after 12 pints, I woke up the next morning(not sure where)and all I had was just a little fatigue.
This is great news for my brain and bad news for my liver.
This will definitely be my best friend for the tiki bus crawl this weekend.


Trader Woody posted on 04/03/2004

Has anyone ever taken ephedrine before drinking? It's one of those semi-legal, vaguely herbal things who's legal status varies from country to country. It seems to work incredibly well in terms of keeping you on form during the evening, and without a hangover the next day. The unfortunate side-effect is that you look as though you've aged 10 years overnight.

Trader Woody

RevBambooBen posted on 04/03/2004

"Chaser" in the Red Box. Avail at Wallgreens, RightAid, etc. I give it 2 thumbs up!

Swanky posted on 04/03/2004
Bwana Tiki posted on 04/03/2004

how could you tell if that stuff prevents hangovers if you only drank 12 pints?

thejab posted on 04/03/2004

On 2004-04-02 21:20, RevBambooBen wrote:
Avail at Wallgreens

Aaarggghhh! Is it available at the Walgreens where THE KAHIKI USED TO STAND?

Longs, Rite Aid, neighborhood drug stores, anything by Walgreens!

Raffertiki posted on 04/04/2004

2 tall glasses of water before bed works for me. Of course you have to be able to remember to drink the 2 tall glasses of water.

Tiki Rider posted on 06/26/2004

I saw this Chasers stuff advertised on the tube and read these recommendations ...I was skeptical but I got me some to try. It seems to work. No sh*#. Dont leave your hut without it...

[ Edited by: Tiki Rider on 2004-06-26 01:03 ]

Swanky posted on 06/26/2004

I am setting up a vendor table at Hukilau selling them...

vwtikigirl posted on 06/27/2004

Just my 2 cents ... SeekingTiki and I tried the chasers and they didn't work for him. So they're not completely reliable.


FLOUNDERart posted on 06/27/2004

I tried them and they didn't work on me.

The best thing I ever took was a mini thin (ephedrine?). You use to be able to buy them at truck stops, they sell them still but they are not the real thing.
I had the worst hangover and my friend gave one to me saying that I would be ready to party within ten minute. He was right!

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