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Can we take over the Masons' job when they die?

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No one's joining the Masons anymore, their wonderful temples and wonderful ceremonies are going to go to waste.

I say TC is the proper heir to Masonic artifacts/rituals/conventions! I say the red fez will be in even more reverential hands with a TCer! I say let us move from an electronic forum into the soon-to-be-abandoned Masonic temples -- conveniently located in every city in this country -- so that we can assume their rituals, spank each others' bottoms, and control the British pound!

I say I've got my eye on a small red gas-powered funny car! I need it for the next 4th of July parade!

Who's with me?


I gues it would be a good idea to ammend the rituals list first. But it sounds like a good idea.

Funny cars and red fezzes, sounds like you might be thinking of the Shriners

Would you believe the Shriners are PART of the Masons? That in order to be a Shriner you must be a Mason FIRST? That the Shrine is in fact an elevated form of Masonry?

I always thought the Shriners were guys who couldn't get into the Masons, but was set straight when chatting with one of these gentlemen while sitting in the aforesaid funny red car.

Yep, look down at the bottom of this page of Past Potentates from a 1970 Shrine Circus program.

P.S. Heres' a snap of one of Mig's relatives from the same program...look where that hand is! Cheeky monkey!

Beautiful, purple shade! Beautiful!

But shouldn't WE be the ones in the tuxedos and fezzes and coke-bottle-bottom glasses? Shouldn't OUR hairy hands be offering comfort and warmth to fair maiden's chilly bosom?

Shouldn't OUR hairy hands be offering comfort and warmth to fair maiden's chilly bosom?

Um...Mig? I believe this IS your specialty, innit?

On 2004-06-26 10:10, Satan's Sin wrote:
Would you believe the Shriners are PART of the Masons? That in order to be a Shriner you must be a Mason FIRST? That the Shrine is in fact an elevated form of Masonry?

I always thought the Shriners were guys who couldn't get into the Masons, but was set straight when chatting with one of these gentlemen while sitting in the aforesaid funny red car.

Yup, its true. I have my Fathers Masonic apron, and his Shriners fez. The fez sits up in the midst of the mug collection.


While the Masonic groups are shrinking in the white community, it is booming in the black community. I know a fair number of Masons, but they are mostly actually Golden Dawn members who are Masons in order to work with the SRIA (Society Rosicrucia In Anglia) who are now the owners of much of the arrtifacts for the beginning of the GD about 100 years ago. But the Masons are quickly becoming mostly black as the old ones die and they new blood is in the black community. But it may mean the "white" lodges become empty.

There are a lot of sub groups of Masons. My favorite are the Royal Order of the Jesters. These guys consider drunken partying as a sacred rite. Their annual gatherings are incredible. But you need to be very well off to join. But it would be worth it for their parties. "Mirth is King"

Swanky --

after reading your post I immediately googled "Royal Order of the Jesters" ... who could resist? How soon could I fill out their application form? (I'm very good at lying) ... how soon could I place my sleeping cot in their lodge?

and then -- with three pages of "hits" -- discovered that every single mention of ROTJ was in connection with an obituary --

Sweet bog in heaven, will we let their merry-making die with them?

Thanks for the education Sin, I had no idea that Shriners and Masons were of the smae cloth. That fez idea is a sweet one.....wearing one of those would cover up my pointy head, and the tassle would draw attention away from my abnormally large hands and feet.

[ Edited by: tomanikitiki on 2004-06-26 13:03 ]

what an interesting post--i have never heard of the royal order of the jesters. craziness!

however, just between you and me, i am somewhat of a 'secret agent' with the scottish rite. to catch everyone up to speed, the order works like this. in the old days, one had to join the masons and work through three levels. after that, they chose to either join scottish rite or york rite. each have 33 degrees to go through (you move up by donating time and lots of moolah) THEN, you could become a shriner and do the whole fez thing.

nowadays, you can join the masons, go through the three levels, and choose where you want to go next. many jump directly to the shrine.

ive been working for the scottish rite for four years now on a part time basis. ive known the guys for 6 years. their philanthropy is to 'help kids talk'. hence, i work in this old cave like therapy room situated underneath their auditorium. my room is next to their secret offices (with many mini-refridgerators stashing secret goods!) and it is next to abandoned therapy rooms. these rooms are now used for storage for all of the passed on members of the shrine, rite, or masons. it is AMAZING going through all of this stuff. there are stacks and stacks of items ranging in age from the 30's to the 70's. and i cant even begin to tell you how many little black books i have come across with the title: 24 hours a day (aka: the AA book!!!) :drink:

yes, but unfortunately the membership is indeed dying off. ive tried to convince them to let me join since i know so much, but the female thing is still working against me. but i do hang out with them time to time....they let me go to some of their drinking functions. and yes, they do still hang out at mafioso type places! but it is no wonder why they are having problems recruiting younger men. all of their literature is VERY outdated and somewhat demeaning if you are not a white christian male.

but anyway, shoot yeah! we could totally revive this dying fraternity. i just dont want to be excluded! no rainbow girls! no job daughters! i want my own damn fez!

On 2004-06-26 13:21, tikicleen wrote:
i have never heard of the royal order of the jesters. craziness!

On 2004-06-26 13:21, tikicleen wrote:
I want my own damn fez!

Here ya go!


Or this...?


Or maybe this is better...?

"Bring me a fez for my head" was somehow confused with "bring me the head of Fez!"


There are co-Masonic groups that allow women through all degrees. The "Main Droit" is in Atlanta. I have friends who are high degree female Masons. They freak th old men out when they know all the grips nad words for the high degrees.

Masonry takes a hell of a lot of your time. That's why I never joined up.

The ROJ's I knew were doctors and lawyers. I knew some of the heads. I glanced at their dues and party plans. Whew! But if you got in one of their New Orleans parties!

I can paraphrase "If a man is your fiend when sober, good. If he is still a true friend when drunk, he's a real friend."

you guys are killing me here....
that actually brought tears to my eyes.

swanky~ did not know that...is that a nationwide thing or just for that specific area? and do they actually get to wear a fez (clarification: the red felt hat thingamabob with tassle and pretty writing)?

(btw: fez eez stho sthexy, just not on my head. hmmmm...this could get risque....)



perks up..
did someone say spankings? :o

Kindslod has a good painting of a female fez for you, Tikicleen , on his website http://www.hugemagazine.com/paintings/caesar/caesar3.html

E ke kuene, ua milimili 'e 'ia neia mikana!

[ Edited by: tomanikitiki on 2004-06-26 16:43 ]

This Masonic for women only book is from 1922.
I found a whole box of "secret" Masonic books from 1900's to the 1930's. Make's for some good reading material before bed time.


The "Main Droit" female Masonry is international and accepted. I do not know of other Lodges beside the one in Atlanta. The Fez is not a Mason thing I don't think. Shriners.

"Spankings" will be administered only to certain indviduals of a certain critera who seem to richly deserve it! Certain ... saucy indviduals, shall we say...

Okay, that's Rule Number One for the Sacred Lodge of the All-Knowing Tiki!

I say Rule Number Two should be ... no throwing of live ammunition into the fire pit!


oooh good girl spankings!

ok..i've said too much already! :wink:

are there good Masonic Drinking Games?

I might have missed something along the way, but I've been told by reliable sources that a woman's entry into the Masonic world is as a "Jobe's Daughter". I've run into a few of these special ladies in my travels and they've all been...HOT!

I didn't see it mentioned, but there is The Order of the Eastern Star for women. Not sure of theexact nature of the Order, but it is the womens wing of the Masons, as I understand it. One of my high school girlfreinds grandmothers was a member.

I've also heard of a ladies' auxilliary called "Daughters of the Nile" ... sounds so alluring I think I may apply.

And DeMolay for the kiddies.

Next topic? Who are the Huegonots?


Then on to the Priorie Du Scion.


[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 12:00 ]

Calvinists who were expelled from catholic France in the 17th century. Many settling in England, which conversely was largely protestant

Oooohhhh, I want in on the Tiki Nouveau Mason action! (I'm even willing to put on hold my plan to take over churches closed by the pedophilia-ridden Catholic Church and turn them into swanky goth clubs.) Unfortunately, the Masonic halls here in Seattle are not nearly as grand as those back east.

BTW, I know I may be the only one who hopped to this thread directly from the Monkeys Wearing Fezzes (or Fezi) thread, but did any one else see the picture below and envision more serious monkeys asking themselves "What's the deal with humans wearing fezzes?"

My Great Great Great Grandfather, descendant of The Huegonots who settled Charleston, and something of a Mason...


I guess you could say I'm a legacy...

[ Edited by: TikiGardener on 2004-06-28 00:07 ]

[ Edited by: tikigardener on 2004-06-28 00:07 ]

Selamu Aleikum!

foamy posted on Mon, Jun 28, 2004 7:29 AM

On 2004-06-26 13:21, tikicleen wrote:
their literature is VERY outdated and somewhat demeaning if you are not a white christian male.

Not true. The Masonic Organization is not outdated at all. Membership is suffering because no young guy wants to put in the work nessesary (lots of memorization). Though, some lodges are booming. Blacks have thier own lodges. They are considered illegal "Prince" lodges. You can be of any faith. In my lodge you don't even have to be white (that didn't go over real big with the the older masons). To be a Shriner, you do have to be a little bit "well heeled". They are considered the "Playboys" of the organization. The only way to be a Mason is to ask one. They cannot ask you. It's worth it. The benefits of belonging are excellent.

(steve irwin voice): "danger danger,"

fun societies with social rituals = not religion.

if this discussion gets into religion, though, that might be a bit taboo for this site... jest mah 2 cents... i'm jest bein a lil serious for once...

[ Edited by: Johnny Dollar on 2004-06-28 07:58 ]

Foamy --

How nice to have a genuine Mason on this thread!

My grandfather was a 33rd degree Mason (Scottish Rite) and whenever we rode by the windowless Masonic lodge in Tampa we would ask what went on in there and he would smile and say "that's where we ride the billy goat."

My grandfather was such a dignified and respected gentleman that this notion would send us into peals of laughter. "Billy goat" -- impossible, of course.

And then, after following some links from this discussion .... gulp ... lo, there was an old Masonic supply catalogue and ... and ... page after page of billy goat contraptions, most with wheels, and riding on top of each was what I'm sure was an electrical engineer by day and howlin' mad party dog by night ....

I was so disturbed that my afternoon nap was troubled and uneasy. But when I awoke, I found that shock had been replaced by ... envy.

[ Edited by: Satan's Sin on 2004-06-28 08:01 ]

On 2004-06-27 16:08, TNTiki wrote:
French protestants who settled in Charleston, SC

And on Staten Island in NYC. There's still a large Hugenot population on Staten Island.

Kono posted on Mon, Jun 28, 2004 4:49 PM

King David Kalakaua was a Mason and member or honorary member of several other secret societies/fraternal organizations. If you tour Iolani Palace, in the basement they have all of his fraternal accoutrements of which they say he was very proud.



I've always wanted to be in a secret society like the one on Eyes Wide Shut, a sort of modern day Hellfire Club.


Propaganda Due was a Masonic Lodge in Italy that really lived up to the air of conspiracy that surrounds most secret societies.


Italy, heck lecks dig up some of the Charcoal Burners...

But lets stay away from Russia's Skopti sect.

Rasputin reportedly tried out for them, but when it came time to part with something very important he left the club...


Kono posted on Mon, Jun 28, 2004 5:58 PM

On 2004-06-28 17:08, TikiGardener wrote:
Italy, heck lecks dig up some of the Charcoal Burners...

But lets stay away from Russia's Skopti sect.

Rasputin reportedly tried out for them, but when it came time to part with something very important he left the club...


You prompted me into going and looking for my copy of Arkon Daraul's book and I had forgotten how many books I have on the subject of secret societies. At least a couple dozen, probably more.

The Holy Vehm, Thuggees, Rosicrucians, Bavarian Illuminati, Knights of Malta, Priory d'Sion, Golden Dawn, Knights Templar, Hashishim, P2. Fun reading.

That book is quite a read, and a great history of secret societies.

I'm glad I own it.

foamy posted on Tue, Jun 29, 2004 7:50 AM

Knights Templar. It is suspected that the Mason's originated with them. What they know for sure is that in the dark ages masons (real stone masons) were the only ones allowed to travel, their services were in demand. Hence, they were the only ones to have news of the world and were considered educated and "worldly". Being very keen to protect their status and privileges, they kept this knowledge to themselves and spoke of the things they learned and knew only amongst other masons. That and speaking freely in a public place could land them in a dungeon. The beginning of the organization we know today.

Here is the Masonic billy goat image that has haunted my dreams:

foamy posted on Tue, Jun 29, 2004 8:46 AM

Don't know where the goat fits in. I've heard the old-timers reference "ride the goat", never seen it myself. Wish I could read the copy. Looks funny!

Hey SS, you started this thread, as a kind of joke, but if you were to be accepted at a lodge thats slowly going away, well, what you speak of, could be done. It wouldn't be a bad thing.

[ Edited by: foamy on 2004-06-29 08:53 ]

Can anyone tell me if there is any truth at all to the stories about Masons, and the new world order, and the illuminati?

After all, some of the founding fathers of this country were freemasons, and put their symbols on our money...

However, the stories seem too far-fetched to be true....supposedly, they sign all letters with the date and then "anno lucis"...a reference to Lucifer, bringer of light?

Is any of that true? Or just a hoax?

foamy posted on Tue, Jun 29, 2004 9:47 AM

Totally a hoax. An Anti-Mason Party formed after they offed a defector who was printing an expose and burned the printing house. Bad press and anti-mason sentiment ever since.

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