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DVD of Tiki // Out now!

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Mogambo posted on 03/20/2004

Living Room Pictures is proud to
announce their new documentary project:

“ARMCHAIR TRAVELLING IN THE WORLD OF TIKI” will be a fully packed DVD with everything that will make a Tikilover’s heart go crazy. Our guerilla film crew will travel the Pacific for 100 days and capture the true South Sea and the pop culture interpretation of it. You will get insight in the work of veteran and present day tiki artists: Writers, musicians, painters, carvers, illustrators and, of course, bartenders. Meet Sven Kirsten, see the former house of Edgar Leeteg in Moorea...

Principle shooting for “ARMCHAIR TRAVELLING IN THE WORLD OF TIKI” already started March 2004 on the construction site of the “Tabou Tiki” in Berlin and will continue until after the Hukilau 2004! Our two-tiki film crew will shoot footage and interviews around the Pacific for the months April, May and June. Our destinations are New Zealand, Fiji, Cook Islands, Tahiti, Moorea, Hawaii and California. Maybe we will be around your town? The project is supposed to be finished in time for christmas. Please write us if you want to support and contribute.

It is in the making and you all can be part of it. We will approach the the key people individually. But we will also have an open section called "The Tiki Telegramm": Any Tikiphile who has a DV-Camera can collect and send his impressions. Footage of his huge mug collection, his crazy tikibar or patio or a special tiki sighting that you would like to share. Tiki Bar owners get the chance to portray their watering hole (but check with us, we might visit you personally during our world trip!) (The production company reserves the right to choose which footage makes it on the DVD) That is all for now. We will embark for the Pacific in 7 Days but will stay in contact with you guys thru TC. Thanks for your interest. Mogambo.

Check out:

[ Edited by: Mogambo 2010-01-12 08:37 ]

[ Edited by: Mogambo 2012-04-25 08:38 ]

[ Edited by: Mogambo 2012-08-05 11:15 ]

Kenike posted on 03/20/2004

Let me place my order now for a copy!

Tiki_Bong posted on 03/20/2004

Speaking of which, you all should do some sort of "Tiki Survivor" show with members such as Bong, Laney, Kokomo Bar & Grill, mAd tIkI, Sqwaker, and Baxdog locked in an abandon Trader Vic's location with only, say 1 roll of toilet paper, a used condom, half a bottle of Midori, Kraft Macaroni and Cheese and a bottle of Midol for 3 years. Or not.

Mogambo posted on 03/20/2004

You mean a little time lapse thing?

Benzart posted on 03/20/2004

WOW, It sounds like a Fantastic project. I'm sure I will want a copy

Mogambo posted on 03/20/2004

Yeah. we do the real travelling so that the audience can do the armchair travelling

The DVD of Tiki

[ Edited by: Mogambo on 2004-11-26 04:20 ]

hanford_lemoore posted on 03/20/2004

Sounds cool! Keep us all informed on it's progress, and thanks for choosing to share this information here on Tiki Central!


Tangaroa posted on 03/20/2004

Hey - this looks great! Love the DVD packaging mock-up!

kaiserstyle posted on 03/21/2004

He Mogambo, we wish you and your wife an exciting and successful trip through the South Sea. Bring home a big load of tikis for the Tabou Tiki Room an a lot of great footage for your documentary.
Don't let the power of the Rum stop your journey.

ciao, Mr. & Mrs. Kaiserstyle

Thorsten Hasenkamm posted on 03/21/2004

Great concept, great project! A Tiki-DVD was long overdue.

Mogambo posted on 03/25/2004

Thanks for the feedback. Just three more days before departure to the Pacific. Any wishes or recommandations for stuff you would love to see filmed on the islands?

The DVD of Tiki

[ Edited by: Mogambo on 2004-11-26 04:20 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 03/26/2004

When in Papeete, try to stay, (or at least film) at the ROYAL TAHITIAN Hotel just outside of town. It is still in it's original 60s modern condition, with Tiki poles around the lobby building, and the dining room has miniature huts. And local carvers have added great Tikis to the pool bar. (Ironically, the place was built by an American entrepeneur that now lives here in the Valley). Talk to the manager, he used to work at the HOTEL TAHARAA, which has the giant Tiki from OA under it's A-frame entrance (BOT p.245), another thing you should shoot: A Californian Tiki in Tahiti!

Mogambo posted on 03/26/2004

I just added it to the To-Do-List. Thanks for the hint. ANYBODY ELSE? TELL ME YOUR TIKI DVD WISHES?

Who on TC lives in Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Cook Islands, Tahiti, Moorea or Hawaii? Where are the lucky ones?


[ Edited by: Mogambo on 2004-11-26 04:21 ]

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sweetpea posted on 03/26/2004

OOOOH, sign me up for a copy too.
Wish I lived in one of the places
mentioned. fooo. Can't wait to hear how your progress is goin!

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Tiki Diablo posted on 03/26/2004

Whada ya know Joe? I'm back home now and you came up in our conversation. Oh man we had a great time with you and Kuke at trader vics. Drop me an email dannygallardo@hotmail.com
Have fun you two!

Mogambo posted on 03/26/2004

Yeah, on monday we are on our way to see you guys. We are just taking the long route, via Polynesia. But in 2 and a half month we will shout: "MAITAIS!!!!". Looking forward to see you again and I am happy to show my wife what wonderful people I met. Til Later.

The DVD of Tiki

[ Edited by: Mogambo on 2004-11-26 04:21 ]

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Tiki Baron posted on 03/30/2004

If you like I can cry on cue at the original site of Don the Beachcomber's in Hollywood. Seriously I live in Los Angeles, if you need "extra" help send me a PM.


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Pacific Andy posted on 03/30/2004

When in Moorea go to Pineapple Beach on the Southside of the island. You will find a giant statue of a person - A Tiki God. Also on Moorea the Tiki Village is kind of cool but dont eat the food it really bad. If your going in the next few weeks at the Pearl Resort they have a couple of local guys carving some Tiki's around the pool. Go and have a few Hinano's with them. If you need anything in Tahiti let me know. The hotels suggested above are great one for the old style Tahiti.

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Kailuageoff posted on 03/30/2004

Wow, what a great project!
If you are going to shoot the Hukilau in Sept., try to plan on visiting the Hawaiian Inn in Daytona Beach beforehand(www.hawaiianinn.com), where you can interview veteran Polynesian perfomers Wayne and Teauila Trevassos, as well as shoot some footage of the fabulous Hawaiian Inn hotel, its Witco collection and "Teauila's Hawaii" (www.teauilashawaii.com).
Wayne and his wife left Hawaii and Samoa, reespectively, in their teens to perform in northeastern tiki temples during the 60's and 70's. Later, they began managing the luau show at the Hawaiian Inn and continue to operate a tourist luau there featuring themselves and their daughters as performers. They are both amazing resources of information on the heyday of tiki, and have a somewhat different persepctive as long-time Polynesian show managers and performers.
As a bonus, my wife and I will probably be putting the finishing tiki touches on the condo we just bought there, so you could stop in for a drink.

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Phillip Roberts posted on 03/30/2004

[ Edited by: filslash 2008-09-12 12:50 ]

Mogambo posted on 03/31/2004

Thanks for the great help. Right now we are in Singapore. We checked the New Otani Hotel. The old Trader Vic's is definetly gone. For 2 years as they told us. Tonight we continue our travels to Syndney. We will travel Australia for the next 3 weeks. Yes ww will be at the Hukilau and look forward to plan in Daytona. And we are fired up to meet you guys in Hawaii. Danny alreadz told me about fellow carver Gecko. til later.

The DVD of Tiki

[ Edited by: Mogambo on 2004-11-26 04:22 ]

Mogambo posted on 04/25/2004

Hey Folks, we are getting closer to the tiki homelands. After 3 weeks in Australia, we arrived in Auckland, New Zealand, where our tiki documentary will start to heat up. Toady we had a first stroll thru the Pacifics section at the Auckland Museum. Wonderful Maori and Polynesian art. Are there any tikiphiles in New Zealand that can hear me right now? Lets meet for a Maitai. We will start filming at the Te Papa Museum and at the Maori Carving School near Lake Taupo. What I have seen about Maori Carving was alreadz amazing. Our next stops will be Fiji, Rarotonga and Tahiti.

The DVD of Tiki
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[ Edited by: Mogambo on 2004-11-26 04:34 ]

Mogambo posted on 06/15/2004

Aloha from Honolulu. Here is an update on the Production of "Armchair-Travelling in the World of Tiki":

The Journey has been already fun, exciting and very informative. We visited New Zealand, Fiji, Cook Islands and Tahiti/Moorea sofar and are now having a great time in Honolulu. Thanks to Gecko for taking us under his wing. We had many Maitais with him, his lovely wahine and the Kailuageoffs (who were her by chance) at the La Mariana and the Royal Hawaiian. Tomorrow we are looking forward to an exciting interview with Kit and Lloyd (Don Tiki). We filmed lots of Material on Carving, Dancing and Art on all the Islands. In Moorea we filmed Leetegs house and had the honor to interview Muck (one of the legendary Bali Hai Boys) and heard great stories on Moorea in the sixties. In Tahiti we bribed our path to the ruins of the old Taharaa Hotel and shot footage of the huge Tiki at the entrance by Oceanic Arts. The shooting schedule for California is in preparation and will be quite challanging. It already looks like this DVD will be an exciting string of rare pearls. We are now starting the call for your support of the "Tiki Telegramm". See special post on this topic.

Tiki Telegramm

Thanks for your interest, we will keep you posted.

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[ Edited by: Mogambo on 2004-11-26 04:34 ]

Benzart posted on 06/15/2004

Sounds like it is getting excitedly close to the wrap-up. The project looks so good I can't wait still. Hurry up. but don't forget anything.

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Kailuageoff posted on 06/22/2004

Aloha Joe,
We had a great time meeting up with you guys as well as Gecko in Hawaii. Closing the La Mariana and the Mai Tai bar at the Royal Hawaiian was too cool, even though I can scarcely remember either evening.. Hope the DVD project works out in a way that captures the full diversity of tiki approaches and opinions (especially opinions fueled by multiple Polynesian cocktails). See you at da Hukilau.
Best Regards,

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christiki295 posted on 06/23/2004


Good meeting you out with King Kukulele and TikiDiablo last night at the Purple Orchid.

Glad to see you are a tireless worker hitting every Tiki bar!

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cheekytiki posted on 06/23/2004

Don't know if you've already got to Rarotonga but there's a Tiki carver you should go see. You cant miss him, just take the old inland road anti clockwise from Avarua.

Mogambo posted on 06/23/2004

You probably mean Michael Tavioni, he is great but he left the day before we arrived to Hawaii. He went there to carve a big canoe for the festival.. The funny thing is that he left Hawaii the day we arrived there. The great thing is that we had a wonderful time with his brother Henry who is an exallant carver too. Rarotonga was one of our nicest stops.

The DVD of Tiki
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[ Edited by: Mogambo on 2004-11-26 04:34 ]

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virani posted on 06/23/2004

Hey Jochen and Tanya...
We had a great time meeting you in Tahiti with the Ex-President. I made about 3 hours tapes in the Marquesas, but maybe just a couple of minutes interesting for you. How could I give you the tapes and have it back afterwards??
I can't edit it myself.
See you,

"Secret Agent Virani"

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Alnshely posted on 06/28/2004

Jo and Tanya have traveled to the far corners of the earth, New Zealand, Fiji, Cook Islands, Tahiti, Moorea, Hawaii, Edgar Leeteg's House and the Lagoon Room.
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Our intrepid Vidieographer
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Jo and Tanya (Mogombo)
I can't wait to see this!!!!

Mogambo posted on 06/30/2004

Thanks guys. We are overwhelmed by the warm welcome of the California tiki people. Besides being hard work with several interviews everyday, this trip is really fun and exciting. It is the people that make it so interesting and heartwarming. Thank you. Right now we are in San Francisco to meet Otto.

It looks like this DVD will really be the "Who is Who of Tiki". (including exclusive interviews with legends from the early century like velvet painter Eric Askew, Moorea-based Bali-Hai-Boy Muck, tikilover and bar owner Annette (La Mariana, Honolulu) and of course "Sir" Martin Denny. All of these tiki gems are over 80! and have so much to tell. This is really exciting.

Please help to let the "TIKI TELEGRAMM" idea blossom! See topic in the Creating Tiki Section. More Later, Jochen and Tanja.

The DVD of Tiki
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[ Edited by: Mogambo on 2004-11-26 04:35 ]

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theronpk posted on 06/30/2004

sounds like a coool movie! not sure if you're gonna get the chance but if you happen to pass thru the central coast/santa barbara area , there's a killer little place called the Santa Barbara Surf Museum that's been here for years and the guy who runs it has a very cool vintage surf/tiki memorabillia collection. just thought I'd throw that out there if you didn'already know about it....can't wait to see the film!!

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christiki295 posted on 07/01/2004

On 2004-06-28 11:09, Alnshely wrote:
Jo and Tanya have traveled to the far corners of the earth, New Zealand, Fiji, Cook Islands, Tahiti, Moorea, Hawaii, Edgar Leeteg's House and the Lagoon Room.

I don't think any legitimate tiki documentary would be complete without a stop at the Lagoon Room.

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Swanky posted on 07/01/2004

Man, sounds like a great way to write off a hell of a trip on your taxes as a business expense! I love it!

Mogambo posted on 07/15/2004

We are finally back home in Munich. Wow what w trip. 101 days on the road, meeting 101 wonderful people. Sofar we shot 60 hours of interviews. I am scarred of editing it! Returning to the worst German summer ever makes us yearn for more exotic places again. The good thing is that we will be soon on the road again for more "Armchair Travelling". Additional shooting will bring us to the newly opened Tiki-Bar in Berlin, the TabooTiki (Greetings to the kaiserstyles) where we will also film an interview with Book of Tiki Cover Artist Moritz R, than we will travel to Paris to visit our fellow-polynesian travellers and Aranui survivors, the Viranis who will hopefully introduce us to the Ukulele Club of Paris. In August we hope to meet I Belli di Waikiki in Italy and re-meet them in September at the Hukilau where we will finish the shooting for the Tiki-DVD. Soon more update. Remember you can be part of the DVD with your personal Tiki Telegramm.

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The DVD of Tiki
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[ Edited by: Mogambo on 2004-11-26 04:35 ]

kaiserstyle posted on 07/16/2004

Hi J&T,
happy to hear you're back. Can't wait to see some of that footage. Who says we're open? A good Rum needs its time, too!!! Opening date of the Tabou Tiki Room is July 20th (and we didn't even start decorating the 2nd room). We hope both of you come up pretty soon.
ciao, A & S

Mogambo posted on 07/16/2004

Hey Kaiserstyles, excuse our impatientness (if there is a word like that). We didnt want to stress you out our create false news. We are just so excited to hang out in the tabou tiki. We meet Tiki Tony who did the illustration on your website. Really fine guy and wonderful artist.

The DVD of Tiki
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[ Edited by: Mogambo on 2004-11-26 04:35 ]

Mogambo posted on 09/06/2004

We just returned from Paris, shooting interviews with tattoo artist Sunny Buick (www.sunnybuick.com), who tattooed a beautiful tiki design on Viranis chest, and Cyril LeFebvre, founding member of the Ukulele Club de Paris (http://www.ukuleleclubdeparis.com). To our surprise the streets of Paris are full of tiki street art by a mysterious artist that we had the pleasure to meet but werent allowed to film for his safety.

This is Sunny tattooing Virani
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And this the final result still really fresh and with lots of cream on it.
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Before we were in Senegalia, Italy to film at the legendary Summer Jamboree, where we had the pleasure to interview Italy's first Hawaiian Band: I Belli di Waikiki, who will perform at this years hukilau!

Some images

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We will finish shooting right after the Hukilau and focus on the intensive editing. If you would like to be part of the project and help, please write us. The Tiki Telegram section still needs your support. (check out our topic under creating tiki)

reach us via info@armchair-travelling.com

The DVD of Tiki
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[ Edited by: Mogambo on 2004-11-26 04:36 ]

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Tiki-Toa posted on 09/06/2004

All I can say is wow! I know I wish you did not have to edit it much that somehow you could leave it pretty much as is and show all the footage you have taped. I look forward to meeting you at Hukilau.

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Urban Tiki posted on 09/06/2004

I can't wait to get this DVD. It sounds like you have enough footage for more than one (The Return of the Armchair Tiki, Revenge of the Armchair Tiki...).

Mogambo posted on 09/06/2004

Oh, yes. Squeezing 100 hours of footage on a 3 hour DVD, also squeezes tears out of my eyes!

The DVD of Tiki
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[ Edited by: Mogambo on 2004-11-26 04:36 ]

Mogambo posted on 09/14/2004

:sheckymug: :sheckymug: :sheckymug: :sheckymug: :sheckymug: :sheckymug: :sheckymug: :sheckymug: :sheckymug: :sheckymug: :sheckymug: :sheckymug: :sheckymug: :sheckymug: :sheckymug: :sheckymug: :sheckymug: :sheckymug: :sheckymug: :sheckymug:

We updated our website and added special email for those who would like to get a newsletter about the progress of our project. Also good way to get informed about our planned preorder sale. Check out http://www.armchair-travelling.com

:sheckymug: :sheckymug: :sheckymug: :sheckymug: :sheckymug: :sheckymug: :sheckymug: :sheckymug: :sheckymug: :sheckymug: :sheckymug: :sheckymug: :sheckymug: :sheckymug: :sheckymug: :sheckymug: :sheckymug: :sheckymug: :sheckymug: :sheckymug:

[ Edited by: Mogambo on 2004-09-14 02:33 ]

Mogambo posted on 09/15/2004

BEHIND THE SCENES: Here a little taste of or production tour thru Hawaii and California. We had the craziest driver and tour quide in Southern California - Mr. King Kukulele.
Once he backed up half a mile on a jam packed highway to get back to an exit so we could squeeze in another important tiki interview. Thanks Denny.

On the Road
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Entertaining from the back seat
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Crazy Tiki Road Trip
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Meeting Da Grande Gecko
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Mr. Tiki News himself
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And of course doing field trips with the Pope of Tiki, Sven the Man
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Soon I will post some more. Enjoy.

The DVD of Tiki
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[ Edited by: Mogambo on 2004-11-26 04:38 ]

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hala bullhiki posted on 09/15/2004

cant wait!...looks great!!....mahalo for posting the pics!!!

Mogambo posted on 09/17/2004

Here some more;
At a very insightful audience with the master of cocktails, Jeff Beach Bum Berry
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We had a wonderful time at the "Ranch" of Bosko and Truus
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A living legend. The Millionaire. Combustible Edison is probably one of the big reasons I got attracted to tiki.
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If you are looking for in depth knowledge on all things Hawaiiana, he is your man. Desoto Brown. Who lives in Hawaii and works for the Bishop Museum.
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The DVD of Tiki
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[ Edited by: Mogambo on 2004-11-26 04:38 ]

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virani posted on 09/17/2004

Jochen, once again, it's "COMBUSTIBLE EDISON" :wink:

[ Edited by: virani on 2004-09-17 02:37 ]

Mogambo posted on 09/17/2004

True, true.

TW Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/806db5c50f6a0839d62fb00277f26c20?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Trader Woody posted on 09/17/2004

On 2004-09-06 15:33, Mogambo wrote:
Oh, yes. Squeezing 100 hours of footage on a 3 hour DVD, also squeezes tears out of my eyes!

Perhaps you should make it a double DVD...it probably wouldn't cost that much extra to produce? :wink: You could fill the second one with all kinds of cool bonus material that for reasons of space couldn't fit onto the main feature. Please? Pretty please?

Trader Woody

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