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New drink to honor the '04 TC blackout

Pages: 1 4 replies

bananabobs posted on 07/04/2004

A new drink to honor our recent TC blackout and to reflect my mood that was subsequent.

2oz dark Rum
2oz light Rum
4oz vodka
can of cheap cola
1 prozac
Garnish with a paper umbrella and Country Western Cheatin' songs

I call it a
Don'tgiva Ratsazz

[ Edited by: bananabobs on 2004-07-03 23:41 ]

Biotron2000 posted on 07/04/2004

Oddly enough, I have all those ingredients handy. I'll try it and let you know how it was when I get back from the ER. :wink:

bananabobs posted on 07/04/2004

YOU DO know what I'm talking about... for I too have walked the streets of Bakersfield.

Unga Bunga posted on 07/04/2004

AAHH!! It all makes sense now!
For I ALSO have walked the streets of Bakersfield.

Tiki Rider posted on 07/05/2004

does crawling count?

Pages: 1 4 replies