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Tiki Beach Festival iv any body attending

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tyger jymmy posted on 07/04/2004

August 21-22 2004 belmont shore realy kool event I went last year heres there site and gives info on the event http://www.alfredosbeachclub.com

Tiki_Bong posted on 07/05/2004

Teyeger jiminy,

I glad you brought this up. Yes, this is the most fanrstict gig, and it's even a fantastic gig, and you all should go. Even if you live far away and would have to go into heavy debt to get here.

You see, the Smokin' Menehunes are playing, and you should gyrate nude, throwing money in our general direction, for up to 24 hours at a time, that day.

Please, come up to where we are playing and massage my nether regions in deferrence (I pay almost minimum wage (in Udanda)).

THank you.

BUy War Bonds,

Seal peanut butter with care.

Good day...

Weence posted on 07/06/2004

Yes......the TIKI FESTIVAL sounds like fun. It'll be our 1st time going & we're actually going to be vendors at the event. My husband prints limited edition signed & #'ed serigraphs & is currently working on designs with BOSKO. We should have that ready to go by the show. Stop by & say hi/ We will give discounts to fellow TCers.

tyger jymmy posted on 07/06/2004

Yes were vending too last year was fun this year should be better.

Weence posted on 07/22/2004

Any ideas on where to stay? Any decent hotels within walking distance....we're going to take the kiddies.

Ate (& drank) at Mister Tikis Mai Tai Lounge last night...yummmmm. The bartenders said that they are only going to be giving mugs away free with a couple drinks now ( & for a limited time only)....as they have already given away 5000 mugs! The place is sooo busy all the time.

Tiki Diablo posted on 07/22/2004

Ok folks, anybody thinking of vending at this event , drop me a line. I am going to be ther along with Crazy Al, Tiki Tony, Von Franco, and some more. We have the Smokin Menahunes(SP?) hired along with King Kuke and maybe his band too.

SON OF MOTHRA posted on 07/22/2004

Please, come up to where we are playing and massage my nether regions in deferrence (I pay almost minimum wage (in Udanda))

Bong, put like that, I don't see how I can refuse. I'll be there with my surgical gloves on.

tiki5-0 posted on 07/22/2004

yeah, we plan on going to it on saturday. can't wait to finally meet some of the fellow tcer's.

coconutkiss posted on 07/29/2004

hey chiki tiki! I'll be exhibiting as well. saw fred on the 4th and sent in my application once again. also exhibiting the weekend prior at the Aloha Days festival in Hermosa Beach. will you be there?


Weence posted on 07/30/2004

Hey coconut kiss! Got your email....we will be at the festival for sure (w/Miss Taylor). Still not sure about Aloha Days yet (on the waiting list....ugh!) Any ideas on where to stay? Have you heard of /or been to the SeaPort Marina Hotel?
Look foward to that weekend!

Aaron's Akua posted on 08/03/2004

I'll be there! Looking forward to meeting some of the Tiki Carving Legends.

Weence posted on 08/04/2004

Ok......got a room at the Seaport Marina. Anyone else staying there.....or have in the past? Also have a vending ??? Returning vendors.....is it wise to set up Friday as opposed to Sat morning? Are all the GOOD spots taken early? Talked to Fred's wife today....she said the Luau is filling up as well. Anyone going to that?

tyger jymmy posted on 08/04/2004

Kool I will tell my freind they wanna go both days but didnt know were to stay ,what are the prices of the rooms .

coconutkiss posted on 08/04/2004

hey weence! last year I set up just the tent on Friday and everything else in the morning. i think this year fred already has the spaces laid out for everyone. Its pretty casual and theres no bad spaces. It is all on one stretch along the beach. everyone walks along the booths on the boardwalk and your booth will be a step down into the sand, so just try not to have any rolling racks cos sand will definitely get into the wheels! again, its all a really good time. the luau is fun too-I just missed part of it cos I had to secure my booth for overnight. the event gets bigger and better every year! Enjoy and we'll see ya there!! email me if you need anything else! G

Weence posted on 08/05/2004

Thanks CoconutKiss!

Tygerjymmy....we got rooms for $89/night. Here's their web address: http://www.seaportmarinahotel.com/

See you there!

Starlite Room posted on 08/06/2004

Suggestions on where to stay. We live here in Long Beach so here are some palces but I can't vouch for the conditions since I've never stayed. Belmont Shore Inn Motel is down the beach on Ocean Blvd. by the pier and the Belmont Pool, it's a hike but you could walk all the way down the beach, and it doesn't look real fancy (between a big liquor store and a VONS.) Seaport Marina Hotel is on PCH on the other side of the bay, looks nice, probably a 20-30 minute walk over the brige and through Naples island. A little further down PCH is the Golden Sails Best Western. Hope that helps.

Tiki_Bong posted on 08/10/2004

The Smokin' Menehunes will be playing at 12:00 Sunday, come on out and celebrate TIKI!

tiki-riviera posted on 08/12/2004

Makes me sad that I can't attend this tiki event in my old hometown. Will someone drink some rum and pee in the ocean as a tibute to the lost soul of tikirivera...

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Tiki Matt posted on 08/12/2004

Will someone drink some rum and pee in the ocean as a tibute to the lost soul of tikirivera...

I will carry the torch for you...we'll be vending Saturday and Sunday.

TCers - Stop by the booth and say "Hi", it'll be great to meet ya'll!

tiki-riviera posted on 08/12/2004

Thanks Tiki Matt! You are going to receive some excellent Karma for doing this! I predict strong sales at your booth, and many
bikini clad women dropping something in front of your booth, then slowly bending over to pick it up...

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MEAN GENE posted on 08/15/2004

Hey everyone, this is going to be a great event!

TCers please stop by the FALLING COCOS booth and say hi to "Weence" and I. Remember TCers get discounts.

Does anyone if King Kukulele is bringing his Freaky Tikis? My 10 year old will be with us. We all think the King rocks.


[ Edited by: MEAN GENE on 2004-08-17 21:26 ]

Tiki Diablo posted on 08/16/2004

So I have finished the design for the official t-shirt as a sort of last minute thing, but it looks great. I will also be doing a VERY limited edition (30 or fewer) official tiki mug that will sell for $35-$40 each. This is the Macumba design in orange without the shot glass or coaster with the TIKI BEACH FESTIVAL logo in 3D lettering . I will have these in my booth along with some other new stuff and a few $100 tikis!!
The hot rod car exhibition will be led by Von Franco's personal car and a few other choice rides from Long Beach's own car club "the Cavaliers" . Von Franco will be sharing my booth selling his world class wares along with his lovely wife. C'Al is also going to be there spreading his Awesome Tiki Mana as well as the Sugar Caddy and The Farm. The music is dialed in and The King will be there with the Freaky tikis trying out something "NEW"! as well as the Truly Smokin" MENEhunes and the classy Mai Kai Gents. Sat and Sunday will be great with Sunday geared towards the TIKI crowd, but don;t let that stop you from going both days.

tyger jymmy posted on 08/16/2004

Well I got most of my stuff ready bars done a well as these tiki heads made in fiberglass and painted to look like wood and some 4 foot easter iland heads as well as some of my flamed fish mounts should be a blast this comming week .

Tiki Diablo posted on 08/17/2004

This is the official T-shirt design(not colors) for the event and will be available for sale there at the TBF merchandise booth along with a Tiki Diablo VERY LIMITED EDITION orange glazed mug(30 pcs total) for $40 ea.
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I am rolling out a new design on a black T with cream ink for the fellas. It is the Chi Chi Tee and as usual my T's are naughty but nice . A woman's T will also be available in a different color combo. You will be able to get these in my booth and after the event as well .

[ Edited by: thechikitiki on 2004-08-17 00:14 ]

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MEAN GENE posted on 08/17/2004

Hey Danny, Cool design for the festval. I've got to have one. My son will want one too. Will you have small sizes, he's 10 yrs old. Will it show the date and location?

Maybe I could whip out a little serigraph before Friday. I'm working on a new one right know called "Tiki Lagoon". We'll have this weekend. You can see it on our website.


[ Edited by: MEAN GENE on 2004-08-17 21:26 ]

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PolynesianPop posted on 08/18/2004

Ok - I know that the Smokin Menehunes are playing at 12pm on Sunday but, what time are the Mai Kai Gents and The Friki Tikis playing? Anybody know?

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suicide_sam posted on 08/18/2004

I'll see you guys there, man I haven't been to the beach since last years LB Tiki Beach Fest.

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MEAN GENE posted on 08/19/2004

What time is everyone setting up their booth? I'm setting up Friday morning. Maybe we can have a little TC pre party . Maybe Sam's?


[ Edited by: MEAN GENE on 2004-08-19 11:50 ]

Aaron's Akua posted on 08/20/2004

My wife Nina & I are going to the Belmont Fest on Saturday rather than Sunday. They're advertising "Tiki Carving" Saturday vs "Vendors" Sunday. I think this means some kind of carving demo.

Does anyone know who is doing the demo and what time it will be?

Mahalo, Aaron.

Tiki Diablo posted on 08/20/2004

I'll be carving at my booth both days , but am not sure if others will be as well. Gene, you can set up any time you want on Fri. Hope you read this because it was too late to call you tonight.

tyger jymmy posted on 08/20/2004

They said any time tomorrow you can set up I'll be there in the mid morning stop by and say hi I'll do the same .Later

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LAWebChick posted on 08/20/2004

We're not sure which day to go either - Saturdays are always better, in case you need a day of recovery, but "Pop-Culture Sunday" sounds like a lot more fun.

Does anyone know the schedule for the events? I can't find much info on the website. I've sent them an email but don't hold much hope of getting a response back in time.

Did anyone go to previous events? Is it by the water? Is the water reasonably clean, or scary bad? (I haven't been in the ocean since I moved back from Hawaii, and I'm thinking of breaking that tradition.)


Tiki Diablo posted on 08/20/2004

For the Tiki crowd, I would say Sunday is the day. The event is right on the sand and I haven't seen any three eyed fish there. The music is also best on Sunday .

[ Edited by: thechikitiki on 2004-08-20 14:20 ]

Tiki_Bong posted on 08/21/2004

On 2004-08-20 14:18, thechikitiki wrote:
For the Tiki crowd, I would say Sunday is the day. The music is also best on Sunday .

Thanks Danny!

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King Kukulele posted on 08/21/2004

Mean Gene I don't know if you are going to read this BUT ( and thats a big but) I will be bringing the Friki Tikis to Tiki Beach and we will be playing our set especially designed for our 10 year olds in the crowd (before bedtime, at 6PM). It sounds like it is going to be an amazing day. The Menehunes will be there, Tiki Diablo will be there and who knows how many other friends and family will show up....its going to be great.

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Polynesiac posted on 08/22/2004

Be sure to go to this event tomorrow. It was great today, and will be even better on Sunday. If you're debating...just go.

Is it by the water? Is the water reasonably clean, or scary bad?

harbor water is always durtier due to poor water circulation. It's fine to go swimming, but just don't gulp the water...or eat the white croaker.
Huntington beach (down the coast) Cabrillo Beach (in Pedro, - the ocean side, not the harbor side) torrance beach, redondo, etc. are all cleaner. But yeah...no 3 eyed fish.

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LAWebChick posted on 08/22/2004

Thanks for the water advice, everyone - I got so spoiled by the ocean in Hawaii that I just haven't been able to bring myself to go into the LA water. It's just so.... grey. And occasionally foamy. Blarg.

We'll be there tomorrow - say hi if you see us! I'll be the one in dreadlocks waffling near the waterline.

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ErichTroudt posted on 08/22/2004

I'll be there tomorrow hanging out in the Von Franco booth. I'll be the guy in the hawaiian shirt........

Actually I'll have a few of the numbered Bahooka Prints left over from the show and I'll have about a dozen of the new "Cannibal" T-Shirts from Von Franco.
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See ya there

[ Edited by Humuhumu to fix BBCode ]

[ Edited by: Humuhumu on 2004-08-21 22:07 ]

Tiki Diablo posted on 08/22/2004

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Here is the Tiki Beach Festival Mug that stands 8.5 inches tall. It is 1/3 sold now as of sat night. You can pick it up at the event(my booth). Thanks y'all and yes, we had a great time today.

[ Edited by: thechikitiki on 2004-08-22 01:26 ]

Weence posted on 08/22/2004

Well, we made it to the Festival for only about 15 minutes (UGH!). Drove up from San Diego w/my 2yrold little girl & she ended up getting really sick so we had to leave. My hubbie (Mean Gene) is still there vending at our FALLING COCOS booth. If any tc'ers go, swing by & say hi. Also check out the new serigraph (edition of 85) he's been working on all week for the festival titled "Tiki Lagoon" designed by artist Eric Gordon. Its on our webite as well if you want to check it out: http://www.fallingcocos.com (He's offering a SHOW SPECIAL & will frame the serigraph for free w/ a cool bamboo frame.) Sorry to miss the festivities today.....sounds like fun! There are alot of great tiki goodies to pick up & coconutkiss....I LOVE those little t's!! Miss Taylor must have one!


[ Edited by: Weence on 2004-08-22 08:57 ]

[ Edited by: Weence on 2004-08-22 12:25 ]

Tiki_Bong posted on 08/23/2004

What a great time at Tiki Fest today. The tiki ohana circle only grows larger. What a beautiful day seeing all my friends and family.

We played a great set that ended at about 1:00. Crazy Al jumped (I mean jumped!) onstage and helped ignite the crowd.

Met many new people and connected with old friends. Life is good. (a ole pilikia!)

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mexatiki posted on 08/23/2004

What a great morning...tiki mugs...t-shirts..light switch covers...too much to talk about...
Hey Chikitiki that mug is so big I think I will use it as a vase...ITS HUGE!

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RevBambooBen posted on 08/23/2004


It was good to see "everybody" today and hear/see "Smokin" Tunes. (arrrrrrrrrrr!!!)

SON OF MOTHRA posted on 08/23/2004

Rocknrollgirl and I strolled in lazily around 2:00, and had a great time. We were only able to hang out a couple hours, though and missed the Smokin' Menehunes and the King play which was a big bummber, because that's always entertaining. Still tryin' to get over this damn flu bug thats been lingering. My energy level is ZERO!!!! Did stay long enough to meet thechiktiki. Danny, bro...your mugs are bitchin'. Ten times better in person. I can't wait for mine to come in. And that Macumba really blew me away. The glaze you chose is perfect. The Orange special edition one was pretty swell also. Too bad I spent most of my wad over at Crazy Al's booth. He has a certain manipulative way to get me to keep buying things. STOP IT, AL! Also had the pleasure of meeting Mean Gean. Man, you had some great prints that Rocknroll girl was really diggin'. I'll definitely be in contact with you soon. For everyone else we missed....we'll catch you at the next one.

[ Edited by: SON OF MOTHRA on 2004-08-23 08:41 ]

tiki5-0 posted on 08/23/2004

we went saturday and had fun. i met Aaron's Akua and tiki tony. it was nice to meet some fellow tcers finally. i ended up a couple adift t-shirts and necklace from tiki tony and a 6 ft+ tiki from zachary. he's not a tcer, but aaron and i told him about the site. everyone there was nice and it was a fun day.

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Tiki Bird posted on 08/23/2004

Had a great time at the Sunday event! Bong the band sound better than ever, even Crazy Al did some appearances with the Menehunes & the King. ALso great to see alot of TCers out. Spent way to much money at the fest, eek.

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The Sperm Whale posted on 08/23/2004

Had a great time at the Tiki Beach Fest!! Chikitiki was very cool and convinced me to get on this message board instead of being just a browser. His mugs are great and even got a chace to see him carve!!
Crazy Al was a cool guy!! I bought a CD of his band Ape (very good Stuff)!!
I wish there was more Cool Cars (there was only three)!! Von Franco is a very good pinstriper.
All in all this was a fun event I wish It was
bigger and I wish there was alchohol. It was a good warm up for "the Hukilau" I CAN'T WAIT

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floratina posted on 08/24/2004

Here is a trailerful of tikis
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