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Jackson Plates. - looking for info.

Pages: 1 4 replies

Tahitiki posted on 07/05/2004

I bought those two plates a while ago, does anybody know anything about them? Where are they from, what's their actual value... anything?


[ Edited by: Tahitiki 2009-07-12 08:16 ]

ikitnrev posted on 07/05/2004

I have no idea where the plates are from, but they are quite cool.

After looking at them, I felt a sudden hunger and the need to roadtrip - either across country, or back in time, so I could dine and drink in either of those two restaurants.


Humuhumu posted on 07/05/2004

The Aloha plate is from the Aloha in Rochester, NY. Here's a menu from puamana's collection:

Page for Aloha in Critiki

Great score, I love to see these old plates, and I'm surprised there aren't more out there in circulation. I don't have a Mauna Kai in Critiki (yet!).

Kono posted on 07/05/2004

DAMN those are sweet!!

Sooo...uh...where exactly do you live in LA and do you have a home security system?? :D

Tahitiki posted on 07/12/2009

I posted these plates a while back. I wonder if any of you have infos on the Mauna Kai one?

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