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Pisco Capel Bottle into Lamp

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makemake posted on 07/06/2004

I was inspired by badmojo and this thread to make a lamp for my bar from a decorative Pisco Capel bottle I had picked up from the local liquor store. Here are some photos:

I forgot the “before” photo. The glass bottle had a bad seam down the middle from where the two halves were fused together. I ground off the seam with my dremel tool and grinding bit. Also in this photo, you can see the plastic “topknot” that fits over the screw cap on the top.

Here’s the bottle after I scuffed it up and put a few coats of primer on it. Unfortunately, I was a little overzealous with the grinder on the seam, and it telegraphs through the paint a little bit.

Here’s the rear of the bottle, showing some more of the detail and the hole I drilled for the lamp cord to come out.

Here it is after the fleckstone coat, ready for some coats of matte spray paint. I put two colors on, black for the body, and a dark brick red for the topknot.

Finished! I installed the lamp hardware (mixed and matched from OSH), filled the body with sand to give it some weight and ordered a shade from Moonshine Shades. (Thanks Turbogod.) Waiting for the shade was the hardest part, however, I think it works perfectly.

Benzart posted on 07/06/2004

MakeMake you Make good Lamp. Your step by step was perfect for TC. Excellent instructions and Excellent lamp. You KNOW, ofcourse, all of TC is going to ask you to build one for them also.
Well made.

FLOUNDERart posted on 07/06/2004

Damn makemake make good lamp. You did a nice job. Looks sweet lite up, and nice choice for the lamp shade.


wushu posted on 07/06/2004

very nice!!

mattfink posted on 07/06/2004

Now you need to empty a full bottle by yourself!!! Nice lamp!


Tiki-Toa posted on 07/06/2004

Where does one find those bottles? Sounds like one hell of a drink and also a great project to tackle.

makemake posted on 07/07/2004

Thanks everyone for the compliments-- its high praise indeed considering the quality work turned out by the posters.

Tiki-Toa, I’m not sure where you’re at, but my bottle came from Hi Time Wine Cellars in Costa Mesa, California, which is one of the best liquor stores around as far as I’m concerned. I’ve only shopped there in person, but it looks like you can order through there website. I’m 90% (not 100%) sure that this is the right item.

From now on, I’ll be sure to raise a toast to TC’ers everywhere whenever I light my Moai drinking lamp.

BTW, I should add a special thanks to Mr. Teitelbaum for his Pisco Sour recipe. It made it a lot easier to get through that whole bottle of Pisco. Whatever the flavor merits of Pisco are, there were a couple times, after 2 or 3 drinks, when I swear that bottle was talking to me.

Tiki-Toa posted on 07/07/2004

Thanks MakeMake, took a look and the bad part was that they do not show a picture of what they are selling. Was/is your bottle a 750ml? I may order it just as a whim, if it is not the right bottle maybe I can return it. Mahalo again.


Liqourama.net has this item and will ship.
around 24.00 plus shipping, same bottle.

foamy posted on 07/07/2004

I really like that lamp. The creativity of the folks on TC astounds me.

makemake posted on 07/10/2004

Tiki-Toa-- yes my bottle is a 750ml bottle. Everything included in the description on the Hi-Time site matches my bottle. (Hi Time carries lots of different "Piscos".)

FreakBear posted on 07/10/2004

Awesome lamp!!! Tastefully done. It totally looks store-bought. I have a feeling these may soon be out of stock at High-Time due to this thread;) Thanks for the link!

mattfink posted on 06/10/2005

What kind of drill bit did you use to drill the hole for the cord? Wanting to try a similar lamp, but worried about cracking the glass.


Gigantalope posted on 06/10/2005

Well done...classy job, thanks for sharing.

flacookz posted on 06/10/2005

swwwwweeet ... now I have to try it too.

Tikiwahine posted on 06/10/2005

woah, great lamp!
My only consolation for missing this thread is that I was in Hawaii at the time.
I think it's time to crack my pisco bottle!

Thanatos posted on 06/10/2005

See what you did, now I got to go to the liquor store.. Looks great

hewey posted on 06/11/2005

Awesome lamp man. I wanna go raid the grog stores right now and start drinking. Actually, that might not be your lamp speaking, but my alcoholic tendencies...

Very cool

TikiJosh posted on 09/09/2005

HA! I made one of these, earlier this year. I found one of those bottles at Hi Time and just couldn't resist. I was going to buy some good rum, but just had to get the moai bottle.
I made a lamp out of mine, too, but didn't paint it. That's a really good idea.
I've noticed a few people on TC have used sand or gravel to weigh down lamps made out of bottles, since they tend to be top heavy.
Has anyone out there tried using something like stone slabs or something to create a wider base?
After I made my lamp, I saw a lamp at House of Tiki in Newport Beach made out of a Pisco bottle, too, but the fellow that made that one had used some kind of fake lava rock to make a fairly cool base. It had that resin feel like black CocoJoe's stuff does. Does anyone know about that, or how to make stuff like that?

Moondance posted on 09/10/2005

Great Job MM! I need to make one.
Your link doesn't work for that bottle. Do you know the brand of liquor

TikiJosh posted on 09/10/2005

It's called Pisco Capel. I think you can get it from Hi Time at this link http://www.hitimewine.net/istar.asp?a=6&id=162500&csurl=/iStar.asp?a%3D29
I'm not 100% sure that it's the right one since there's no picture, but it was about a $30 bottle. If the link goes bad, just check http://www.hitimewine.net and search for "pisco"

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Fez Ape posted on 09/10/2005

I actually just called them yesterday looking for it and was told that they are out of it.

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TikiGoddess posted on 01/16/2009

Can anyone tell me how to drill a hole in a glass bottle without cracking it? What kind of drill bit do I need? Thanks for any advice in advance, I want to make a rum bottle lamp.

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