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Tiki Central / General Tiki

Attn: SF Bay Area Folks!!!

Pages: 1 4 replies

mrsmiley posted on 10/05/2002

Howdy, Mr Smiley will be selling some of his stuff this SUnday October 6 at the Alameda Point collectibles sale in Alameda. I will be in space N30 near the back. Come visit, say hi. FREE AUTOGRAPHS!!

mrsmiley posted on 10/05/2002

For more information about the Alameda Point sale go to http://www.antiquesbybay.com/ and check it out. It is held the first Sunday of every month.
The holidays are coming up, go out and buy something for someone! Thanks for your time.

bigbadtikidaddy posted on 10/05/2002

Senor Smiley-
I do believe our paths may cross on Sunday.
see ya out there!

PolynesianPop posted on 10/05/2002

I won't be able to make it to your sale on Sunday but if I'm lucky, maybe I'll be able to buy something during my Bay Area visit. Hopefully, the "cool" stuff will still be there....

bigbadtikidaddy posted on 10/06/2002

I cant make it after all.
I spent WAY too much at another citywide garage sale yesterday.
I'm poor, but happy!
Good luck!

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