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eBay: tiki tiki shinjuku skull mug for sale by tikifish plus tiki bob!

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tikifish posted on 11/29/2004

Hey cool cats, I have 2 tiki mug auctions up right now... have a look!


Learn important tips on the care and feeding of your tiki bob....


Ultra rare skull mug from Japan - click if you dare! Scary!

Unga Bunga posted on 11/29/2004

This is why I love you!
Until now, I have never read an entertaining Ebay auction. I hope you make a lot of
X-mas money and that Tiki Bob will find a good home.
I see kohalacharms already has his fangs in it.
Thanks for the laugh,

bigbrotiki posted on 11/29/2004

Fishy, you outdid yourself, I think I am gonna print this out. And I'm gonna recommend to Otto to reprint this in the next Tiki News...reminds me of my "MUGS- Humor for Headhunters" last page photos I used to do for Tiki news (only it's better!)

Jeff Central posted on 12/01/2004

I agree with Bigbro those pictures are hilarious as are the captions. Good luck with the auction!

KuKuAhu posted on 12/02/2004

I've never refered people to an Ebay auction just for the laugh factor until now.

Good stuff.

I'd like high res copies of those photos to frame in my bar if you could arrange it, Madame Fish.


Ku Ku

martiki posted on 12/02/2004

Fish- I always thought Bob was your long sought after holy grail mug! I guess you finally got one (or two perhaps!). Congrats and good luck with the auction.

badmojo posted on 12/02/2004

On 2004-12-01 17:02, martiki wrote:
I guess you finally got one (or two perhaps!).

Would you believe 8?

tikifish posted on 12/03/2004

Seven, thanks to the care and handling of UPS.

KuKuAhu posted on 12/03/2004

Eight? What's the story here kids?


bigbrotiki posted on 12/03/2004

By the way, that skull mug is one of the weirdest of it's kind, I realy like it. I bet the Japanese could design some pretty strange mugs themselves nowadays. I am actually surprised that they haven't yet, they way they jump on things Tiki now, and having their pottery industry and Tiki mug history.

A couple of months ago I got a skull mug that, albeit more simple, is probably equally as rare by it's place of origin:
The Havana Trader Vic's, now the Polynesio.

tikifish posted on 12/05/2004

I got the 8 mugs on Ebay - paid and arm and a leg for them, but I figured if I sold some I could help subsidize the ones I wanted to keep. Unfortunately one got broke in shipping. There may be no sadder sight on earth than a broken Bob!

bigbadtikidaddy posted on 12/08/2004

Jane-baby, you never fail to amaze!
You are just so damn clever, a virtual marketing maestro!
The Tiki Bob auction is friggin priceless!
I am now & will always be one of your biggest fans & supporters. (ok, more moral than financial support, but Daddy loves ya!)
Cheers baby!

PS- please give ALexis a big shmoopy hug for me!

tikifish posted on 12/08/2004

I will definitley give her a schmoopy (and sloppy) hug for you - I am seeing the inimitable Crystal Chandelier tomorrow for a boozy holiday lunch. Nice to see you back, BBTD!

Feelin Zombified posted on 12/09/2004


Mrs. Zombified was trying to get me the TikiBob for Xmas, but she went to bed early and didn't "guard" her high bid status. Looks like I'll have to return her Lord of the Rings box set. heh heh...


Helz posted on 12/11/2004

I second Ku Ku's request for high res copies of the pictures of Bob. They are pure genius.

traderfranks posted on 12/12/2004

There's only one way for her to make it up to you; bid on this


On 2004-12-09 09:14, Feelin' Zombified wrote:

Mrs. Zombified was trying to get me the TikiBob for Xmas, but she went to bed early and didn't "guard" her high bid status. Looks like I'll have to return her Lord of the Rings box set. heh heh...


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