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Tiki Central / General Tiki

Tiki in Madrid, Spain ?

Pages: 1 3 replies

seamus posted on 12/03/2004

A few months ago I recieved an Email from the manager of a Tony Romas in Madrid inquiring about ordering some large Moais from me. Due to some unfortunate circumstances, I was never able to contact him, and have since lost the Email.

Does anyone know anything about a Tony Romas in Madrid that is doing, or wanting to do anything TIKI ?

Before the jokes start, the Tikis were for the lounge. I don't think they were converting to Tiki Romas.


[ Edited by: seamus on 2004-12-03 11:21 ]

mrtikibar posted on 12/03/2004

Looks like there are eleven Tony Roma's in Madrid. Who'd a thunk it?
You probably have checked this site but I thought it was worth passing on.

seamus posted on 12/04/2004

Actually,, I did not check that site and now I feel really stupid. Eleven. Hmmm.

Zeta posted on 03/19/2009

I think I know where those tikis are... I am pretty sure they were not for Tony Roma's but for a different restaurant with the same owner...

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