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NEW tiki bar needs DJ - Calling all DJ'S!!!!

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Tipsy McStagger posted on 01/11/2005

Awhile ago I mentioned the opening of the Canoe Club tropical bar/restaurant at the end of this month in an earlier thread. The owner is looking for someone who would like to spin exotica/lounge one night a week or one night a month depending on you. the place is in orland park which is no short journey from chicago. I was asked to do it as I used to dj at rock-a-tiki friday nights but the distance to O.P. is way too far and my schedule too full of other prodjects. tikibars, if you are reading this, He still wants to know if you want to do a monthly thing there or spin regularly. call him a.s.a.p. - again, it's probably a travel issue for you too. I have no idea what, if any tiki folk live out that way but anyone interested in doing this please p.m. me and i will pass the info on. lake tiki, if you are reading this he is really interested in your tikis and wants to talk to you - i'll call you later tonight with his number so you can get on this a.s.a.p. -hope ya sell a bunch!

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