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My mom is selling her Tiki Tiki Mug!

Pages: 1 3 replies

tikifish posted on 02/18/2005


My mom has decided to part with their TIki TIki Shinjuku mug - she decided she likes her Shecky and Fu Man Chu and Moai better, and only has room for so many on top of her fridge. I just heard from my brother that Tiki Tiki has ended their mug promotion so there will be no more of these mugs available for an indeifinite period, at least a year! I have none left either. This is the last one!

Unga Bunga posted on 02/18/2005

You're Mom has it all wrong.
Please explain to her that she does not like her Shecky mug any more and that she should sell it to Unga Bunga.
Ya, that's the ticket.

tiki410 posted on 02/18/2005

You forgot to put "she only drives it to church on Sunday". The pressure now is to bid high on this one . . . I love those mugs but have limited myself to a $20 budget on any mug unless I find it in the wild. Does "I got dibs!!!!" count?

tikifish posted on 02/18/2005

She only drives it around on Sundays!

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