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This one is mine !!! #4 of 7

Pages: 1 9 replies

McTiki posted on 04/04/2005

He's unique because he's bent. I liked him beacaues he looked so happy and full of Pep. Hence his name; "Pepe" I'm contemplating whether or not to stain him, or just seal.

Input ?

Benzart posted on 04/04/2005

McTiki, you're right, he really looks happy, nice job. I would just seal him up first and see how that looks You can always add stain later, but he has a nice 2-tone effect not that is very pleasing.

teaKEY posted on 04/04/2005

wow you got seven of those? Your best yet! it is almost like he or she is throwing it head back to laugh. pERFECT. I like how it narrows 2

McDougall posted on 04/04/2005

Love it, Nice work!

McDougall posted on 04/04/2005

I'm with Benzart, seal him up.

Aaron's Akua posted on 04/04/2005

Seal it! Stain would only detract from the contrasting colors.

Sam Gambino posted on 04/04/2005

Seal that baby up and give him a few brothers.... It'll be great to see more. Nice work!


[ Edited by: Sam Gambino on 2005-04-03 21:41 ]

McTiki posted on 04/04/2005

Seal it is! Thanks all for the props! We started a pine log lastnight. This will be different as it is a little harder to cut. We also placed the main beams on our tahitian roof style bar. Pics will start coming soon. I wanted to get the hard stuff done before the temperatures soar upwards.

teaKEY posted on 04/05/2005

Your in a totally different reality. Can't wait until the temp. soars to a temp. that I can go outside to actually start working.

McTiki posted on 04/05/2005

Sorry about that TeaKey. Just my reality and yes, we live in zone 10! Having lived in Denver for 6 yrs before landing ashore here in the outback of the US, I know what your saying What a mess my basement would be if I carved then... Insane.

Sorry for making you feel more feverish. (not really sorry) but, feel free to post pics of your basement work as soon as possible!!! Happy stuff!

Most sincere Mahalos~!


Pages: 1 9 replies