Tiki Central / Tiki Carving
Help Sponsor our Kamapua'a Series
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Tiki Chris
Chongolio and I are wrapping up the finishing touches for Volume Two of our Kamapua’a series. There’s still available ad space for another couple of sponsors. If you own or work for a business or organization that might be interested in helping sponsor our series, drop us a line and we’ll get the information about submission guidelines and our very reasonable ad rates to you ASAP. Sponsoring our series could also be a great way for an independent artist to reach a broader audience. The deadline for submitting an ad for Volume Two is April 21. But don’t worry because full payment isn’t required until June 1. Here are a few good reasons to sponsor the series:
Aloha Island Grille
Email kamapuaa@lycos.com for more details. Mahalo, [ Edited by: Tiki Chris on 2005-04-08 18:36 ] |
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