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Phil Moore's "Polynesian Paradise"

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Kaiwaza posted on 08/01/2005

I suppose this could be filed under tiki marketplace as well, but....
Did any of you notice that a still-sealed copy of "Polynesian Paradise" by Phil Moore's Orchestra sold recently on ebay for over $300?? Holy biscuits and gravy!
It's a GREAT LP and my copy has a lot of bacon frying on it...but, as it's on Strand records, I wonder how good and clear it would be even unplayed?
Man, that sold for more than White Goddess LPs have been going for...unreal.

vegasvic posted on 08/01/2005

I saw that too -- crazy if you ask me. Looked like two guys in a bidding war. Equally crazy, I saw a NM copy of Baxter's Space Escapade go for $24.99 about a week ago. They usually run $100+. You gotta love eBay....

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