Tiki Central / General Tiki
Tiki Gardens Tiki Memorial Update
Pages: 1 5 replies
Tue, Jan 7, 2003 10:39 PM
Here's the latest news (as of 1/7/03) on the Tiki Gardens memorial project. Update time, this time with some actual progress to report.-we (Cy and Tami) drove over to cocoa yesterday and spent about 90 minutes with Wayne. Succinctly, he doesn't think we should do kahona. He says it's a badly stylized version of an easter island statue, is not remotely evocative of tiki while lono is truly exemplary of the culture, and he can't understand why we would even consider anyone but lono (or, as wayne refers to him, sponge bob). I vote we do lono. |
Wed, Jan 8, 2003 1:00 AM
So what if Kahona doesn't please Wayne. We're putting up a memorial to Tiki Gardens, not Easter Island and Kahona lived there. |
Trader Woody
Wed, Jan 8, 2003 6:30 AM
First off, that's great news that it's moving along nicely. For a while it seemed it was yet another brilliant, but ultimately doomed Tiki Central idea! Well done to all involved. I must say, though, that Wayne's views about Kahona seem a little odd. For a start, using stylised moai is a HUGE part of Tiki! You only need a quick glance at your mug collection to confirm this. How he can just dismiss Kahona as being a bad Easter Island copy beggars belief. His argument is hardly helped by putting the Tiki Gardens Lono forward, which itself is a very stylised take on original renderings of Lono. But hey, it's our money and our choice, right? There are those who'd love to see Lono going up and there are others who prefer Kahona. Both lived in Tiki Gardens and both have an equal right to be resurrected. The only way to choose which one is through the democratic process of voting. Bring on the poll! Trader Woody |
Wed, Jan 8, 2003 7:57 AM
I'm partial to Lono myself because he was the logo for so much Tiki Gardens memorabilia, but I think voting with a check would be a good solution. Maybe set a cutoff date in a weeks time, then publish the list of contributors on TC and how everyone voted to keep it honest. |
Wed, Jan 8, 2003 11:49 AM
Well - I for one gotta go with Kahona - I think he would look much better up there on display. I know Lono was on a lot of the merch - but I just think Kahona looks better.... |
Thu, Jan 9, 2003 7:33 PM
I've already stated my reasons for Kahona. When I talked to Wayne back when this all started, he seemed more than jazzed to do him. One could easily counter that Lono is just a stylised version of a New Zealand tiki, check it out, got look at your salt and pepper shakers, all you have to do is straighten the head out, same mouth, eyes, and nose. I recieved the papers Chris sent, and will get them out. I will, however, probably be occupied by more pressing matters. So my involvement in this effort will be minimal at best. If anyone wants my opinion on what I intended the memorial to be, I addressed that in the "Raise a tiki at tiki gardens" thread. |
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