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Disneyland Tikis

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Does anyone remember or know where to find the Tikis that used to be sold at the trading post right outside the jungle cruise?

Click here for some search results about Disneyland...

[ Edited by: filslash 2008-09-20 15:25 ]


I have been searching online for years (ebay, google...etc), and have never seen even one. There is plenty of info about attractions, tshirts, collectable pins, drink cups, art prints and just about every single thing you can imagine, but not the tiki statues that disneyland used to sell. I know them when I see them, I used to have about a dozen or so when I was a child. Unfortunately I used them in a sculpture that was later stolen from where it was being shown. Most of them had a semi-cheesy looking jewel in them. I have found just about every obscure thing you can imagine, but nobody ever has these tikis. Thanks for the help though, I guess I'll have to keep looking and hope I luck out.


I have 2 of the necklaces that used to come on a rawhide string to hang around your neck....The jeweled eyes are rinestones, and usually had different colors for the 6 to eight different designs. i think they are cast out of some form of plaster or ceramic. I remember the statues vaguely, and had seen them pop up on ebay once in a while. Very cool stuff indeed. Almost like the "holy tiki grail" of Disneyland merchandise.


Well I'm glad someone still has some, a few of them also had jewels in their foreheads. They had approximately 5-6 of the necklace versions, and 5-6 of the tabletop type. Pretty cool indeed. I will forever regret the day when mine were stolen. I wonder why they are so hard to find. They weren't expensive, and they must have made a crapload of them. If I ever find them, I think I will make a mold for them so I can make replacements. If anyone sees them for sale somewhere and they aren't going to purchase them, I would appreciate a heads up. I sure hope they aren't holy tiki grail status, or I might have a long search still ahead. Thanks for the feedback.

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