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Tiki Central / General Tiki

I've paid my pledge to the Tiki Gardens Memorial. Have you?

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Okay people,

If you pledged to donate to the Tiki Gardens Memorial Fund, now is the time for you to pay up!

Otto Von Stroheim of the Tiki News is accepting Paypal payments, and there is a trust fund set up if you want to write personal checks.

The memorial project had about 1500 dollars pledged in another topic, but the actual collection process is off to a slow start.

Details on the Memorial are located in the topic listed above, and here:


Thanks for reading,


here is a chance for us to literally put our money where our mouths are!

i would imagine that every little bit helps - especially money that was pledged!


Hopefully - everyone will honor their pledges... A lot of people pledged, but it seems like the money isn't coming in as fast as the pledges! I know Cy has been working very hard on this with Otto, TikiGardener & others - but it won't happen if the money isn't there....

Hopefully everyone will step up to the plate!

I sent in a check, like in the olden dayz! So it might take a little while extra!

Can't wait to visit the memorial...

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