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Where can I find a log to carve a tiki on Long Island?

Pages: 1 2 replies

ripcurl3277 posted on 09/17/2007

Does anyone know where I could find a log to carve a tiki on Long Island NY? I am very interested in trying to carve my own tiki as I have been reading and looking at this forum for a few days and it looks like fun but we don't have mills on Long Island. Does anyone on here live on Long Island and know a way to get the wood? The lumber yards are telling me I need to find a mill which we dont have on Long Island thanks Joe

closettiki posted on 09/17/2007

hi....check ebay....try basswood...it light ..pretty easy to carve and it comes in some pretty good sizes..and fairly cheap to ship........buzzy turned me on to it

surfintiki posted on 09/17/2007

Duuuuude...ya got trees on Long Island, right? I started out with the same problem as you, I live on Cape Cod...it's worse here than there, believe me. Get a hold of landscapers, they deal with trees all the time, they'll gladly hook you up. Also every county has someone in charge of downed trees etc, a tree commisioner or warden or whatever they call it. These are your best bets for big logs (although you do have to be selective in the type of tree, and letting it dry out etc). I drove off cape looking for woods, but only found small pieces here and there. Been up to NH, VT, ...actually got my last couple of pieces from Maine. Friend of a friend has a TON of firewood, and lots of it is good birch.
Just keep networking, you'll find some stuff. The mills are supposed to be a great find, and I finally found a mill, but I'm still going my little stockpile.
Also do a search here on the forum, for where to find wood, you'll see some other good ideas.
Go go go

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