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Treasure Chest Aquarium Stands

Pages: 1 12 replies

Schelesia posted on 10/13/2008

I have noticed that since 2004 many of you are looking for the Treasure Chest Aquarium Stands that hold a 20 gallon tank. My husband makes them :)We have just posted our first website http://www.aquariumchest.com we are currently getting pictures around to place on the site but if someone wants us to email them pictures feel free to let me know.


Tipsy McStagger posted on 10/13/2008

that little table top version sounds managable...let me know via personnal message when those pics are up...i'd like to check that out....

MadDogMike posted on 10/14/2008

Schelesia, give this thread a bump when you have pictures posted, I'd like to see them.

Hakalugi posted on 10/14/2008

Schelesia, don't hold back. If you can email pictures then you can certainly post them here! Please show us what you got.

Schelesia posted on 10/14/2008

Thank you all for your responses, I am working on pictures this morning. The only tank we have for pictures at this time is the one that is 20 years old in my living room, its the first one ever made, but it shows you how sturdy and how long they last at least.

My husband is currently finishing another 20 gallon chest for a friend of ours and when finished I'll post pics of that as well, hopefully this afternoon he has one more coat of stain before she's ready. Had a fire not too long ago and lost all the pics of the 7 other tanks my husband has built so pics are limited to what he is making in the future.

I do have a pic of the table top tank though and will upload that to my website today as well. I will post when I have them up so you can all take a look at them and give me feedback.

Schelesia posted on 10/14/2008

I have updated my website with all the pictures that I have as well as dimensions and other information. Thank you all again for your posts, my husband is permanently disabled and partially paralyzed due to a terrible accident at work. The things we make with our hands is all he has anymore to keep him going. Your interest has peaked his drive to work harder on them so again I thank you all.

Here is a picture of the first tank built 20 years ago, it is in my living room and I treasure it like an heirloom. Enjoy and let me know what you all think :)

This is the 20 gallon in my living room

This is the 10 gallon table top chest, only one ever made and its the only pic I have.

Polynesiac posted on 10/15/2008

that tank is AWESOME! If your husband ever tires of making fish tanks, he should consider making furniture in the same vein. He does very nice work!

Schelesia posted on 10/15/2008

Polynesiac, You made my husband Ken's day with your post, he has a drive now I have not seen since the injury at work! :) Thank you so much, he is working hard to finish the tank he is currently working on and now has drawn several ideas for new designs on his treasure chest tank stands.

Tipsy McStagger posted on 10/15/2008

thanks for the pics..that smaller one is really cool ....i have a request: would you be able to make the opening in the front look more like a hole in the side of the chest as if it were falling apart in a shipwreck on the ocean floor and you could look in and see the fish?? kinda like lake surfer's rendition of the wreck bar bar top in his tiki room....of course the opening would be big enough to view the fish and maybe a few smaller holes/openings on the side.....i just like the idea of the thing looking like a giant oversized aquarium novelty you would buy to make bubbles in a fish tank......then i would load the bottom with some gravel and fake gold doubloon coins and fish.....or use the tank for some hermit crabs, leaving the coins and some sand in there for them to wlak around on...maybe even a fake life-size skeleton hand/forearm or skull in there too!!!

..anyway, that's what I envision for a tank i would like to have on my bar top in the tiki room.....is this possible and how much???....i hope my description makes sense...

your prices are great!! does that include the tank as well as the chest?...or is the tank sold separtely and the chest just slides over it....?

thanks again!!

"the wheels of karma grind slow....but they grind fine !!"

[ Edited by: Tipsy McStagger 2008-10-15 05:08 ]

Schelesia posted on 10/15/2008

Tipsy McStagger,
Your description sounds wonderful, my husband says he thinks its do-able so if you can point me to lake surfers tiki room we can see what your describing and give you a definite yes or no or how close we can come to what you want.

Quoting "kinda like lake surfer's rendition of the wreck bar bar top in his tiki room...."

As for the tanks themselves, we do not ship them, they never make it in one piece, we recommend going to your local pet supply store and picking one up, our chests use standard size rectangle 10 gallon and 20 gallon tanks. If you have a tank we can custom fit the chest to your tank dimensions once you provide them to us, outside to ouside dimensions are required, length height and width. :)

Lake Surfer posted on 10/16/2008

Very creative work!

I think I get what Tipsy is asking for...

Sort of the "Forbidden Island" look where parts of the wood planks are rotted or torn away exposing the fish tank inside...

Picture this wall, but with a fish tank where the matting is...

A cool concept, and not too far off for the port hole window with rope border you already do on the sides of the chest.

Here's a rough Photoshop comp of what I think he means...

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2008-10-15 23:58 ]

Schelesia posted on 10/16/2008

Love It.

Yes it is doable, both on the 20 gallon and the 10 gallon table top. Although the table top would not be as detailed in rotted wood cuttig as it is much smaller.

The 20 gallon done like this and stained with a greyish blackish stain to give it rotted wood look is going to be incredible looking. We can even do the side port holes the same way. And use a tarnished looking handle and soak the rope in die to give it an ocean rotted look as well.

I'll work on the drawings with Ken and see what we come up with and get back to you and Tipsy McStagger on this.

Tipsy McStagger posted on 10/16/2008

thanks lake!!

yeah, that's pretty closed to what i had in mind......with the exception that i would not make the shape as jagged looking for safetys sake and for consrtuctions sake....if the wood is too thin and pointy it may break off or poke someone if they brush by it......i would think that if you just cut the various wood strips on the side at various lengths and slight angles you can achieve the same effect...i wish i could photo shop!!.....anyway, the idea is to create an opening that maximizes viewing of the chests contents without minimizing the structure to where it is too weak......if the wood strips looked as if parts planks were missing,i think it would achieve the right look as well without having to be too jagged...

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